
时间:2025-03-08 10:03:39

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ABB 机器人选项功能(红色为常用功能)

ABB System Options:选项功能

Industrial Networks 现场总线

709-1 DeviceNet Master/Slave 必备

888-2 PROFINET Device

997-1 PROFLsafe F-Device

969-1 PROFIBUS Controller

841-1 EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter

963-1 PROFIenergy

Anybus Adapters “AnyBus”适配现场总线

840-1 EtherNet/IP Anybus Adapter

840-2 PROFIBUS Anybus Device

840-3 PROFINET Anybus Device

840-4 DeviceNet Anybus Slave

Motion Performance 运动性能

687-1 Advanced Robot Motion 改善动力学性能激光切割必备

603-1 Absolute Accuracy 绝对精度激光切割必备

RobotWare Add-In

988-1 RW Add-In Prepared 自定义robotware 插件

Motion Coordination 运动协调

Multimove Options 一台控制器控制多台设备

604-1 MultiMove Coordinated 一台控制柜下多台机器人协同工作

604-2 MultiMove Independent 一台控制柜下多台机器人独立工作

Conveyor Control Options 输送带跟踪

606-1 Conveyor Tracking 机器人跟踪移动的工件,工件移动速度机器人同步补偿

606-2 Indexing Conveyor Control

Prepared for PickMaster 抓取类

642-2 PickMaster 5

642-1 PickMaster 3

Machine Synchronization 设备速度同步

607-1 Sensor Sync 通过传感器与外部设备一致

607-2 Analog Sync 通过模拟量与外部设备一致

Motion Events 运动事件

608-1 World Zones 工作区监控

Motion Functions 运动功能

610-1 Independent Axis 机器人或外部轴轴无限转

611-1 Path Recovery 路径恢复

612-1 Path Offset 路径偏移(根据输入信号修正路径)

885-1 SoftMove 软伺服

1180-1 Tool Control

Motion Supervision 运动监控

613-1 Collision Detection 碰撞检测

Communication 通讯类选项

614-1 FTP and NFS client “FTP”

616-1 PC Interface 常用于SOCKET 通讯

688-1 RobotStudio App Connect 微软系统平板控制机器人(可代替示教器)

617-1 FlexPendant Interface 示教器上开发图形界面

Engineering Tools

623-1 Multitasking 多任务

624-1 Continuous Application Platform

813-1 Optical Tracking

625-1 Discrete Application Platform

628-1 Sensor Interface 传感器接口

689-1 Externally Guided Motion (EGM) Robotware 6.新增功能外部引导运动(实时性高)

Tool Change Support

Auto acknowledge input

Safety Controller

996-1 Safety Module

1125-1 SafeMove Basic

1125-2 SafeMove Pro

735-7 Keyless Mode Switch, 3 modes

735-8 Keyless Mode Switch, 2 modes

Vision 视觉

1341-1/1520-1 Integrated Vision Interface 集成视觉接口

Servo Motor Control

630-1 Servo Tool Change

MultiMove processes

634-1 MultiProcess

Other Software Options

IRB7600 Special Gear

PickMaster MVL

976-1 T10 Jogging Device


ABB RobotWare Base Applications 基础功能类

Application Arc:633-4 Arc

Tracking and Searching 跟踪与寻位

660-1 Optical Tracking Arc 焊接跟踪

815-2 WeldGuide MultiPass 多层多道焊

657-1 SmarTac IO version 寻位功能

Application Cutting:951-1 RW Cutting

951-1 RW Cutting 切割工艺包

Laser Cutting 激光切割

General Cutting 普通切割

Application Spot:635-6 Spot Welding

Application Dispense:641-1 Dispense

Application Paint:Paint(待补充)