Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting a wide variety of digital TV standards, including but not limited to:
- DVB-S/S2
- DVB-T/T2
Repository Guidelines:
Official Tvheadend debian packages, including support for all current Ubuntu and Debian distributions.
4 components are available:
* release - for the latest official release
* stable - for nightly build of latest release branch (will pick up fixes quicker than release)
* unstable - for nightly build of master branch (don't use on production systems)
* obsolete - historic 3.4 build to keep older users happy
To use the repository:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://:80 --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
$ sudo apt-add-repository "
// COMPONENT is one of the above components
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tvheadend
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