[C#] 字段(field),属性(property) 以及 get 和 set

时间:2025-01-25 08:13:52

从C# 3.0 开始,支持自动实现的属性(Auto-Implemented Properties).


class OtherClass
    private string myString = "ohohoh"; // 私有字段
    public string MYssfsdfSTRING  // 属性。 随便编的一个名称ok,对属性名称并没有要求
            myString = value;  // 这里value 和 set,get 一样,同为上下文关键字,不能改成别的名称。
            return myString;
// 测试class里的Main函数
static void Main() {
    OtherClass obj = new OtherClass();
     = "123123123123123";  // set 
    (); // get

上面的getset可以省略其一,属性就对应变为只写或只读, C#里的Main函数,不同于C/C++/Java, 首字母是大写的。


public class Student
    public string StudentNumber { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public string JobTitle { get; set; }

关于 getset 的正确和错误的写法:

// 错误
public string Name
    get { return str; }
//The compilier creates a private, anonymous backing field that can only be //accessed through the property's get and set accessors.
//What you original code seems to be doing is get on a field you defined but a //set on the anonymous backing field. Therefore build error ...

// 错误
public string Name
    get { return str; }

// 正确
public string Name
    get { return str; }
    set { str = value; }


// 错误
public string Name
// 错误
public string Name

Stack Overflow对属性和字段区别极为精简的答案:

Properties expose fields. Fields should (almost always) be kept private to a class and accessed via get and set properties. Properties provide a level of abstraction allowing you to change the fields while not affecting the external way they are accessed by the things that use your class.

public class MyClass
    // 这就是 field.  It is private to your class and stores the actual data.
    private string _myField;

    // 这就是 property. When accessed it uses the underlying field,
    // but only exposes the contract, which will not be affected by the underlying field
    public string MyProperty
            return _myField;
            _myField = value;

    // 这是 AutoProperty (C# 3.0 或更高 ) - which is a shorthand syntax
    // used to generate a private field for you
    public int AnotherProperty{get; set;} 

[1] /questions/14922286/c-sharp-get-set-properties
[2] /questions/8773181/c-sharp-field-vs-property
[3] /questions/295104/what-is-the-difference-between-a-field-and-a-property
[4] /questions/653536/difference-between-property-and-field-in-c-sharp-3-0