
时间:2024-10-09 10:49:07

kinect SDK2 比起 Kinect SDK1 多了两个大杀器 Kinect Studio 和 Visual Gesture Builder,这两个软件可以让我们很简单的使用微软自带的机器学习模型,建立自己的姿势库。简单来说就是Kinect Studio 录制和剪辑视频(可以选择自己想要Stream ),然后用Visual Gesture Builder标记视频中的动作,然后生成gba数据库文件。
具体操作过程见 微软发布在 Microsoft Visual Academy 的官方教程视频



  • 添加 和 的引用

  • 在解决方案中添加DataBase文件夹,并在文件夹中加入之前软件生产的gba数据库文件



  • 变量声明
        private readonly string gestureDatabase = "WpfApplication1/WpfApplication1/DataBase/";
        private readonly string photoDatabase = "C:/Users/Wen/Desktop/实验DataBase/take_photo.gba";
        private readonly string cleanGestureName = "clean";
        private string photoGestureName = "take_photo";
        private VisualGestureBuilderFrameSource vgbFrameSource = null;
        private VisualGestureBuilderFrameReader vgbFrameReader = null;
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  • 变量初始化
 // create the vgb source. The associated body tracking ID will be set when a valid body frame arrives from the sensor.
            this.vgbFrameSource = new VisualGestureBuilderFrameSource(kinectSensor, 0);
            this. += this.Source_TrackingIdLost;

            // 打开 vgb frames和写入FrameArrive 事件
            this.vgbFrameReader = this.();
            if (this.vgbFrameReader != null)
                this. = false;
                this. += this.Reader_GestureFrameArrived;

            // 从 gesture database 导入clean gesture
            using (VisualGestureBuilderDatabase database = new VisualGestureBuilderDatabase(this.gestureDatabase))
                // we could load all available gestures in the database with a call to (), 
                // but for this program, we only want to track one discrete gesture from the database, so we'll load it by name
                foreach (Gesture gesture in )

                    if ((this.cleanGestureName))



            using (VisualGestureBuilderDatabase photodatabase = new VisualGestureBuilderDatabase(this.photoDatabase))
                // we could load all available gestures in the photodatabase with a call to (), 
                // but for this program, we only want to track one discrete gesture from the database, so we'll load it by name
                foreach (Gesture gesture in )

                    if ((this.photoGestureName) )


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处理gesture_arrive 事件

        private void Reader_GestureFrameArrived(object sender, VisualGestureBuilderFrameArrivedEventArgs e)

            VisualGestureBuilderFrameReference frameReference = ;
            using (VisualGestureBuilderFrame frame = ())
                if (frame != null)
                    // get the discrete gesture results which arrived with the latest frame
                    IReadOnlyDictionary<Gesture, DiscreteGestureResult> discreteResults = ;

                    if (discreteResults != null)

                        // we only have one gesture in this source object, but you can get multiple gestures
                        foreach (Gesture gesture in this.)
                            if ((this.cleanGestureName) &&  == )
                                DiscreteGestureResult result = null;
                                (gesture, out result);

                                if (result != null)

                                    this.cleanClothesByGesture(true, , );
                            else if((this.photoGestureName) &&  == )

                                DiscreteGestureResult result = null;
                                (gesture, out result);

                                if (result != null)

                                    this.takePhotoByGesture(true, , );

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  • 清空衣物操作,即把image 控件隐藏
        /// <summary>
        /// 识别动作,清空衣服
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isBodyTrackingIdValid">True, if the body associated with the GestureResultView object is still being tracked</param>
        /// <param name="isGestureDetected">True, if the discrete gesture is currently detected for the associated body</param>
        /// <param name="detectionConfidence">Confidence value for detection of the discrete gesture</param>
        public  void  cleanClothesByGesture(bool isBodyTrackingIdValid,bool isGestureDetected,float detectionConfidence)
            if (isGestureDetected&&detectionConfidence>0.5)
                 = ;

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  • 执行拍照操作,使用前面编写的takephoto函数
       /// <summary>
        /// 识别动作,拍照
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isBodyTrackingIdValid">True, if the body associated with the GestureResultView object is still being tracked</param>
        /// <param name="isGestureDetected">True, if the discrete gesture is currently detected for the associated body</param>
        /// <param name="detectionConfidence">Confidence value for detection of the discrete gesture</param>
        public void takePhotoByGesture(bool isBodyTrackingIdValid, bool isGestureDetected, float detectionConfidence)
            if (isGestureDetected && detectionConfidence > 0.5)

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