We’re big fans of Dark mode, so we’ve written lots of articles on how to use it in various apps, browsers, and operating systems. For your convenience, here’s everything you can switch to dark mode and how to do so, all in one place.
我们是Dark模式的忠实拥护者,因此我们撰写了许多文章,介绍如何在各种应用程序,浏览器和操作系统中使用它。 为了您的方便,这里所有您可以切换到暗模式的方式以及操作方法都集中在一处。
操作系统 (Operating Systems)
苹果系统 (macOS)

Apple released dark mode with Mojave, and we think it’s brilliant. Even in the preview, we thought it was better than the original dark mode in Windows 10—especially if you prefer dark gray to jet black.
苹果公司发布了Mojave暗模式 ,我们认为它很棒。 即使在预览中,我们也认为它比Windows 10中原始的暗模式要好 -特别是如果您更喜欢深灰色而不是黑色。
At this writing, dark mode is available in Catalina, Apple’s latest version of macOS, but if you haven’t upgraded to Mojave yet, you can still get dark mode in High Sierra (sort of).
在撰写本文时,Apple最新版本的macOS Catalina中提供了暗模式,但是如果您尚未升级到Mojave,您仍然可以在High Sierra中获得暗模式 。
视窗 (Windows)
We might prefer the macOS dark gray Dark mode to the Windows jet black version, but Microsoft did get there first. It’s not as respected by apps as the macOS Dark mode, partly because Windows has a broader ecosystem of app developers and partly because Microsoft didn’t update its default apps—or Office—at the same time to enable dark mode.
与Windows jet black版本相比,我们可能更喜欢macOS深灰色Dark模式,但是Microsoft确实做到了 。 它不像macOS暗模式那样受到应用程序的尊重,部分原因是Windows具有更广泛的应用程序开发者生态系统,部分是因为微软没有同时更新其默认应用程序(或Office)以启用黑暗模式。
的Ubuntu (Ubuntu)

If you use Ubuntu or any Linux flavor with the GNOME Shell desktop, you can enable multiple themes, including dark ones. You can even make your Linux distro look like Mojave’s dark mode.
如果在GNOME Shell桌面上使用Ubuntu或任何Linux风格,则可以启用多个主题 ,包括深色主题 。 您甚至可以使Linux发行版看起来像Mojave的暗模式 。
iOS / iPadOS (iOS/iPadOS)

As of iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, iPhones and iPads have their own dark modes, which are respected by most apps. Unlike macOS, these have a true black background. We’re interested to see if Apple ever incorporates the mobile and desktop user interfaces.
从iOS 13和iPadOS 13开始,iPhone和iPad具有自己的黑暗模式,大多数应用程序都尊重它们。 与macOS不同,它们具有真正的黑色背景 。 我们有兴趣了解Apple是否曾经整合移动和桌面用户界面。
安卓系统 (Android)

Android is a tricky one because manufacturers implement things in different ways. Google introduced dark mode in Android 9 (known officially as Android 9 Pie). If you have a Google Pixel handset, you’ll find a dark mode option in Settings > Display > Advanced > Device Theme.
Android是一个棘手的问题,因为制造商以不同的方式实现事物。 Google在Android 9(正式称为Android 9 Pie)中引入了暗模式。 如果您有Google Pixel手机,则可以在“设置”>“显示”>“高级”>“设备主题”中找到暗模式选项。
If your phone is from some other manufacturer, there’s no guarantee it will implement the dark mode option. Even if it does, the feature might be somewhat different than what we’ve covered so far.
如果您的电话来自其他制造商,则不能保证它将实现暗模式选项。 即使这样做,该功能也可能与我们到目前为止介绍的功能有所不同。
For example, on Huawei phones, you find Dark mode in Settings > Battery > Darken Interface Colors, whereas, on Samsung’s Galaxy devices, it’s in Settings > Display > Night Theme.
You might have to do a little digging to find Dark mode on your device, but if it’s running Android version 9.0 or higher, it should be there.
您可能需要做一些挖掘才能在设备上找到“暗”模式,但是如果它运行的是Android 9.0或更高版本,则应该在那里。
浏览器 (Browsers)
Chrome (Chrome)
Since Chrome 73 (macOS) and Chrome 74 (Windows), Chrome automatically uses your OS’s Dark mode. If you want to use Light mode for your OS, but want to get rid of bright whites in Chrome, you can force it to use Dark mode, no matter what mode macOS or Windows is in.
从Chrome 73(macOS)和Chrome 74(Windows)开始,Chrome会自动使用操作系统的“暗”模式 。 如果要在您的操作系统上使用浅色模式,但又想摆脱Chrome中的亮白色, 则无论macOS或Windows处于哪种模式,都可以强制其使用深色模式 。
Dark mode also works in Chrome on Android, iPhone, and iPad, and it’s enabled automatically based on the operating system’s default setting.
火狐浏览器 (Firefox)
Like Chrome, Firefox respects your macOS and Windows Dark mode settings, but there’s also a specific setting to turn on Dark mode just in Firefox.
像Chrome一样,Firefox尊重您的macOS和Windows暗模式设置,但是还有一个特定设置可以仅在Firefox中打开暗模式 。
边缘 (Edge)

Unlike Chrome and Firefox, you have to turn on Edge’s Dark mode manually. If you use the preview builds of Chromium Edge—Microsoft’s soon-to-be-released version based on Google’s Chromium engine—there’s an experimental feature you can turn on to get Dark mode.
与Chrome和Firefox不同,您必须手动打开Edge的Dark模式 。 如果您使用Chromium Edge(Microsoft即将发布的基于Google Chromium引擎的版本)的预览版本,则可以打开实验性功能以获取Dark模式 。
Hopefully, this will respect the Windows Dark mode setting at some point. For now, though, we’ll settle for turning it on manually.
希望这会在某些时候遵守Windows Dark模式设置。 不过,到目前为止,我们将解决手动打开它的问题。
网站 (Websites)
If you enable Dark mode on your operating system, most browsers recognize it and do the same on any website that supports it. For websites that don’t support this yet, there’s an extension in Chrome and Firefox that will help.
如果您在操作系统上启用了暗模式,则大多数浏览器都可以识别该模式, 并在支持该模式的任何网站上进行相同的操作 。 对于尚不支持此功能的网站, Chrome和Firefox中有一个扩展会有所帮助。
Here’s how to enable dark mode on some of your favorite websites.
的YouTube (YouTube)
YouTube is a Google website, which means there’s more white than you can shake a stick at. Here’s how to make your next video session a little easier on your eyes.
YouTube是Google网站,这意味着您不能动弹了。 这是使您的下一个视频会话更轻松的方法 。
松弛 (Slack)
Everyone’s favorite chat app has a massively customizable color palette. However, if you prefer Dark mode, Slack has one built-in.
每个人都喜欢的聊天应用程序具有可自定义的调色板。 但是,如果您喜欢黑暗模式,则Slack内置了一个 。
邮箱 (Gmail)

More Google means more blinding white. Save yourself from faux-snow blindness with Gmail’s Dark mode.
更多的Google意味着更多的白人。 通过Gmail的“黑暗”模式,避免出现人造雪盲症。
外表 (Outlook)

If you use the Outlook web app for email, you can protect your eyesight with this dark theme.
如果您使用Outlook Web App接收电子邮件,则可以使用此深色主题保护视力。
葫芦 (Hulu)
A good movie or binge session is better in the dark. Thankfully, Hulu has a Dark mode for its web app.
一部好的电影或狂欢节在黑暗中会更好。 幸运的是,Hulu 的Web应用程序具有黑暗模式 。
应用 (Apps)
You might not want—or be able to get—Dark mode everywhere, but here’s how you can turn it on in some of the most popular apps.
松弛 (Slack)
We mentioned Slack above in the Website section, but you can make the same changes in the desktop and mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android.
我们在上面的网站部分中提到了Slack,但是您可以在iPhone,iPad和Android 的桌面和移动应用中进行相同的更改。
办公室 (Office)
The Dark mode in Office gives all the apps in this daddy of workplace productivity suites a much more pleasing hue. Microsoft also added its Dark mode to Office for Mac, as long as your machine runs Mojave or later.
Office中的“ 黑暗”模式为工作场所生产力套件中的所有应用程序提供了令人愉悦的色调。 只要您的计算机运行Mojave或更高版本,Microsoft还将其Dark模式添加到Mac的Office中 。
Last but not least, Microsoft also has a Dark mode for its Outlook mobile app.
最后但并非最不重要的一点,Microsoft还为其Outlook移动应用程序提供了Dark模式 。
Facebook Messenger (Facebook Messenger)
If you spend a lot of time on Facebook and also use a smartphone, you probably also spend some time on Facebook Messenger. Here’s how you can turn on Messenger’s Dark mode and rescue your weary eyes.
如果您在Facebook上花费大量时间并且还使用智能手机,那么您可能还会在Facebook Messenger上花费一些时间。 这是打开“ 信使”的“暗”模式并挽救疲倦的眼睛的方法。
推特 (Twitter)
There’s only so much scrolling your eyes can take. Enable Twitter’s Dark mode and bring on another round of cat videos, memes, and arguments with people you’ll never meet in person.
您的视线只能滚动很多。 启用Twitter的“黑暗”模式 ,并与您从未见过的人进行另一轮的猫视频,模因和争论。
Reddit (Reddit)
Reddit took its time releasing a mobile app, but it quickly jumped on the Dark mode bandwagon. When you enable this feature, you can browse subreddits to your heart’s content and in comfort.
Reddit花时间发布了一个移动应用程序,但很快就跳入了黑暗模式的潮流。 启用此功能后,您可以舒适地浏览子目录。
Android键盘 (Android Keyboard)

If an app’s in Dark mode, but you have to type on a blinding white keyboard, it can be a bit jarring. Thankfully, you can change your Google keyboard to Dark mode and stop blinding yourself.
如果某个应用程序处于“黑暗”模式,但是您必须在一个令人眼花white乱的白色键盘上打字,这可能会有些刺耳。 值得庆幸的是,您可以将Google键盘更改为“暗”模式,而不会致盲。
硬件 (Hardware)
Dark mode isn’t limited to apps, and your computer or smartphone—you can also enable it on some of your favorite smart home and streaming devices.
回声点 (Echo Spot)
Echo Spots are small and unobtrusive, but the bright, shining interface can have the opposite effect, especially if it’s in your bedroom. If you want to make your Spot even more inconspicuous, you can turn on Dark mode and dial down that sleep-disturbing brightness.
回声点很小且不引人注目,但是明亮,闪亮的界面可能会产生相反的效果,尤其是在您的卧室里。 如果要使Spot更不显眼,可以打开“暗”模式,然后调低干扰睡眠的亮度。
苹果电视 (Apple TV)
Who doesn’t love dark movie credits followed by a bright, white home screen? Everyone, that’s who. If you have an Apple TV, you can turn on Dark mode and save yourself the pain.
谁不喜欢黑底白字的电影片,然后是明亮的白色主屏幕? 大家就是那个 如果您有Apple TV,则可以打开“暗”模式 ,从而避免痛苦。
Have a favorite app or website we didn’t cover here? Let us know in the comments, and we will!
有我们这里没有介绍的最喜欢的应用程序或网站吗? 在评论中让我们知道,我们会的!
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/449742/the-ultimate-guide-to-enabling-dark-mode-everywhere/