Steam lets you set your name to anything within its terms of service. This can make it difficult to find people—even if they’re already on your friends list. Find out who’s who by checking aliases in Steam.
Steam可让您将名称设置为服务范围内的任何内容。 即使他们已经在您的朋友列表中,这也很难找到他们。 通过检查Steam中的别名找出谁是谁。
Steam will always keep a history of the various aliases that you might have used throughout your gaming career. You can check out what your aliases have been over time, in addition to being able to see the aliases of any Steam user, whether or not they’re on your friends list. Steam accounts that are set to private will not display most kinds of information, including past aliases.
Steam将始终保留您可能在整个游戏生涯中使用过的各种别名的历史记录。 除了能够查看任何Steam用户的别名之外,您还可以查看一段时间以来您使用的别名,无论它们是否在您的朋友列表中。 设置为私有的Steam帐户将不会显示大多数信息,包括过去的别名。
To view someone’s Steam aliases, you’ll need to navigate to their profile page. You can view any friend’s profile by opening your friends list, right clicking a friend, and selecting “View Profile.”
要查看某人的Steam别名,您需要导航至他们的个人资料页面。 通过打开朋友列表,右键单击一个朋友,然后选择“查看个人资料”,可以查看任何朋友的个人资料。
You can also do this with any account if you know that account’s original username, which is different from the alias that account uses. Using any browser, navigate to https://steamcommunity.com/id/
and insert the person’s profile name after the last forward slash.
如果您知道该帐户的原始用户名(与该帐户使用的别名不同),则也可以对任何帐户执行此操作。 使用任何浏览器,导航到https://steamcommunity.com/id/

Once you’re viewing someone’s profile, you can view all of their aliases by clicking on the down arrow to the right of their username. If you’re logged in to your account on Steam via the desktop client or the website and you’re viewing your own profile, you can clear all of your previous aliases by using the “Clear Previous Aliases” button at the bottom of this drop-down menu.
查看某人的个人资料后,您可以通过单击其用户名右侧的向下箭头来查看其所有别名。 如果您是通过桌面客户端或网站登录到Steam上的帐户的,并且正在查看自己的个人资料,则可以使用此下拉菜单底部的“清除以前的别名”按钮清除所有以前的别名。下拉菜单。

Some people change their Steam aliases for fun, some for team names, and some for other reasons. If you want to get rid of your aliases, this quick method takes just a few clicks.
有些人为了有趣而更改了他们的Steam别名,有些人出于团队名称而更改,而其他人则出于其他原因。 如果您想摆脱别名,此快速方法只需单击几下。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672703/how-to-view-and-clear-previous-aliases-in-steam/