
时间:2025-01-17 19:01:07


  vtkMatrix4x4类是一个用来表示和操作4阶矩阵的类。具体地说,它被设计用于使用4x4变换矩阵表示进行三维渲染时的齐次坐标[x y z w]。多数情况下采用列向量格式的16个double数组。



double Element[4][4];


void Zero(){
static void Zero(double elements[16]);

[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} 0000000000000000

void Identity(){
static void Identity(double elements[16]);
bool IsIdentity();

[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ] \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} 1000010000100001

static void Invert(const vtkMatrix4x4* in, vtkMatrix4x4* out){
	vtkMatrix4x4::Invert(*in->Element, *out->Element);
void Invert() { vtkMatrix4x4::Invert(this, this); }
static void Invert(const double inElements[16], double outElements[16]);


// Matrix Inversion (adapted from Richard Carling in "Graphics Gems,"
// Academic Press, 1990).
void vtkMatrix4x4::Invert(const double inElements[16], double outElements[16]) {
  // inverse( original_matrix, inverse_matrix )
  // calculate the inverse of a 4x4 matrix
  //     -1
  //     A  = ___1__ adjoint A
  //         det A
  // calculate the 4x4 determinent
  // if the determinent is zero,
  // then the inverse matrix is not unique.

  double det = vtkMatrix4x4::Determinant(inElements);
  if (det == 0.0)  {
  // calculate the adjoint matrix
  vtkMatrix4x4::Adjoint(inElements, outElements);

  // scale the adjoint matrix to get the inverse
  for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)  {
    outElements[i] /= det;


static void Transpose(const vtkMatrix4x4* in, vtkMatrix4x4* out){
	vtkMatrix4x4::Transpose(*in->Element, *out->Element);
void Transpose() { vtkMatrix4x4::Transpose(this, this); }
static void Transpose(const double inElements[16], double outElements[16]);


void MultiplyPoint(const float in[4], float out[4]){
	vtkMatrix4x4::MultiplyPoint(*this->Element, in, out);
void MultiplyPoint(const double in[4], double out[4]){
	vtkMatrix4x4::MultiplyPoint(*this->Element, in, out);
static void MultiplyPoint(const double elements[16], const float in[4], float out[4]);
static void MultiplyPoint(const double elements[16], const double in[4], double out[4]);  
float* MultiplyPoint(const float in[4]) VTK_SIZEHINT(4) { return this->MultiplyFloatPoint(in); }
double* MultiplyPoint(const double in[4]) VTK_SIZEHINT(4){
	return this->MultiplyDoublePoint(in);
float* MultiplyFloatPoint(const float in[4]) VTK_SIZEHINT(4){
	this->MultiplyPoint(in, this->FloatPoint);
	return this->FloatPoint;
double* MultiplyDoublePoint(const double in[4]) VTK_SIZEHINT(4){
this->MultiplyPoint(in, this->DoublePoint);
return this->DoublePoint;


static void Multiply4x4(const vtkMatrix4x4* a, const vtkMatrix4x4* b, vtkMatrix4x4* c);
static void Multiply4x4(const double a[16], const double b[16], double c[16]);
static void Multiply4x4(const double a[16], const double b[16], float c[16]);
static void MultiplyAndTranspose4x4(const double a[16], const double b[16], float c[16]);


void Adjoint(const vtkMatrix4x4* in, vtkMatrix4x4* out){
	vtkMatrix4x4::Adjoint(*in->Element, *out->Element);
static void Adjoint(const double inElements[16], double outElements[16]);


double Determinant() { return vtkMatrix4x4::Determinant(*this->Element); }
static double Determinant(const double elements[16]);


void SetElement(int i, int j, double value);  
double GetElement(int i, int j) const { return this->Element[i][j]; }  
double* GetData() { return *this->Element; }  
const double* GetData() const { return *this->Element; }


1. File Reference