
时间:2025-03-17 06:56:32

在SCI论文中,引言(Introduction) 是引导读者理解研究背景、明确研究价值的关键部分。其核心目标是 建立逻辑链条:从领域背景→问题缺口→研究目标→解决方案→研究意义。以下是具体写作框架和注意事项:


1. 研究背景(Broad to Narrow)

  • 第一句:定义研究领域的普遍重要性
    ▸ "Cancer remains a leading cause of global mortality, accounting for 10 million deaths annually."
  • 逐步聚焦:从领域→子领域→具体问题
    ▸ 模板:

    [大领域重要性] → [细分方向的核心挑战] → [具体未解问题]

2. 研究现状与缺口(Critical Literature Review)

  • 综述前人工作:按时间/逻辑顺序,突出关键进展
    ▸ "Previous studies have established that X regulates Y (A et al., 2018), and Z enhances its activity (B et al., 2020)."
  • 指出现有不足:用 However/Although 引出缺口
    ▸ "However, the molecular mechanism underlying X-mediated Y degradation remains unclear."
    ▸ "Despite these advances, no study has systematically compared the efficacy of A and B under extreme conditions."

3. 研究目标与假设

  • 明确研究问题:直接回应前述缺口
    ▸ "This study aims to investigate whether X modulates Y via the Z pathway in human cells."
  • 提出假设(可选):理论依据清晰的领域可使用
    ▸ "We hypothesized that inhibiting X would rescue Y deficiency in this model."

4. 研究意义与论文结构

  • 强调贡献:理论/应用价值
    ▸ "Our findings provide the first evidence that..., offering a new strategy for..."
  • 简述论文结构(部分期刊要求)
    ▸ "The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes..., Section 3 analyzes..."


1. 逻辑连贯性
  • 避免信息堆砌:每一段需服务于“问题-缺口-目标”主线
    ▸ 错误:孤立列举文献,不解释与当前研究的关系
    ▸ 正确:指出文献如何铺垫了你的研究问题(例如:"While A et al. focused on X, the role of Y remains unexplored."
  • 使用连接词:Therefore, However, Importantly, Notably, In contrast...
2. 文献引用
  • 选择关键文献:引用近5年高影响力论文(至少占70%),兼顾奠基性研究
  • 批判性分析:避免简单罗列,需评价前人工作的局限性
    ▸ 错误:"Many studies have reported the effects of X (Ref1; Ref2; Ref3)."
    ▸ 改进:"While X is known to improve Y (Ref1), its chronic toxicity (Ref2) and low bioavailability (Ref3) limit clinical applications."
3. 语言与时态
  • 背景事实:现在时
    ▸ "Diabetes is associated with..."
  • 前人研究:过去时/现在完成时
    ▸ "Zhang et al. (2021) demonstrated..." / "Several models have been proposed..."
  • 研究目标:过去时(已完成的动作)或现在时(理论目标)
    ▸ 过去时:"This study aimed to..."
    ▸ 现在时:"Here, we propose a novel method to..."
4. 突出创新性
  • 明确对比:指出你的研究如何超越前人
    ▸ 直接:"Unlike previous approaches relying on X, our method integrates Y and Z..."
    ▸ 隐含:"To address this gap, we developed a high-throughput screening platform..."


错误类型 错误示例 修改建议
背景过于宽泛 "Cancer is a disease. Many people die from it." "Despite advances in targeted therapies, 5-year survival rates for metastatic lung cancer remain below 20% (Ref)."
文献综述不聚焦 "Many studies have looked at X, Y, and Z." "Prior work has established X as critical for Y (Ref1), but its interaction with Z under hypoxia is poorly understood (Ref2)."
夸大创新性 "Our study completely solves this problem." "Our data suggest a previously unrecognized role of X, which may contribute to resolving this issue."
忽略竞争性观点 只引用支持自己假说的文献 "While most studies support X (Ref1-3), recent evidence suggests Y may also play a role (Ref4)."



[背景] Solid-state batteries are regarded as the next-generation energy storage technology due to their high energy density and safety. [现状] Recent efforts have focused on developing sulfide-based electrolytes with ionic conductivities exceeding 10 mS cm⁻¹ (Ref1). [缺口] However, their chemical instability against lithium metal anodes leads to rapid capacity decay (Ref2). [目标] Here, we design a bilayer polymer-sulfide hybrid electrolyte to simultaneously achieve high conductivity and interfacial stability. [意义] This approach provides a scalable pathway for manufacturing durable solid-state batteries.


  1. 在4句话内完成“背景→现状→缺口→目标→意义”的闭环
  2. 数据量化增强说服力("10 mS cm⁻¹")
  3. 动词精准("design", "achieve", "provides")


  • 生命科学:侧重机制探索,常用“hypothesize”
  • 工程类:强调方法创新,常用“propose/develop”
  • 综述型期刊(如Nature Reviews系列):需更宏大的背景铺垫
  • 快报类期刊(如ACS Nano):引言更简洁(通常≤3段)


  1. 从目标期刊下载2-3篇最新论文,统计其Introduction的段落数、文献引用量、结构比例
  2. 使用学术写作工具(如Writefull, Grammarly)检查语言流畅度


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