如何在Microsoft Teams视频会议中看起来像土豆

时间:2024-06-01 09:07:34
如何在Microsoft Teams视频会议中看起来像土豆

By now, you’ve probably seen the viral tweet about the woman who turned herself into a potato during a Teams meeting and couldn’t turn the filter off again. Here’s how you can make yourself a potato in your next meeting using Snap Camera.

到目前为止,您可能已经看到了有关该女士的病毒性推文,该女士在团队会议期间将自己变成土豆,无法再次关闭过滤器。 在下一次会议中,使用Snap Camera可以使自己成为土豆。

In case you haven’t seen this story, here’s the original tweet.


my boss turned herself into a potato on our Microsoft teams meeting and can’t figure out how to turn the setting off, so she was just stuck like this the entire meeting pic.twitter.com/uHLgJUOsXk


— Rachele with an e but pronounced Rachel (@PettyClegg) March 30, 2020

— Rachele带有e,但发音为Rachel(@PettyClegg) 2020年3月30日

We wouldn’t recommend doing this in a professional video conference, but if you do want to look like a potato when you’re in a Teams meeting—for some reason—this is how.


To look like a potato, you’ll need a filter, in this case, SnapChat’s Snap Camera. Download and install the program on your Windows 10 PC or Mac. You don’t need a Snapchat account, but Snap will ask for your email address before allowing you to download the file. Once it’s installed, open up the application.

要看起来像土豆,您需要一个滤镜,在本例中为SnapChat的Snap Camera 。 在Windows 10 PC或Mac上下载并安装程序。 您不需要Snapchat帐户,但是Snap会在允许您下载文件之前询问您的电子邮件地址。 安装完成后,打开应用程序。

Note: Although the viral tweet and this guide is for Microsoft Teams, you can use Snap Camera and the potato filter in your next Google Meet, Zoom, or other video meetings.

注意:尽管病毒性推文和本指南适用于Microsoft Teams,但是您可以在下一次Google Meet,Zoom或其他视频会议中使用Snap Camera和马铃薯过滤器。

By default, Snap Camera uses the “Matzo Ball” filter. Click on the “Potato” filter to get that earthy look.

默认情况下,Snap Camera使用“ Matzo Ball”滤镜。 单击“土豆”过滤器以获取朴实的外观。

如何在Microsoft Teams视频会议中看起来像土豆

The image from your camera will instantly change to match the filter you’ve chosen.


如何在Microsoft Teams视频会议中看起来像土豆

Now, you need to change Teams to use  Snap Camera rather than your usual camera. Open the Teams app, click your profile picture, then select the “Settings” option.

现在,您需要更改团队以使用快照相机,而不是通常的相机。 打开“团队”应用,单击您的个人资料图片,然后选择“设置”选项。

如何在Microsoft Teams视频会议中看起来像土豆

Click “Devices” from the side panel, scroll down to the “Camera” option, then change the setting to “Snap Camera.”


如何在Microsoft Teams视频会议中看起来像土豆

That’s it; you’re done. You can change to any filter you want during your video conference by changing the filter in Snap Camera. Teams will use the selected Snap Camera filter as long as Settings > Devices > Camera is set to Snap Camera and the Snap Camera app is running.

而已; 你完成了。 通过在Snap Camera中更改过滤器,可以将其更改为视频会议期间所需的任何过滤器。 只要“设置”>“设备”>“相机”设置为“ Snap Camera”并且“ Snap Camera”应用程序正在运行,团队将使用选定的“ Snap Camera”过滤器。

If you close the Snap Camera app, it will continue to run in the system tray or dock, so make sure you quit the program from there if you want it completely disabled.

如果关闭Snap Camera应用程序,它将继续在系统托盘或扩展坞中运行,因此,如果要完全禁用它,请确保从那里退出该程序。

To go back to using your usual camera in Microsoft, go back into the Teams Settings > Devices menu and then change the “Camera” setting back to your built-in or attached camera.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/667559/how-to-look-like-a-potato-in-a-microsoft-teams-video-conference/