react 中渲染html_如何在React中渲染HTML

时间:2025-01-22 14:35:24

react 中渲染html

I had this problem - I needed to add an HTML string in a React application, coming from a WYSIWYG editor, but simply adding {myString} to the JSX was escaping the HTML.. so the HTML tags were displayed to the user!


How did I solve it? I saw 2 solutions, basically. The first native, the second required a library.

我该如何解决? 我基本上看到了2个解决方案。 第一个本机,第二个本机需要一个库。

第一个解决方案: dangerouslySetInnerHTML使用dangerouslySetInnerHTML (First solution: use dangerouslySetInnerHTML)

You can use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute on an HTML element to add an HTML string inside its content:



Remember that it’s called dangerously for a reason. HTML is not escaped at all in this case, and it might cause XSS issues.

请记住,它被称为危险是有原因的。 在这种情况下,HTML根本不会转义,这可能会导致XSS问题。

But there are good use cases for this.


第二种解决方案:使用第三方库 (Second solution: use a 3rd party library)

There are many libraries that implement the functionality that dangerouslySetInnerHTML provides, in a simpler way.


One of them is the react-html-parser library.


See the library on GitHub: /wrakky/react-html-parser

参见GitHub上的库: https : ///wrakky/react-html-parser

Warning: at the time of writing, it’s not been updated in the last 2 years, so things might break in the future. It worked for me.

警告:在撰写本文时,它在过去两年中尚未更新,因此将来可能会中断。 它为我工作。

使用哪一个? (Which one to use?)

You can look for other similar libraries, but in the end I chose to use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML way.


This dangerously-looking name was a built-in reminder to pay attention at correctly whitelisting the HTML tags I allowed the user to enter to that HTML string.


翻译自: /how-to-render-html-react/

react 中渲染html