
时间:2021-11-22 06:59:11

Is there a way to start off showing a dialog modally, but then instead of hiding it, to keep it visible while changing it to a non-modal dialog?


I want to show a dialog, blocking the method that shows the dialog. Then when the user clicks the 'Finish' button on the dialog I want:


  • The dialog to remain visible.
  • 该对话框保持可见。

  • Control to return to the method that showed the dialog.
  • 控制返回显示对话框的方法。

I've achieved this result by running the dialog on a separate STA thread, and using an event to block the main UI thread until 'Finish' is pressed, but there's a catch to this method: you can click on the close button of the 'main' window while the dialog is visible, and the main window closes when the dialog is hidden.



Thanks for the responses so far. Sorry - it looks like I got the balance wrong between too much background and not enough.

感谢到目前为止的回复。对不起 - 看起来我在太多的背景和不够之间得到了平衡。

The form is effectively a modal 'wizard' dialog - it appears, sits in front of the main app modally, and then is hidden. So as far as the user's concerned there's no non-standard weirdness going on. The only difference is that the dialog is driven from a series of callbacks from the UI thread, so I don't think making it truly modal (via a call to ShowDialog) for its lifetime would work. The first callback must show the dialog, and then block while the user sets their preferences via the dialog UI. After that, the dialog stays visible and displays a progress bar page while various other callbacks are made from the UI thread. Eventually the form is hidden. The user isn't interacting with the main window while the form is up. As far as they're concerned, it should appear to be 100% modal wrt the main UI thread.

该表单实际上是一个模态“向导”对话框 - 它出现,模态地位于主应用程序的前面,然后被隐藏。因此,就用户而言,没有非标准的怪异。唯一的区别是对话框是由来自UI线程的一系列回调驱动的,所以我认为它的真实模态(通过调用ShowDialog)的生命周期是可行的。第一个回调必须显示对话框,然后在用户通过对话框UI设置其首选项时阻止。之后,对话框保持可见并显示进度条页面,同时从UI线程进行各种其他回调。最终表格被隐藏了。表单启动时,用户不与主窗口交互。就他们而言,它似乎应该是主UI线程的100%模态。

(The form is a dialog for a Visual Studio wizard - these are driven from a series of callbacks on the UI thread). An alternative would be to show the dialog, hide it, immediately show a topmost 'progress' form instead and then hide that, but I think showing a single dialog is more seamless an experience for the user.

(该表单是Visual Studio向导的对话框 - 这些是由UI线程上的一系列回调驱动的)。另一种方法是显示对话框,隐藏它,立即显示最顶层的“进度”表单,然后隐藏它,但我认为显示单个对话框对用户来说是更加无缝的体验。

Again - sorry for the confusion!

再次 - 抱歉混乱!

6 个解决方案


Perhaps you want to rethink your interaction model? How are you going to explain this to your users? They have an internalized model of how computer programs work, and you better have a very good reason to break that. They know about modal dialogs, they know about non-modal dialogs, they know about inspectors. Choose one, and apply it.


Modal dialogs are made for short-time interaction. They should not block exiting the application. The user is in control of the interaction, the program only provides the minimum of restrictions needed.


[after the explanation, replaced] What's wrong with showing the progress bar in the modal dialog? Start processing once ok is clicked, disabling all buttons, only keeping the cancel button active? If it takes a long time, the user might want to abort the action. Only close the dialog when you're finished processing.



You could use a modeless dialog then have your main UI check if the user has clicked the Finished button. If the modeless dialog is open but Finished hasn't been clicked then don't respond to any users actions in the main form...



This is just a terrible idea - it's completely non-standard behavior and you're going to jump through all kinds of hoops to get something working that is just going to horribly confuse your users.

这只是一个糟糕的想法 - 它完全是非标准的行为,你会跳过各种各样的箍来获得一些工作,这会让你的用户感到非常困惑。


Like most of the other answers here stated, you're implement non-standard UI elements that will be confusing to most users.


If the dialog remains visible just to provide read-only access to the data, then why not have dialog window close normally and open a side-bar window in your application with the data from the dialog window?


If the dialog remains visible to allow the users to continue making updates in it, then perhaps, it shouldn't be modal to begin with.


Point is, there's a couple different ways you can accomplish your task without breaking standard UI metaphors.



I'd make it a flyout from the side or bottom of your app that shoves other things out of the way. If it's on top of other stuff that the user might need to see or interact with then it's just gonna annoy them.



I found that showing an an invisible modal dialog on the main UI thread during the blocking stage of the interaction works great.


Hidden modal dialog settings (so it's not visible): ShowInTaskBar=false, FormBorderStyle=None, size={0,0}, Opacity=0%, StartupPosition=CenterParent.

隐藏的模态对话框设置(因此它不可见):ShowInTaskBar = false,FormBorderStyle = None,size = {0,0},Opacity = 0%,StartupPosition = CenterParent。

The hidden dialog is shown on the UI thread using ShowDialog. The visible dialog is shown on a separate STA thread. The thread is kicked off before calling hiddenDialog.ShowDialog on the main UI thread.


The visible dialog hides hiddenDialog when it wants the initial blocking state to complete. This stops the main UI thread from blocking.


The important bits of code:


void LaunchWizardForm(s)
  // Show the wizard on its own thread.
  ThreadStart t = () =>
    _wizard = new WizardForm(s);
    Application.Run(new ApplicationContext(_wizard));
  var thread = new Thread(t);

  // Block this (main UI) thread

void EndModalEpisode()
    _hiddenForm.Invoke((Action) (() => _hiddenForm.Hide()));


Perhaps you want to rethink your interaction model? How are you going to explain this to your users? They have an internalized model of how computer programs work, and you better have a very good reason to break that. They know about modal dialogs, they know about non-modal dialogs, they know about inspectors. Choose one, and apply it.


Modal dialogs are made for short-time interaction. They should not block exiting the application. The user is in control of the interaction, the program only provides the minimum of restrictions needed.


[after the explanation, replaced] What's wrong with showing the progress bar in the modal dialog? Start processing once ok is clicked, disabling all buttons, only keeping the cancel button active? If it takes a long time, the user might want to abort the action. Only close the dialog when you're finished processing.



You could use a modeless dialog then have your main UI check if the user has clicked the Finished button. If the modeless dialog is open but Finished hasn't been clicked then don't respond to any users actions in the main form...



This is just a terrible idea - it's completely non-standard behavior and you're going to jump through all kinds of hoops to get something working that is just going to horribly confuse your users.

这只是一个糟糕的想法 - 它完全是非标准的行为,你会跳过各种各样的箍来获得一些工作,这会让你的用户感到非常困惑。


Like most of the other answers here stated, you're implement non-standard UI elements that will be confusing to most users.


If the dialog remains visible just to provide read-only access to the data, then why not have dialog window close normally and open a side-bar window in your application with the data from the dialog window?


If the dialog remains visible to allow the users to continue making updates in it, then perhaps, it shouldn't be modal to begin with.


Point is, there's a couple different ways you can accomplish your task without breaking standard UI metaphors.



I'd make it a flyout from the side or bottom of your app that shoves other things out of the way. If it's on top of other stuff that the user might need to see or interact with then it's just gonna annoy them.



I found that showing an an invisible modal dialog on the main UI thread during the blocking stage of the interaction works great.


Hidden modal dialog settings (so it's not visible): ShowInTaskBar=false, FormBorderStyle=None, size={0,0}, Opacity=0%, StartupPosition=CenterParent.

隐藏的模态对话框设置(因此它不可见):ShowInTaskBar = false,FormBorderStyle = None,size = {0,0},Opacity = 0%,StartupPosition = CenterParent。

The hidden dialog is shown on the UI thread using ShowDialog. The visible dialog is shown on a separate STA thread. The thread is kicked off before calling hiddenDialog.ShowDialog on the main UI thread.


The visible dialog hides hiddenDialog when it wants the initial blocking state to complete. This stops the main UI thread from blocking.


The important bits of code:


void LaunchWizardForm(s)
  // Show the wizard on its own thread.
  ThreadStart t = () =>
    _wizard = new WizardForm(s);
    Application.Run(new ApplicationContext(_wizard));
  var thread = new Thread(t);

  // Block this (main UI) thread

void EndModalEpisode()
    _hiddenForm.Invoke((Action) (() => _hiddenForm.Hide()));