C# + Socket断线重连 整理

时间:2024-10-22 07:12:46
  • using System;
  • using System.Collections.Generic;
  • using System.Linq;
  • using System.Text;
  • using System.Net.Sockets;
  • using System.Net;
  • using System.Threading;
  • namespace MySocket
  • {
  •     public class Socket_wrapper
  •     {
  •         //委托
  •         private delegate void delSocketDataArrival(byte[] data);
  •         static delSocketDataArrival socketDataArrival = socketDataArrivalHandler;
  •         private delegate void delSocketDisconnected();
  •         static delSocketDisconnected socketDisconnected = socketDisconnectedHandler;
  •         public static Socket theSocket = null;
  •         private static string remoteHost = "";
  •         private static int remotePort = 6666;
  •         private static String SockErrorStr = null;
  •         private static ManualResetEvent TimeoutObject = new ManualResetEvent(false);
  •         private static Boolean IsconnectSuccess = false; //异步连接情况,由异步连接回调函数置位
  •         private static object lockObj_IsConnectSuccess = new object();
  •         ///
  •         /// 构造函数
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         public Socket_wrapper(string strIp, int iPort)
  •         {
  •             remoteHost = strIp;
  •             remotePort = iPort;
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 设置心跳
  •         /// 
  •         private static void SetXinTiao()
  •         {
  •             //byte[] inValue = new byte[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0x20, 0x4e, 0, 0, 0xd0, 0x07, 0, 0 };// 首次探测时间20 秒, 间隔侦测时间2 秒
  •             byte[] inValue = new byte[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0x88, 0x13, 0, 0, 0xd0, 0x07, 0, 0 };// 首次探测时间5 秒, 间隔侦测时间2 秒
  •             theSocket.IOControl(IOControlCode.KeepAliveValues, inValue, null);
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 创建套接字+异步连接函数
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         private static bool socket_create_connect()
  •         {
  •             IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(remoteHost);
  •             IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, remotePort);
  •             theSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
  •             theSocket.SendTimeout = 1000;
  •             SetXinTiao();//设置心跳参数
  •             #region 异步连接代码
  •             TimeoutObject.Reset(); //复位timeout事件
  •             try
  •             {
  •                 theSocket.BeginConnect(remoteEP, connectedCallback, theSocket);
  •             }
  •             catch (Exception err)
  •             {
  •                 SockErrorStr = err.ToString();
  •                 return false;
  •             }
  •             if (TimeoutObject.WaitOne(10000, false))//直到timeout,或者()
  •             {
  •                 if (IsconnectSuccess)
  •                 {
  •                     return true;
  •                 }
  •                 else
  •                 {
  •                     return false;
  •                 }
  •             }
  •             else
  •             {
  •                 SockErrorStr = "Time Out";
  •                 return false;
  •             }
  •             #endregion
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 同步receive函数
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         public string socket_receive(byte[] readBuffer)
  •         {
  •             try
  •             {
  •                 if (theSocket == null)
  •                 {
  •                     socket_create_connect();
  •                 }
  •                 else if (!theSocket.Connected)
  •                 {
  •                     if (!IsSocketConnected())
  •                         Reconnect();
  •                 }
  •                 int bytesRec = theSocket.Receive(readBuffer);
  •                 if (bytesRec == 0)
  •                 {
  •                     //warning 0 bytes received
  •                 }
  •                 return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readBuffer, 0, bytesRec);
  •             }
  •             catch (SocketException se)
  •             {
  •                 //print
  •                 throw;
  •             }
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 同步send函数
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         public bool socket_send(string sendMessage)
  •         {
  •             if (checkSocketState())
  •             {
  •                 return SendData(sendMessage);
  •             }
  •             return false;
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 断线重连函数
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         private static bool Reconnect()
  •         {
  •             //关闭socket
  •             theSocket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both);
  •             theSocket.Disconnect(true);
  •             IsconnectSuccess = false;
  •             theSocket.Close();
  •             //创建socket
  •             return socket_create_connect();
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 当为false时,进一步确定下当前连接状态
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         private bool IsSocketConnected()
  •         {
  •             #region remarks
  •             /********************************************************************************************
  •              * 当为false时, 如果您需要确定连接的当前状态,请进行非阻塞、零字节的 Send 调用。
  •              * 如果该调用成功返回或引发 WAEWOULDBLOCK 错误代码 (10035),则该套接字仍然处于连接状态; 
  •              * 否则,该套接字不再处于连接状态。
  •              * Depending on /zh-cn/library/?cs-save-lang=1&cs-lang=csharp#code-snippet-2
  •             ********************************************************************************************/
  •             #endregion
  •             #region 过程
  •             // This is how you can determine whether a socket is still connected.
  •             bool connectState = true;
  •             bool blockingState = theSocket.Blocking;
  •             try
  •             {
  •                 byte[] tmp = new byte[1];
  •                 theSocket.Blocking = false;
  •                 theSocket.Send(tmp, 0, 0);
  •                 //("Connected!");
  •                 connectState = true; //若Send错误会跳去执行catch体,而不会执行其try体里其之后的代码
  •             }
  •             catch (SocketException e)
  •             {
  •                 // 10035 == WSAEWOULDBLOCK
  •                 if (e.NativeErrorCode.Equals(10035))
  •                 {
  •                     //("Still Connected, but the Send would block");
  •                     connectState = true;
  •                 }
  •                 else
  •                 {
  •                     //("Disconnected: error code {0}!", );
  •                     connectState = false;
  •                 }
  •             }
  •             finally
  •             {
  •                 theSocket.Blocking = blockingState;
  •             }
  •             //("Connected: {0}", );
  •             return connectState;
  •             #endregion
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 另一种判断connected的方法,但未检测对端网线断开或ungraceful的情况
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         public static bool IsSocketConnected(Socket s)
  •         {
  •             #region remarks
  •             /* As zendar wrote, it is nice to use the and , but you need to take into consideration 
  •              * that the socket might not have been initialized in the first place. 
  •              * This is the last (I believe) piece of information and it is supplied by the property. 
  •              * The revised version of the method would looks something like this: 
  •              * from:/questions/2661764/how-to-check-if-a-socket-is-connected-disconnected-in-c */
  •             #endregion
  •             #region 过程
  •             if (== null)
  •                 return false;
  •             return !((s.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead) && (s.Available == 0)) || !s.Connected);
  •             /* The long, but simpler-to-understand version:
  •                     bool part1 = (1000, );
  •                     bool part2 = ( == 0);
  •                     if ((part1 && part2 ) || !)
  •                         return false;
  •                     else
  •                         return true;
  •             */
  •             #endregion
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 异步连接回调函数
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         static void connectedCallback(IAsyncResult iar)
  •         {
  •             #region <remarks>
  •             /// 1、置位IsconnectSuccess
  •             #endregion </remarks>
  •             lock (lockObj_IsConnectSuccess)
  •             {
  •                 Socket client = (Socket)iar.AsyncState;
  •                 try
  •                 {
  •                     client.EndConnect(iar);
  •                     IsconnectSuccess = true;
  •                     StartKeepAlive(); //开始KeppAlive检测
  •                 }
  •                 catch (Exception e)
  •                 {
  •                     //(());
  •                     SockErrorStr = e.ToString();
  •                     IsconnectSuccess = false;
  •                 }
  •                 finally
  •                 {
  •                     TimeoutObject.Set();
  •                 }
  •             }
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 开始KeepAlive检测函数
  •         /// 
  •         private static void StartKeepAlive()
  •         {
  •             theSocket.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnReceiveCallback), theSocket);
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// BeginReceive回调函数
  •         /// 
  •         static byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
  •         private static void OnReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
  •         {
  •             try
  •             {
  •                 Socket peerSock = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
  •                 int BytesRead = peerSock.EndReceive(ar);
  •                 if (BytesRead > 0)
  •                 {
  •                     byte[] tmp = new byte[BytesRead];
  •                     Array.ConstrainedCopy(buffer, 0, tmp, 0, BytesRead);
  •                     if (socketDataArrival != null)
  •                     {
  •                         socketDataArrival(tmp);
  •                     }
  •                 }
  •                 else//对端gracefully关闭一个连接
  •                 {
  •                     if (theSocket.Connected)//上次socket的状态
  •                     {
  •                         if (socketDisconnected != null)
  •                         {
  •                             //1-重连
  •                             socketDisconnected();
  •                             //2-退出,不再执行BeginReceive
  •                             return;
  •                         }
  •                     }
  •                 }
  •                 //此处buffer似乎要清空--待实现 zq
  •                 theSocket.BeginReceive(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(OnReceiveCallback), theSocket);
  •             }
  •             catch (Exception ex)
  •             {
  •                 if (socketDisconnected != null)
  •                 {
  •                     socketDisconnected(); //Keepalive检测网线断开引发的异常在这里捕获
  •                     return;
  •                 }
  •             }
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 异步收到消息处理器
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         private static void socketDataArrivalHandler(byte[] data)
  •         {
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// socket由于连接中断(软/硬中断)的后续工作处理器
  •         /// 
  •         private static void socketDisconnectedHandler()
  •         {
  •             Reconnect();
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 检测socket的状态
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         public static bool checkSocketState()
  •         {
  •             try
  •             {
  •                 if (theSocket == null)
  •                 {
  •                     return socket_create_connect();
  •                 }
  •                 else if (IsconnectSuccess)
  •                 {
  •                     return true;
  •                 }
  •                 else//已创建套接字,但未connected
  •                 {
  •                     #region 异步连接代码
  •                     TimeoutObject.Reset(); //复位timeout事件
  •                     try
  •                     {
  •                         IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(remoteHost);
  •                         IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, remotePort);
  •                         theSocket.BeginConnect(remoteEP, connectedCallback, theSocket);
  •                         SetXinTiao();//设置心跳参数
  •                     }
  •                     catch (Exception err)
  •                     {
  •                         SockErrorStr = err.ToString();
  •                         return false;
  •                     }
  •                     if (TimeoutObject.WaitOne(2000, false))//直到timeout,或者()
  •                     {
  •                         if (IsconnectSuccess)
  •                         {
  •                             return true;
  •                         }
  •                         else
  •                         {
  •                             return false;
  •                         }
  •                     }
  •                     else
  •                     {
  •                         SockErrorStr = "Time Out";
  •                         return false;
  •                     }
  •                     #endregion
  •                 }
  •             }
  •             catch (SocketException se)
  •             {
  •                 SockErrorStr = se.ToString();
  •                 return false;
  •             }
  •         }
  •         ///
  •         /// 同步发送
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         /// 
  •         public static bool SendData(string dataStr)
  •         {
  •             bool result = false;
  •             if (dataStr == null || dataStr.Length < 0)
  •                 return result;
  •             try
  •             {
  •                 byte[] cmd = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(dataStr);
  •                 int n = theSocket.Send(cmd);
  •                 if (< 1)
  •                     result = false;
  •             }
  •             catch (Exception ee)
  •             {
  •                 SockErrorStr = ee.ToString();
  •                 result = false;
  •             }
  •             return result;
  •         }
  •     }
  • }