
时间:2024-10-20 08:20:27

6.2 Tokens

6.2.1 Token definition format

The TokenData element in the APDU is a 66-bit binary number comprising of several fields of smaller data elements, in accordance with which various processes are initiated in the MeterApplicationProcess and various bits of information are transferred to the payment meter registers.


The definition format for the tokens in 6.2.2 to 6.2.14 is given in Table 12.

        6.2.2 到 6.2.14 中的令牌定义格式参见表12 

6.2.2 Class 0: TransferCredit (类0:传送金额)

 Action: Transfer credit to the payment meter to the value as defined in the Amount field
(see 6.3.6) and for the service type as defined in the SubClass field.


6.2.3 Class 1 : InitiateMeterTest/Display (类1:初始化测试/显示)

 Action: Initiate the test or display function in the payment meter in accordance with the bit pattern defined in the Control field (see 6.3.8).

A meter having a 2-digit MfrCode value shall support the 36-bit Control field format and may also optionally support the 28-bit Control field format.

A meter having a 4-digit MfrCode value shall support the 28-bit Control field format and may also optionally support the 36-bit Control field format.


6.2.4 Class 2: SetMaximumPowerLimit  类2 设置最大功率极限值)

Action: Load the maximum power limit register in the payment meter with the value as given in
the MPL field (see 6.3.9).


6.2.5 Class 2: ClearCredit类2 清除金额)

 Action: Clear the corresponding credit register as indicated in the Register field (see 6.3.1 3)
in the payment meter to zero.

        操作:将付款计价器中“register”字段(参见6.3.1 3)所示对应的信用记录清除为零。

6.2.6 Class 2: SetTariffRate类2 设定费率)

 Action: Load the tariff rate register in the payment meter with the value given in the Rate field (see 6.3.1 1 ).

        操作:使用在费率字段中给出的值在支付仪表中加载费率寄存器(见6.3.1 1)。
This token is reserved for future definition by the STS Association.


6.2.7 Key change token set for 64-bit DecoderKey transfer 用于64位DecoderKey传输的密钥更改令牌集 General

For 64-bit DecoderKey transfers the decoder shall support a two-token set and optionally a three-token set.

The two-token set shall comprise of the following tokens:
• Set1 stSectionDecoderKey;
• Set2ndSectionDecoderKey.


  • Set1stSectionDecoderKey;
  • Set2ndSectionDecoderKey。

The three-token set shall comprise of the following tokens:
• Set1 stSectionDecoderKey token;
• Set2ndSectionDecoderKey token;
• Set3rdSectionDecoderKey token.


  • Set1stSectionDecoderKey令牌;
  • Set2ndSectionDecoderKey令牌;
  • Set3rdSectionDecoderKey令牌。 Class 2: Set1 stSectionDecoderKey 

Action: Load the DecoderKeyRegister with the 1st half of the new DecoderKey. See 8.9 for the processing of this token. 


For decoders that support the three-token set the 3KCT field shall be set to 1 if Set3rdSectionDecoderKey token is included in the set. It shall be set to 0 if Set3rdSectionDecoderKey token is not included in the set.

        对于支持三令牌集合的解码器,如果集合中包含Set3rdSectionDecoderKey令牌,则3KCT字段应设置为1。如果set中不包含Set3rdSectionDecoderKey令牌,则设置为0。 Class 2: Set2ndSectionDecoderKey

Action: Load the DecoderKeyRegister with the 2 nd half of the new DecoderKey. See 8.9 for
the processing of this token.

        操作:用新DecoderKey的后半部分加载DecoderKeyRegister。有关此令牌的处理,请参见8.9。 Class 2: Set3rdSectionDecoderKey

Action: Load the DecoderKeyRegister with the SGC of the new DecoderKey. See 8.9 for the
processing of this token.
