
时间:2022-01-27 19:35:32

I have a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn in a data grid view. I have attached a list as a data source . Now i need to fire an event based on the selected index of the combobox..How can I go aboout doing it ? Thanks in Advance


1 个解决方案



Given that the SelectedIndex property belongs to the editing control (which is only active when the DataGridView is in edit mode), you could attach an event handler to EditingControlShowing like so:


void dataGridView_EditingControlShowing(object sender, DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Control is ComboBox) {
        // remove handler first to avoid attaching twice
        ((ComboBox)e.Control).SelectedIndexChanged -= MyEventHandler;
        ((ComboBox)e.Control).SelectedIndexChanged += MyEventHandler;

Note that the actual type of the control is DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl, which extends ComboBox. You only need the functionality from the base class, plus it's less to type.




Given that the SelectedIndex property belongs to the editing control (which is only active when the DataGridView is in edit mode), you could attach an event handler to EditingControlShowing like so:


void dataGridView_EditingControlShowing(object sender, DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e) {
    if (e.Control is ComboBox) {
        // remove handler first to avoid attaching twice
        ((ComboBox)e.Control).SelectedIndexChanged -= MyEventHandler;
        ((ComboBox)e.Control).SelectedIndexChanged += MyEventHandler;

Note that the actual type of the control is DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl, which extends ComboBox. You only need the functionality from the base class, plus it's less to type.
