Table of Contents
Process Engine Status(流程引擎状态)
Job Management(作业管理)
Activiti Probe is a web application that provides administration and monitoring capabilities to keep an Activiti Engine instance up and running. This is application is aimed at system administrators and operators whom are responsible for keeping systems and infrastructure up and running.
Activiti Probe是一个为Activiti Engine实例启动和运行提供管理和监控能力的Web应用程序。此程序目标锁定在那些负责保障系统和基础设施启动和运行的系统管理员和操作员。
Process Engine Status(流程引擎状态)
The start page provides an overview of the status of an Activiti Engine instance, including the Activiti version you are using.
Job Management(作业管理)
The jobs management page allows you to perform a number of job related tasks, including:
View List of Jobs & Job details
Confirm Job Status
- 确认作业状态
Retry failed jobs
Immediately send pending jobs for execution
View exception messages for failed jobs
When a job is executed, it is sent to an execution queue and run asynchronously, which means that the results of executing a job may not be visible in the data table immediately. Using the checkboxes on the right-hand end of each row, you are able to send multiple jobs for execution in the same request.
If a job has failed there will be the option to view the exception, or error message from the job - this appears in a popup box on the same page.
On the deployments management page you can see each deployment that has been made into the Activiti Engine and when it was made.
The management options for each deployment are to delete it ("Delete"), or to delete the deployment and all associated files, like processes and jobs ("Delete Cascade"). It is also possible to delete multiple deployments simultaneously by selecting more than one row in the data table.
每个部署的管理选项为:删除("Delete")或者级联删除("Delete Cascade")。级联删除能删除部署以及所有相关联的文件,比如流程和任务。通过在数据表中选择多行,也可能同时删除多个部署。
The data table can be sorted by Id, Name or Deployment Time.
可以对数据表按Id,名称(Name)或者部署时间(Deployment Time)排序。
The database view gives administration users a view on the raw data in the data base. To ensure the consistency of the data, it is read only and cannot be modified from this view - to update any of the records one of supplied public API methods should be used. The database view shows the following tables: