之前 @荷兰猪 大神写了一篇文章《欧洲机器人实验室盘点》,从中学到了非常多的知识点,再此感谢!
基于 @荷兰猪 大神的介绍,本文将对每个实验室的研究内容和研究进展展开叙述,希望能帮到计划申请欧洲实验室的朋友。
① DLR(Prof. G Hirzinger, Prof. Alin Albu-schaeffer,Dr Christian Ott);
② Institute of Automatic Control(Prof. Sami Haddadin);
③ DIAG Robotics Lab(Prof. Alessandro De Luca, Prof. Giuseppe Oriolo);
④ PRISMA Lab(Prof. Buno Siciliano);
⑤ Bioengineering and robotics research center(Prof. Antonio Bicchi);
⑥ Istituto Italiano Di Tecnoligia ;
⑦ Max Planck Institute for Intelligenct Systems(Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf, Prof. Stefan Schaal);
⑧ Technische Universitaet Darmstadt(Prof. Jan Peters, Stefan Schaal的PhD);
⑨ EPFL(Prof. Auke Jan Ijspeert, Prof. Aude Billard);
⑩ University of Edinburgh(Prof. Sethu Vijayakumar);
⑪ LIRMM IDH(Prof. Abderrahmane Kheddar);
⑫ AIST(Prof. Shuuji Kajita, Prof. Abderrahmane Kheddar, Prof. Eiichi Yoshida);
⑬ Laboratoire d Analyse et d Architecture des System:LAAS;
⑭ Queensland University of Technology(Prof. Peter Corke);
⑮ INRIA(Dr. Francois Chaumette);
⑯ University of Tokyo, Nakamura Lab(Prof. Nakamura);
⑰ ETH Autonomous Systems Lab(Prof. Roland Siegwart);
⑱ 德国汉堡大学(张建伟教授)。
① DLR(Prof. G Hirzinger, Prof. Alin Albu-schaeffer,Dr Christian Ott)
网址:DLR - Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics - Robotic Systems
我之前也写文章分析过其中的部分产品:Justin 经典移动双臂系统—德国宇航局DLR_Rollin_Justin整体浅析 和 TORO 浅析经典类人机器人-Atlas、HR3、Cassie、Justin、TORO到底哪家强?各自的技术有哪些?(文末有BD的彩蛋~)。
② Institute of Automatic Control(Prof. Sami Haddadin)
有一款产品大家肯定熟悉:Franka,FRANKA EMIKA |,这款产品就是出自Sami之手,Sami 写过一本书非常出名:Towards Safe Robots Approaching Asimov's 1st Law,你知道为什么这款机器人叫Franka么?因为她女儿叫“Franka”,不信的话,往下看。
③ DIAG Robotics Lab(Prof. Alessandro De Luca, Prof. Giuseppe Oriolo)
Planning and Control of Humanoid Robots
Motion Planning
Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulators
Multi-Robot Systems
Robotic Exploration of Unknown Environments
Modeling, planning and control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Visual Servoing
Medical Robotics
④ PRISMA Lab(Prof. Buno Siciliano)
网址:Bruno SICILIANO Home Page,Prof. Buno Siciliano要特别强调一下,神一样的人物,ASME Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IFAC Fellow, Co-Editor of Springer Handbook of Robotics,应该和斯坦福的Prof. Oussama Khatib (Stanford Robotics Lab)齐名。
⑤ Bioengineering and robotics research center(Prof. Antonio Bicchi)
网址:Centro di Ricerca Enrico Piaggio
⑥ Istituto Italiano Di Tecnoligia :IIT
网址:http://iit.it/, @任赜宇 大神所在的实验室。
关于研究内容, @任赜宇 在他的的文章中有详细的介绍:
机器人实验室介绍——Italian Institute of Technology,介绍iCub。
机器人实验室介绍——Italian Institute of Technology, Humanoids and Human Centered Mechatronics(HHCM),介绍HHCM。
机器人实验室介绍——Italian Institute of Technology, Dynamic Legged Systems (HyQ),介绍HyQ。
另外,@任赜宇 在文章当大家都在谈论机器学习的时候,我们为什么还要强调硬件?——After Atlas2 Backflip中还提到了Walkman,可以看看上述的链接,做的非常厉害!
⑦ Max Planck Institute for Intelligenct Systems(Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf, Prof. Stefan Schaal)
网址:Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
研究内容(Institute | Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems):
⑧ Technische Universitaet Darmstadt(Prof. Jan Peters, Stefan Schaal的PhD)
网址:Jan Peters, Professor for Machine Learning in Robotics
⑨ EPFL(Prof. Auke Jan Ijspeert, Prof. Aude Billard)
网址:Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory (LASA)和Biorobotics Laboratory (BioRob) | EPFL
研究内容:Research | LASA, @李淼robot 大神所在的实验室,和Research | BioRob。
⑩ University of Edinburgh(Prof. Sethu Vijayakumar)
网址:Sethu Vijayakumar, Professor of Robotics, University of Edinburgh, UK
⑪ LIRMM IDH(Prof. Abderrahmane Kheddar)
网址:IDH / Teams / Research / Homepage / Lirmm.fr /, @荷兰猪 大神所在实验室。
⑫ AIST(Prof. Shuuji Kajita, Prof. Abderrahmane Kheddar, Prof. Eiichi Yoshida)
网址:National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
⑬ Laboratoire d Analyse et d Architecture des System:LAAS
网址:Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes
研究方向:Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems
⑭ Queensland University of Technology(Prof. Peter Corke)
网址:Resources for robotics education: code, books and MOOCS
⑮ INRIA(Dr. Francois Chaumette)
网址:Projet de Recherche Lagadic
研究内容:Lagadic research team - Irisa/INRIA Rennes
⑯ University of Tokyo, Nakamura Lab(Prof. Nakamura)
研究内容:Nakamura Lab.
⑰ ETH Autonomous Systems Lab(Prof. Roland Siegwart)
⑱ 德国汉堡大学(张建伟教授)
网址:Arbeitsbereich Technische Aspekte Multimodaler Systeme
总之,没想到欧洲的机器人实验室如此的厉害,通过 @荷兰猪 的文章学习了~