初学者:如何在Outlook 中向其他人分配任务

时间:2024-05-31 11:43:47

The Tasks feature in Outlook is a great way to keep track of what you need to get done, but it’s also a good way to help collaborate with others and assign tasks to them. Here’s how to assign tasks to other people easily.

Outlook中的“任务”功能是跟踪完成任务的好方法,但它也是帮助与他人协作并为他们分配任务的好方法。 这是轻松将任务分配给其他人的方法。

Note: the ability to assign tasks to others has been around for a while, so you can use it in previous versions out Outlook as well, it’s just in a slightly different place.


如何向某人分配任务 (How to Assign a Task to Someone)

There are a couple of ways you can assign tasks, including while you’re creating a new task—all you need to do is click on “Assign Task” on the Ribbon.


初学者:如何在Outlook 2010中向其他人分配任务

Or while you’re looking at the Tasks pane in Outlook, you can right-click on it and select Assign Task from the menu. This should work from any of the Tasks views.

或者,当您在Outlook中查看“任务”窗格时,可以右键单击它,然后从菜单中选择“分配任务”。 这应该在任何“任务”视图中起作用。

初学者:如何在Outlook 2010中向其他人分配任务

Now you just need to enter the email address of the person who you’re assigning the task to.


初学者:如何在Outlook 2010中向其他人分配任务

Then the person you assigned the task to can add it to their list and send updates on it.


初学者:如何在Outlook 2010中向其他人分配任务

If you’re new to Outlook and the Tasks feature, this should get you started, and don’t forget to delegate your tasks!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32052/beginner-create-and-manage-tasks-in-outlook/