java把秒时长转换为分钟_java - 将秒值转换为小时分钟秒?

时间:2025-01-29 08:09:07

java - 将秒值转换为小时分钟秒?



String sequenceCaptureTime = "";

BigDecimal roundThreeCalc = new BigDecimal("0");

BigDecimal hours = new BigDecimal("0");

BigDecimal myremainder = new BigDecimal("0");

BigDecimal minutes = new BigDecimal("0");

BigDecimal seconds = new BigDecimal("0");

BigDecimal var3600 = new BigDecimal("3600");

BigDecimal var60 = new BigDecimal("60");


hours = ((var3600));

myremainder = ((var3600));

minutes = ((var60));

seconds = ((var60));

sequenceCaptureTime = () + () + ();

然后我将editText设置为sequnceCaptureTime String。但那没用。 它每次强制关闭应用程序。 我完全超出了我的深度,非常感谢任何帮助。 快乐的编码!


183 votes

是否有必要使用BigDecimal? 如果你没有,我会使用int或long for seconds,它会简化一些事情:

hours = totalSecs / 3600;

minutes = (totalSecs % 3600) / 60;

seconds = totalSecs % 60;

timeString = ("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);


Geobits answered 2019-04-10T11:36:36Z

53 votes


hours = (var3600, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);

myremainder = (var3600);

minutes = (var60, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);

seconds = (var60);


编辑:如果这不起作用,试试这个。 (我刚刚编写并测试过它)

public static int[] splitToComponentTimes(BigDecimal biggy)


long longVal = ();

int hours = (int) longVal / 3600;

int remainder = (int) longVal - hours * 3600;

int mins = remainder / 60;

remainder = remainder - mins * 60;

int secs = remainder;

int[] ints = {hours , mins , secs};

return ints;


Haphazard answered 2019-04-10T11:36:04Z

52 votes

(long),格式化“MM:SS”或“H:MM:SS”形式的已用时间。 它返回您要查找的String。 你可以在这里找到文档

Blackbelt answered 2019-04-10T11:37:01Z

24 votes


private String getDurationString(int seconds) {

int hours = seconds / 3600;

int minutes = (seconds % 3600) / 60;

seconds = seconds % 60;

return twoDigitString(hours) + " : " + twoDigitString(minutes) + " : " + twoDigitString(seconds);


private String twoDigitString(int number) {

if (number == 0) {

return "00";


if (number / 10 == 0) {

return "0" + number;


return (number);


Rahim answered 2019-04-10T11:37:27Z

20 votes

Java 8中真正有用的东西

import ;

private String ConvertSecondToHHMMSSString(int nSecondTime) {

return (nSecondTime).toString();


Epicurist answered 2019-04-10T11:37:52Z

13 votes


long seconds = (8);

Ajji answered 2019-04-10T11:38:19Z

10 votes

private String ConvertSecondToHHMMString(int secondtTime)


TimeZone tz = ("UTC");

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");


String time = (new Date(secondtTime*1000L));

return time;


SKULL answered 2019-04-10T11:38:37Z

7 votes


String secToTime(int sec) {

int seconds = sec % 60;

int minutes = sec / 60;

if (minutes >= 60) {

int hours = minutes / 60;

minutes %= 60;

if( hours >= 24) {

int days = hours / 24;

return ("%d days %02d:%02d:%02d", days,hours%24, minutes, seconds);


return ("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);


return ("00:%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds);


Test Results:

Result: 00:00:36 - 36

Result: 01:00:07 - 3607

Result: 6313 days 12:39:05 - 545488745

Shohan Ahmed Sijan answered 2019-04-10T11:39:10Z

3 votes


(("%02d:%02d:%02d",(SecondsCounter/3600), ((SecondsCounter % 3600)/60), (SecondsCounter % 60)));

Chathura answered 2019-04-10T11:39:35Z

2 votes


public static String getConvertedTime(double time){

double h,m,s,mil;

mil = time % 1000;

s = time/1000;

m = s/60;

h = m/60;

s = s % 60;

m = m % 60;

h = h % 24;

return ((int)h < 10 ? "0"+((int)h) : ((int)h))+":"+((int)m < 10 ? "0"+((int)m) : ((int)m))

+":"+((int)s < 10 ? "0"+((int)s) : ((int)s))

+":"+((int)mil > 100 ? ((int)mil) : (int)mil > 9 ? "0"+((int)mil) : "00"+((int)mil));


leokash answered 2019-04-10T11:40:02Z

2 votes


int tot_seconds = 5000;

int hours = tot_seconds / 3600;

int minutes = (tot_seconds % 3600) / 60;

int seconds = tot_seconds % 60;

String timeString = ("%02d Hour %02d Minutes %02d Seconds ", hours, minutes, seconds);



Nello answered 2019-04-10T11:40:36Z

2 votes



import ;

import ;

import ;

import ;


Scanner s = new Scanner();

("Seconds: ");

int secs = ();

GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(0,0,0,0,0,secs);

Date dNow = ();

SimpleDateFormat ft = new SimpleDateFormat("HH 'hours' mm 'minutes' ss 'seconds'");

("Your time: " + (dNow));

Connor Cowling answered 2019-04-10T11:41:11Z

1 votes


public String SEG2HOR( long lnValue) { //OK

String lcStr = "00:00:00";

String lcSign = (lnValue>=0 ? " " : "-");

lnValue = lnValue * (lnValue>=0 ? 1 : -1);

if (lnValue>0) {

long lnHor = (lnValue/3600);

long lnHor1 = (lnValue % 3600);

long lnMin = (lnHor1/60);

long lnSec = (lnHor1 % 60);

lcStr = lcSign + ( lnHor < 10 ? "0": "") + (lnHor) +":"+

( lnMin < 10 ? "0": "") + (lnMin) +":"+

( lnSec < 10 ? "0": "") + (lnSec) ;


return lcStr;


cesin answered 2019-04-10T11:41:31Z

1 votes

我知道这很老了但是在java 8中:


Causteau answered 2019-04-10T11:41:57Z

1 votes


("%02d:%02d", (seconds / 3600 * 60 + ((seconds % 3600) / 60)), (seconds % 60))

Asthme answered 2019-04-10T11:42:23Z

0 votes


String convertSeconds(int seconds)

int h = seconds/ 3600;

int m = (seconds % 3600) / 60;

int s = seconds % 60;

String sh = (h > 0 ? (h) + " " + "h" : "");

String sm = (m < 10 && m > 0 && h > 0 ? "0" : "") + (m > 0 ? (h > 0 && s == 0 ? (m) : (m) + " " + "min") : "");

String ss = (s == 0 && (h > 0 || m > 0) ? "" : (s < 10 && (h > 0 || m > 0) ? "0" : "") + (s) + " " + "sec");

return sh + (h > 0 ? " " : "") + sm + (m > 0 ? " " : "") + ss;


int seconds = 3661;

String duration = convertSeconds(seconds);

这是很多条件运算符。 该方法将返回这些字符串:

0 -> 0 sec

5 -> 5 sec

60 -> 1 min

65 -> 1 min 05 sec

3600 -> 1 h

3601 -> 1 h 01 sec

3660 -> 1 h 01

3661 -> 1 h 01 min 01 sec

108000 -> 30 h

Nicolas answered 2019-04-10T11:43:05Z

0 votes

我在python中使用它将表示秒的浮点数转换为小时,分钟,秒和微秒。 它相当优雅,通过strptime转换为日期时间类型很方便。 如果需要,它也可以很容易地扩展到更长的间隔(数周,数月等)。

def sectohmsus(seconds):

x = seconds

hmsus = []

for i in [3600, 60, 1]: # seconds in a hour, minute, and second

(int(x / i))

x %= i

(int(round(x * 1000000))) # microseconds

return hmsus # hours, minutes, seconds, microsecond

rtphokie answered 2019-04-10T11:43:43Z

0 votes


import ;


public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner input = new Scanner();

double s;

("how many second you have ");

s =();

double h=s/3600;

int h2=(int)h;

double h_h2=h-h2;

double m=h_h2*60;

int m1=(int)m;

double m_m1=m-m1;

double m_m1s=m_m1*60;

(h2+" hours:"+m1+" Minutes:"+(m_m1s)+" seconds");




Abdihakiim yusuf Adan answered 2019-04-10T11:44:40Z