Google changed the device-to-TV scene with Chromecast, but as with all technology, it can have problems. At some point, you may need to reboot or factory reset your Chromecast. While these options are slightly hidden to prevent an accidental reset, it’s a straightforward and simple process.
Google使用Chromecast改变了从设备到电视的局面 ,但与所有技术一样,它可能会出现问题。 在某些时候,您可能需要重启或恢复出厂设置的Chromecast。 虽然这些选项被略微隐藏以防止意外重置,但这是一个简单明了的过程。
It’s worth noting here that rebooting and resetting have two very different outcomes. Rebooting harmlessly shuts down and restarts the Chromecast, while resetting wipes all your user information and makes the Chromecast as if you just took it out of the box.
在这里值得注意的是,重新启动和重置有两个截然不同的结果。 重新启动会无害地关闭并重新启动Chromecast,而重设会擦除您的所有用户信息,并使Chromecast像开箱即用。
如何从Google Home App重新启动或重置Chromecast (How to Reboot or Reset Your Chromecast from the Google Home App)
If have already have a Chromecast—be it a first or second generation—you undoubtedly have the Google Home app, since that’s required to set the device up in the first place. The reboot or reset process is the same regardless of whether you’re using iOS or Android, though naturally the menus look slightly different. I’m using an Android device for this tutorial, but you should be able to follow along easily with your iPhone or iPad as well.
如果已经有了Chromecast(第一代或第二代),则无疑拥有Google Home应用,因为首先需要设置该设备。 无论您使用的是iOS还是Android ,重新启动或重置过程都是相同的,尽管菜单看起来自然会稍有不同。 我在本教程中使用的是Android设备,但是您也应该可以轻松地与iPhone或iPad一起使用。
The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure your Chromecast is on and connected to the network. If it’s powered by an AC adapter plugged into the wall, you shouldn’t even need to have the TV turned on (though it’s probably still a good idea so you’ll know it’s reacting appropriately). If you have it powered through a USB port on your TV, however, the set will likely need to be on before the Chromecast will power up.
您要做的第一件事就是确保您的Chromecast已打开并连接到网络。 如果使用插入墙壁的交流适配器供电,则您甚至不需要打开电视(尽管这可能仍然是个好主意,所以您会知道它的React是适当的)。 但是,如果您通过电视上的USB端口为其供电,则可能需要先打开电视机,然后才能启动Chromecast。
Once your TV is on, fire up the Google Home app on yoru phone or tablet and tap the “Devices” button in the upper right corner. If you have multiple Google Cast devices, just scroll until you find the Chromecast you want to reboot or reset. Tap on the three-dot overflow menu in the top-right corner of the Chromecast card—it should be showing the same image that’s currently on your TV, known as a “backdrop.”
打开电视后,在yoru手机或平板电脑上启动Google Home应用,然后点击右上角的“设备”按钮。 如果您有多个Google Cast设备,请滚动直到找到要重新启动或重置的Chromecast。 点击Chromecast卡右上角的三点溢出菜单-它应该显示与电视上当前相同的图像,称为“背景”。

To reboot the Chromecast, just tap the “Reboot” option. Easy peasy.
要重新启动Chromecast,只需点击“重新启动”选项。 十分简单。

To factory reset the Chromecast, tap the “Settings” button. Then, tap the three dot menu in the upper right corner and choose “Factory reset.”
要将Chromecast恢复出厂设置,请点击“设置”按钮。 然后,点击右上角的三点菜单,然后选择“恢复出厂设置”。

Regardless of which one you choose, you’ll get a confirmation popup verifying that you want to execute that command. Once you’re sure that’s what you want to do, just tap “OK.” The device will do its thing—if you chose to reboot it, it’ll be back in action in just a few minutes.
无论选择哪个,都会弹出确认对话框,确认您要执行该命令。 确定要执行的操作后,请点击“确定”。 该设备将完成其工作-如果您选择重新启动它,则它将在几分钟后恢复运行。

If you’re performing a factory reset, it’ll take a few minutes to completely reset the device, then it will reboot and you can either unplug it (if you plan on selling it or the like), or go ahead and set it up again.
如果您要恢复出厂设置,则需要花费几分钟时间才能完全重置设备,然后它将重新启动,您可以拔下它的电源 (如果您打算出售该产品等 ),或者继续进行设置再次上升。
如何直接从设备将您的Chromecast恢复出厂设置 (How to Factory Reset Your Chromecast Directly from the Device)
If you can’t seem to access your Chromecast from the Google Home app, you’ll need to take a more hardware-based approach.
如果您似乎无法通过Google Home应用访问Chromecast,则需要采用基于硬件的方法。
There’s no “true” way of merely rebooting the unit from the physical device. If you need to restart it, just unplug it and plug back up. It’s kind of a janky solution, but it gets the job done.
没有“真正”的方法只是从物理设备重启设备。 如果需要重新启动,只需将其拔出并重新备份即可。 这是一种简单的解决方案,但可以完成工作。
If you need to do a factory reset, you’re in luck: Google put a hard reset button on both the first and second generation Chromecasts, so you can perform a factory reset easily. And regardless of which model you have, the process is the same, making it even simpler.
如果您需要恢复出厂设置,那么您很幸运:Google在第一代和第二代Chromecast上都设置了硬重置按钮,因此您可以轻松地进行出厂重置。 而且,不管您使用哪种模型,过程都是相同的,从而使其更加简单。
The first thing you’ll need to do is physically access the device. That means pulling out the TV and digging around behind it. I’m sorry.
您需要做的第一件事是物理访问设备。 这意味着将电视拉出并在其后方挖掘。 对不起。
Once you’ve got the Chromecast in-hand—still plugged into the power and TV!—just press the one and only physical button on the side of the unit for roughly eight seconds. The Chromecast’s indicator light will blink while you’re holding the button—slowly at first, then faster once it gets closer to resetting. When the light goes solid again, you can let go. The Chromecast will reboot and reset.
拿到手中的Chromecast(仍然插入电源和电视!)后,只需按下设备侧面的唯一且唯一的物理按钮大约八秒钟即可。 按住按钮时,Chromecast的指示灯将闪烁-首先缓慢,然后在接近重置时更快。 当光再次变亮时,您可以放开。 Chromecast将重新启动并重置。
After it reboots, you’re free to unplug it if you plan on getting rid of it. Otherwise, just go ahead and set it up again.
重新启动后,如果您打算摆脱它,可以随意拔出它的电源。 否则,请继续并重新设置 。
The Chromecast is a simple device with a lot of really practical uses under its hood. It’s always good to know how to reboot or reset your device should the need arise so you can get this brilliant little stick back into usable order as quickly as possible.
Chromecast是一款简单的设备,具有很多实际用途。 知道有需要时如何重新启动或重置设备总是很高兴的,这样您就可以尽快使这个出色的小棒回到可用状态。