I can blend two textures with different blending modes in the fragment shader when both the textures covers the same rectangles. But now my problem is, one texture is a plain rectangle with no rotation and the other texture is another rectangle with a rotation/scale and translation. How do I merge these textures in the way I want? (In the picture)
当两个纹理覆盖相同的矩形时,我可以在片段着色器中混合两种具有不同混合模式的纹理。但现在我的问题是,一个纹理是一个没有旋转的普通矩形,另一个纹理是另一个具有旋转/缩放和平移的矩形。如何以我想要的方式合并这些纹理? (图片中)
I know how to do this...
But not sure how to do this...
For blending textures in one rectangle (the first image), I used the following code..
Objective C code...
- (void) display {
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, targetFBO);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureTop);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureBot);
glUniform1i(inputTextureTop, 2);
glUniform1i(inputTextureBot, 3);
glUniform1f(alphaTop, alpha);
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
glVertexAttribPointer(position, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, imageVertices);
glVertexAttribPointer(inputTextureCoordinate, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, textureCoordinates);
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, viewRenderbuffer);
[context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER];
Vertex shader...
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate;
void main()
gl_Position = position;
textureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy;
Fragment shader...
varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate;
uniform sampler2D inputTextureTop;
uniform sampler2D inputTextureBot;
uniform highp float alphaTop;
void main()
lowp vec4 pixelTop = texture2D(inputTextureTop, textureCoordinate);
lowp vec4 pixelBot = texture2D(inputTextureBot, textureCoordinate);
gl_FragColor = someBlendOperation(pixelTop, pixelBot);
2 个解决方案
You have to pass 2 texture coordinates to shader and modify shader
Add to ObjectiveC
glVertexAttribPointer(inputTextureCoordinate2, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, textureCoordinates2);
Vertex Shader
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate;
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate2;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate2;
void main()
gl_Position = position;
textureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy;
textureCoordinate2 = inputTextureCoordinate2.xy;
Frag Shader
varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate2;
uniform sampler2D inputTextureTop;
uniform sampler2D inputTextureBot;
uniform highp float alphaTop;
void main()
lowp vec4 pixelTop = texture2D(inputTextureTop, textureCoordinate);
lowp vec4 pixelBot = texture2D(inputTextureBot, textureCoordinate2);
gl_FragColor = someBlendOperation(pixelTop, pixelBot);
BTW inputTextureCoordinate is not necessary to be vec4 but it could be vec2
BTW inputTextureCoordinate不一定是vec4,但可能是vec2
If you're blending two textures on the same primitive, then you can mix the colors in the shader.
However if you want to blend two different primitives, then what you really just want to use is hardware blending (GL_BLEND).
Draw the bottom picture by itself, then enable blending and draw the top picture. The alpha value of the top picture controls how transparent it will be.
You don't really want to try to draw both quads in the same draw call, since they don't use the same coordinates.
You have to pass 2 texture coordinates to shader and modify shader
Add to ObjectiveC
glVertexAttribPointer(inputTextureCoordinate2, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, textureCoordinates2);
Vertex Shader
attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate;
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate2;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate2;
void main()
gl_Position = position;
textureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy;
textureCoordinate2 = inputTextureCoordinate2.xy;
Frag Shader
varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying highp vec2 textureCoordinate2;
uniform sampler2D inputTextureTop;
uniform sampler2D inputTextureBot;
uniform highp float alphaTop;
void main()
lowp vec4 pixelTop = texture2D(inputTextureTop, textureCoordinate);
lowp vec4 pixelBot = texture2D(inputTextureBot, textureCoordinate2);
gl_FragColor = someBlendOperation(pixelTop, pixelBot);
BTW inputTextureCoordinate is not necessary to be vec4 but it could be vec2
BTW inputTextureCoordinate不一定是vec4,但可能是vec2
If you're blending two textures on the same primitive, then you can mix the colors in the shader.
However if you want to blend two different primitives, then what you really just want to use is hardware blending (GL_BLEND).
Draw the bottom picture by itself, then enable blending and draw the top picture. The alpha value of the top picture controls how transparent it will be.
You don't really want to try to draw both quads in the same draw call, since they don't use the same coordinates.