I installed XP Pro on my Windows box a couple of weeks ago. I’ve managed to de-uglify it but my main problem is that my machine, which ran perfectly quickly under Win2K, now crawls. It’s not the newest machine in the world (Athlon 1.4/768MB RAM) but it should be able to handle XP … I would have thought so anyway.
几周前,我在Windows机器上安装了XP Pro。 我设法消除了丑陋的感觉,但是我的主要问题是我的计算机在Win2K下运行得非常快,现在可以爬行了。 它不是世界上最新的机器(Athlon 1.4 / 768MB RAM ),但它应该能够处理XP……无论如何,我都会这么想。
Word hangs for a couple of seconds every few minutes, Eudora takes an age to process mail, I’m starting to thnk that I’m going to have to go back to Win2K just to get some work done. Any ideas on what might be up with the thing gratefully accepted …
Word每隔几分钟就会挂掉几秒钟,Eudora需要花一些时间来处理邮件,我开始想我必须回到Win2K才能完成一些工作。 关于事情可能发生什么的任何想法,我们深表感谢...