
The Outlook client comes with several different panes that you can show and hide. Each of these panes is designed to make it easier to find, see, and manage things in Outlook. We’re going to take a look at how you access them, and how you can customize them to your way of working, starting with the Navigation pane.
Outlook客户端带有几个可以显示和隐藏的窗格。 每个窗格旨在使在Outlook中查找,查看和管理事物更加容易。 我们将从“导航”窗格开始研究如何访问它们以及如何根据工作方式自定义它们。
自定义收藏夹部分 (Customize the Favorites Section)
The Navigation pane—also known as the Folder pane—is the one on the left-hand side that shows folders like Inbox and Sent Items, as well as any shared mailboxes or groups.

By default, Outlook displays the Navigation pane with the “Favorites” folder visible at the top for easy access. Favorites are a collection of commonly-used folders, like Inbox and Sent Items.
默认情况下,Outlook显示“导航”窗格,顶部显示“收藏夹”文件夹,以便于访问。 收藏夹是常用文件夹的集合,例如收件箱和已发送邮件。

You can add any folder you like to the Favorites by right-clicking the folder in the Navigation pane and clicking “Add to Favorites.”

The folder will then appear in the Favorites section.

You can also drag and drop folders into the Favorites section. Folders that are displayed in the Favorites are not new folders or copies of existing folders; they are shortcuts to folders in your mailbox.
您也可以将文件夹拖放到“收藏夹”部分。 收藏夹中显示的文件夹不是新文件夹,也不是现有文件夹的副本。 它们是邮箱中文件夹的快捷方式。

This means that if you delete a mail from a folder in your Favorites, then you are deleting it from the “real” folder shown in the mailbox. You can add or remove any folder you want in your Favorites. Right-click a folder in Favorites and select “Remove from Favorites” to remove it.
这意味着,如果您从“收藏夹”中的文件夹中删除邮件,则将从邮箱中显示的“真实”文件夹中将其删除。 您可以在“收藏夹”中添加或删除所需的任何文件夹。 右键单击“收藏夹”中的文件夹,然后选择“从收藏夹中删除”将其删除。

The folder will still be available in the mailbox; it just won’t be visible in the Favorites. Although you can add folders to the Favorites by dragging and dropping, you can’t remove folders from the Favorites by dragging and dropping them back into the mailbox. The only way to remove a folder from the Favorites is to use the right-click context menu.
该文件夹仍将在邮箱中可用; 它只是在“收藏夹”中不可见。 尽管可以通过拖放将文件夹添加到收藏夹中,但是不能通过将文件夹拖放回邮箱中来将文件夹从收藏夹中删除。 从“收藏夹”中删除文件夹的唯一方法是使用右键单击上下文菜单。
You can also turn the Favorites off entirely if you don’t want to use them. No matter what folder you’re in, click View > Folder Pane.
如果您不想使用收藏夹,也可以完全将其关闭。 无论您位于哪个文件夹中,都单击查看>文件夹窗格。

In the menu that appears, switch off the “Favorites” option.

This will remove the Favorites section from the Navigation pane. To turn it back on hit View > Folder Pane and switch “Favorites” back on.
这将从“导航”窗格中删除“收藏夹”部分。 要重新打开它,请单击查看>文件夹窗格,然后重新打开“收藏夹”。
自定义导航窗格视图 (Customize the Navigation Pane View)
You might notice that the Folder pane drop-down options include more than just turning Favorites on and off. You can also choose whether the Navigation pane is visible (the default setting), minimized to the side, or turned off entirely.
您可能会注意到,“文件夹”窗格的下拉选项不仅仅是打开和关闭“收藏夹”。 您还可以选择“导航”窗格是可见的(默认设置),最小化到侧面还是完全关闭。

Minimizing the pane is useful on smaller screens, and turning the pane off can be useful when you’re dealing with a lot of emails in one folder, and you want to maximize your screen space. If you choose the “Minimized” option, then the pane will slide to the left and show just the first three items in the Favorites.
在较小的屏幕上,最小化窗格很有用;在一个文件夹中处理大量电子邮件并且要最大化屏幕空间时,关闭窗格很有用。 如果选择“最小化”选项,则窗格将向左滑动并仅显示“收藏夹”中的前三个项目。

To view the full pane again, click the arrow at the top of the pane to slide it out.

When you move the pointer somewhere else in Outlook, the pane will minimize again. To keep it visible you can return to View > Folder Pane and change the setting to “Normal” or click on the pin in the top right of the pane.
当您将指针移到Outlook中的其他位置时,窗格将再次最小化。 要使其可见,您可以返回“视图”>“文件夹窗格”,然后将设置更改为“普通”,或单击窗格右上方的图钉。

自定义导航窗格底部的图标 (Customize the Icons at the Bottom of the Navigation Pane)
At the bottom of the Navigation pane, icons represent other Outlook functions—Calendar, Tasks, and so on.

To move between them, click an icon or press Ctrl+[a number] on your keyboard. Ctrl+1 moves to the first icon in the list, Ctrl+2 to the second, and so on. Hovering over each icon shows a quick view of important data, such as upcoming events in the Calendar or your favorite contacts in People.
要在它们之间移动,请单击图标或按键盘上的Ctrl + [数字]。 Ctrl + 1移至列表中的第一个图标,Ctrl + 2移至第二个图标,依此类推。 将鼠标悬停在每个图标上可以快速浏览重要数据,例如日历中即将发生的事件或“联系人”中您最喜欢的联系人。

You can choose how many icons are displayed here, which order they’re in, and whether Outlook displays them as icons or words. To access these options go to View > Folder Pane again and select “Options.”
您可以选择在此处显示多少个图标,它们的顺序以及Outlook是将它们显示为图标还是文字。 要访问这些选项,请再次转到“视图”>“文件夹窗格”,然后选择“选项”。

Alternatively, you can go to File > Options > Advanced and then click the “Navigation” button.

Whichever route you choose, Outlook displays the “Navigation Options” window.

The first option lets you choose how many items Outlook displays at the bottom of the navigation pane. The maximum number you can choose is eight, although most people will only have seven items to display, as the eighth option used to be Journal (which was deprecated in Outlook 2013). Microsoft just never got around to changing the limit from eight to seven.
第一个选项使您可以选择Outlook在导航窗格底部显示的项目数。 您可以选择的最大数量为八,尽管大多数人只能显示七个项目,因为第八个选项曾经是日记 (在Outlook 2013中已弃用)。 微软只是从来没有想过将限制从8更改为7。
No matter what number you choose here, you’ll need to extend the Navigation pane to show the extra icons. You can resize the pane by dragging its right edge.
无论您在此处选择什么数字,都需要扩展“导航”窗格以显示其他图标。 您可以通过拖动窗格的右边缘来调整其大小。

If you’d rather see the names of the options rather than icons, you can turn off the “Compact Navigation” option.

This changes the options to names, and these will still obey the “Maximum number of visible items” value that you’ve chosen.

You can change the order of the items by selecting an item and then using the “Move Up” and “Move Down” buttons.

This is useful if you have specific items you regularly use, such as Tasks or Notes, and you’d like them to be more accessible without requiring all of the items to be visible. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the items into a different order in the Navigation pane itself. You can change the order regardless of whether you’ve got the “Compact Navigation” setting switched on or off.
如果您有经常使用的特定项目(例如任务或便笺),并且希望它们在不要求所有项目都可见的情况下更易于访问,则此功能很有用。 或者,您可以在“导航”窗格本身中将项目拖放到其他顺序中。 无论打开还是关闭“紧凑导航”设置,都可以更改顺序。

There is one little oddity of which you should be aware. Using the Ctrl+[number] combo still opens the icons in their original default order. CTRL+1 always opens the mail, CTRL+2 always opens the calendar, and so on, no matter how you order the icons themselves.
您应该注意一点奇怪之处。 使用Ctrl + [数字]组合仍然可以按其原始默认顺序打开图标。 CTRL + 1总是打开邮件,CTRL + 2总是打开日历,依此类推,无论您自己如何订购图标。
Finally, there is the “Reset” button, which returns the Navigation pane options to its default configuration.

This resets the “Maximum number of visible items” value to four and the order of the items to the default. It doesn’t, however, change the “Compact Navigation” setting; if you’ve switched that off, it stays off even when you reset the defaults.
这会将“最大可见项目数”值重置为四个,并将项目顺序重置为默认值。 但是,它不会更改“紧凑导航”设置; 如果您已将其关闭,则即使您重置默认设置,它也会保持关闭状态。
And that’s a look at the Navigation pane, one of the most fundamental parts of Outlook. Hopefully, these customization options can get it working better for you.
这就是“导航”窗格,它是Outlook最基本的部分之一。 希望这些自定义选项可以使它更好地为您工作。
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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/393870/how-to-customise-the-navigation-pane-in-outlook/