
Firefox allows you to securely store usernames and passwords for websites in its Password Manager. When you visit one of the websites again, Firefox automatically fills in the username and password to log you in.
Firefox允许您在其密码管理器中安全地存储网站的用户名和密码。 当您再次访问其中一个网站时,Firefox会自动填写用户名和密码以登录。
If you need to find out what your password is for a specific website for which you saved your logon information, you can easily do so. To view your saved passwords in Firefox, select Options from the Firefox menu.
如果您需要查找用于保存登录信息的特定网站的密码,则可以轻松实现。 要在Firefox中查看保存的密码,请从Firefox菜单中选择选项。
NOTE: You can open the Options dialog box by selecting Options on the main Firefox menu or on the submenu.

On the Options dialog box, click the Security button at the top. In the Passwords box, click Saved Passwords.
在“选项”对话框中,单击顶部的“安全性”按钮。 在“密码”框中,单击“保存的密码”。

The Saved Passwords dialog box displays each site for which you have saved your username and password, and displays the usernames. The passwords are hidden by default. To view the passwords, click Show Passwords.
“保存的密码”对话框显示已保存用户名和密码的每个站点,并显示用户名。 默认情况下,密码是隐藏的。 要查看密码,请单击显示密码。

A confirmation dialog box displays to be sure you want to show your passwords. Click Yes if you still want to view your passwords.
将显示一个确认对话框,以确保您要显示密码。 如果仍要查看密码,请单击“是”。

A Password column displays and all your passwords are shown. It’s a good idea to make sure no one is lurking about near you because the passwords display in plain text on the dialog box.
显示密码列,并显示所有密码。 最好确保没有人潜伏在您附近,因为密码在对话框中以纯文本形式显示。
To delete a password from the Password Manager, select the appropriate site and click Remove. To delete all your passwords, click Remove All. To hide your passwords again, click Hide Passwords.
要从密码管理器中删除密码,请选择适当的站点,然后单击“删除”。 要删除所有密码,请单击全部删除。 要再次隐藏密码,请单击“隐藏密码”。

NOTE: You can search for a specific site using the Search box. As you type the search term, the results display in the list box. To clear your search and list all the sites, click the X button.
注意:您可以使用搜索框搜索特定站点。 键入搜索词时,结果将显示在列表框中。 要清除搜索并列出所有站点,请单击X按钮。

If you’re going to use the Firefox Password Manager, we highly recommend that you apply a master password to your stored usernames and passwords. Without a master password, if someone gains access to your account, they can easily open the Password Manager and view your passwords. To add a master password, open the Options dialog box again and select the Use a master password check box.
如果要使用Firefox密码管理器,强烈建议您将主密码应用于存储的用户名和密码。 没有主密码,如果有人可以访问您的帐户,他们可以轻松打开密码管理器并查看您的密码。 要添加主密码,请再次打开“选项”对话框,然后选择“使用主密码”复选框。

The Change Master Password dialog box opens. Enter a master password in the Enter new password edit box and again in the Re-enter password edit box. Click OK.
将打开“更改主密码”对话框。 在“输入新密码”编辑框中输入主密码,然后在“重新输入密码”编辑框中再次输入。 单击确定。

Click OK to close the message telling you that your master password has been successfully changed.

If you want to change your master password in the future, click Change Master Password on the Security screen on the Options dialog box. To close the Options dialog box and save your changes, click OK.
如果以后要更改主密码,请在“选项”对话框的“安全性”屏幕上单击“更改主密码”。 要关闭“选项”对话框并保存更改,请单击“确定”。

Now, when you click Saved Passwords on the Options dialog box to view your passwords, you must enter your master password first.

Some websites do not allow the saving of usernames and passwords, therefore, the Firefox Password Manager will not work with those sites. Also, some websites provide a option, in the form of a check box, that allows you to stay logged in on that website. This is an independent function of the website and works whether or not you have saved your login information for that website in Firefox.
有些网站不允许保存用户名和密码,因此,Firefox密码管理器将不适用于这些网站。 此外,某些网站还提供复选框形式的选项,使您可以保持登录该网站的状态。 这是网站的独立功能,无论您是否已在Firefox中保存该网站的登录信息,该功能均起作用。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/111555/view-and-delete-stored-passwords-in-firefox/