学习008-02-01 Define the Data Model and Set the Initial Data(定义数据模型并设置初始数据)

时间:2024-07-19 21:30:41

Define the Data Model and Set the Initial Data(定义数据模型并设置初始数据)

This section explains how to design a business model (database) for an application built with Cross-Platform .NET App UI (XAF) and Entity Framework Core.

You will learn how to complete the following tasks:

  • Create business classes mapped to database tables(创建映射到数据库表的业务类)
  • Define relationships between classes(定义类之间的关系)
  • Implement dependent properties(实现依赖属性)

To design a business model, build custom classes and inherit your business objects from the BaseObject class.

You can use the PMC or CLI tool to generate the business model from an existing database instead of creating it from scratch in Entity Framework Core. To learn more about this approach in EF Core, refer to the following article: Reverse Engineering.

您可以使用PMC或CLI工具从现有数据库生成业务模型,而不是在Entity Framework Core中从头开始创建。要在EF Core中了解有关此方法的更多信息,请参阅以下文章:逆向工程。

Once you complete the tutorial, your application will look as shown in the image below:

ASP.NET Core Blazor
Windows Forms
Proceed to Create a Solution to start the tutorial.