欺诈文本分类检测(十八):基于llama.cpp+CPU推理-3. 模型文件转换

时间:2024-11-10 17:07:44


3.1 基座模型转换



!python /data2/downloads/llama.cpp/convert_hf_to_gguf.py \
    --outtype bf16 \
    --outfile /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/qwen2_bf16.gguf \
    --model-name qwen2 \


  • outtype: 用于指定参数的输出精度,bf16表示16位半精度浮点数;
  • outfile: 指定输出的模型文件;
  • model-name: 模型名称;
INFO:hf-to-gguf:Loading model: Qwen2-1___5B-Instruct
INFO:gguf.gguf_writer:gguf: This GGUF file is for Little Endian only
INFO:hf-to-gguf:Exporting model...
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: loading model part 'model.safetensors'
INFO:hf-to-gguf:token_embd.weight,         torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 151936}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_norm.weight,    torch.bfloat16 --> F32, shape = {1536}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_down.weight,     torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {8960, 1536}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_gate.weight,     torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 8960}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_up.weight,       torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 8960}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_norm.weight,     torch.bfloat16 --> F32, shape = {1536}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_k.bias,         torch.bfloat16 --> F32, shape = {256}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_k.weight,       torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 256}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_output.weight,  torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 1536}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_q.bias,         torch.bfloat16 --> F32, shape = {1536}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_q.weight,       torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 1536}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_v.bias,         torch.bfloat16 --> F32, shape = {256}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.attn_v.weight,       torch.bfloat16 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 256}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:Set meta model
INFO:hf-to-gguf:Set model parameters
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: context length = 32768
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: embedding length = 1536
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: feed forward length = 8960
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: head count = 12
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: key-value head count = 2
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: rope theta = 1000000.0
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: rms norm epsilon = 1e-06
INFO:hf-to-gguf:gguf: file type = 32
INFO:hf-to-gguf:Set model tokenizer
INFO:gguf.vocab:Adding 151387 merge(s).
INFO:gguf.vocab:Setting special token type eos to 151645
INFO:gguf.vocab:Setting special token type pad to 151643
INFO:gguf.vocab:Setting special token type bos to 151643
INFO:gguf.vocab:Setting chat_template to {% for message in messages %}{% if loop.first and messages[0]['role'] != 'system' %}{{ '<|im_start|>system
You are a helpful assistant.<|im_end|>
' }}{% endif %}{{'<|im_start|>' + message['role'] + '
' + message['content'] + '<|im_end|>' + '
'}}{% endfor %}{% if add_generation_prompt %}{{ '<|im_start|>assistant
' }}{% endif %}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:Set model quantization version
INFO:gguf.gguf_writer:Writing the following files:
INFO:gguf.gguf_writer:/data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/qwen2_bf16.gguf: n_tensors = 338, total_size = 3.1G
Writing: 100%|██████████████████████████| 3.09G/3.09G [00:39<00:00, 77.9Mbyte/s]
INFO:hf-to-gguf:Model successfully exported to /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/qwen2_bf16.gguf


3.2 lora适配器转换

接下来使用convert_lora_to_gguf.py 脚本工具来转换lora适配器。

!python /data2/downloads/llama.cpp/convert_lora_to_gguf.py \
    --base /data2/anti_fraud/models/modelscope/hub/Qwen/Qwen2-1___5B-Instruct \
    --outfile /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/lora_0913_4_bf16.gguf \
    /data2/anti_fraud/models/Qwen2-1___5B-Instruct_ft_0913_4/checkpoint-5454 \
    --outtype bf16 --verbose
  • base: 用于指定基座模型位置,目的是确保转换后的Lora适配器可以正确地与基座模型合并;
  • outfile: 用于指定适配器转换后的输出文件;
  • outtype: 指定转换格式,与基座模型相同,都用bf16;
  • checkpoint-5454是要转换的lora适配器的目录位置。
INFO:lora-to-gguf:Loading base model: Qwen2-1___5B-Instruct
INFO:gguf.gguf_writer:gguf: This GGUF file is for Little Endian only
INFO:lora-to-gguf:Exporting model...
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_down.weight.lora_a, torch.float32 --> BF16, shape = {8960, 16}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_down.weight.lora_b, torch.float32 --> BF16, shape = {16, 1536}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_gate.weight.lora_a, torch.float32 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 16}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_gate.weight.lora_b, torch.float32 --> BF16, shape = {16, 8960}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_up.weight.lora_a, torch.float32 --> BF16, shape = {1536, 16}
INFO:hf-to-gguf:blk.0.ffn_up.weight.lora_b, torch.float32 --> BF16, shape = {16, 8960}
INFO:gguf.gguf_writer:Writing the following files:
INFO:gguf.gguf_writer:/data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/lora_0913_4_bf16.gguf: n_tensors = 392, total_size = 36.9M
Writing: 100%|██████████████████████████| 36.9M/36.9M [00:01<00:00, 21.4Mbyte/s]
INFO:lora-to-gguf:Model successfully exported to /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/lora_0913_4_bf16.gguf


3.3 合并


!/data2/downloads/llama.cpp/llama-export-lora \
    -m /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/qwen2_bf16.gguf \
    -o /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/model_bf16.gguf \
    --lora /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/lora_0913_4_bf16.gguf
  • -m: 指定基座模型的gguf文件。
  • --lora: 指定lora适配器的gguf文件。
  • -o: 指定合并后的模型文件。
file_input: loaded gguf from /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/qwen2_bf16.gguf
file_input: loaded gguf from /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/lora_0913_4_bf16.gguf
copy_tensor :  blk.0.attn_k.bias [256, 1, 1, 1]
merge_tensor : blk.0.attn_k.weight [1536, 256, 1, 1]
merge_tensor :   + dequantize base tensor from bf16 to F32
merge_tensor :   + merging from adapter[0] type=bf16
merge_tensor :     input_scale=1.000000 calculated_scale=2.000000 rank=16
merge_tensor :   + output type is f16
copy_tensor :  blk.0.attn_norm.weight [1536, 1, 1, 1]
merge_tensor : blk.0.attn_output.weight [1536, 1536, 1, 1]
copy_tensor :  output_norm.weight [1536, 1, 1, 1]
copy_tensor :  token_embd.weight [1536, 151936, 1, 1]
run_merge : merged 196 tensors with lora adapters
run_merge : wrote 338 tensors to output file
done, output file is /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/model_bf16.gguf


-rw-rw-r-- 1   42885408 Nov  9 14:57 lora_0913_4_bf16.gguf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 3093666720 Nov  9 14:58 model_bf16.gguf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 3093666720 Nov  9 14:56 qwen2_bf16.gguf




!/data2/downloads/llama.cpp/llama-cli --log-disable \
	-m /data2/anti_fraud/models/anti_fraud_v11/model_bf16.gguf \
	-p "我是一个来自太行山下小村庄家的孩子" \
	-n 100
  • -m: 指定要使用的模型文件路径;
  • -p:指定文本生成的起始提示;
  • -n: 指定要生成的文本序列的最大长度;
  • --log-disable: 关闭多余的日志输出,只输出最终的文本。