Google TV is the company’s platform for smart TVs and set-top boxes. But wait, didn’t Google already have a TV platform called Android TV? And what about the Google TV app? Let’s dive into another Google naming mess.
Google TV是该公司用于智能电视和机顶盒的平台。 但是,等等,谷歌还没有一个名为Android TV的电视平台吗? 那Google TV应用程序呢? 让我们深入探讨另一个Google命名混乱的局面。
First and foremost, Google TV is still Android TV. The simplest way to think about Google TV is to imagine Android TV with a fresh coat of paint.
首先,Google TV仍然是Android TV。 考虑Google TV的最简单方法是,想象一下带有新漆的Android TV。
Google TV is similar in concept to overlays like Samsung’s One UI. A Samsung Galaxy phone with One UI is still running Android. In the same way, devices with Google TV are still running Android TV underneath. The difference here is One UI is exclusive to Samsung devices, while Google TV will run on Android TV devices from all companies.
Google TV在概念上类似于三星的One UI叠加层。 具有一个UI的Samsung Galaxy手机仍在运行Android。 同样,装有Google TV的设备仍在下面运行Android TV。 此处的区别是,一个UI是三星设备独有的,而Google TV将在所有公司的Android TV设备上运行。

The latest version of what we know as “Android TV” is based on Android 9, while Google TV is based on Android 10. Upgrading from Android TV to Google TV is no different than upgrading from Android 8 to Android 9. There’s just an extra layer on top.
我们称为“ Android TV”的最新版本基于Android 9,而Google TV基于Android10。从Android TV升级到Google TV与从Android 8升级到Android 9没什么不同。顶层。

Name aside, the biggest change with Google TV is the Home screen. Google completely revamped the Home screen experience to be based around recommendations. Movies and TV shows are pulled from the streaming services you subscribe to.
除了名称之外,Google TV的最大变化是主屏幕。 Google完全根据建议对主屏幕进行了改进。 电影和电视节目是从您订阅的流媒体服务中提取的。

The entire setup process for a new device has been revamped as well. Instead of taking place on the TV itself, set up now happens through the Google Home app. During the setup process, Google asks you to choose your streaming services so it can customize the Home screen recommendations.
新设备的整个设置过程也已进行了修改。 现在可以通过Google Home应用进行设置,而无需在电视上进行设置。 在设置过程中,Google要求您选择流媒体服务,以便可以自定义主屏幕建议。
Another key component of the Google TV Home screen is the “Watchlist.” You can add movies and TV shows to your Watchlist from Google Search on your phone, tablet, or computer. They will then be easily accessible from the Google TV Home screen. The content is also available in the Google TV app.
Google TV主屏幕的另一个关键组成部分是“监视列表”。 您可以在手机,平板电脑或计算机上通过Google搜索将电影和电视节目添加到监视列表。 然后可以从Google TV主屏幕轻松访问它们。 该内容还可以在Google TV应用中找到。
That’s right, there’s also a Google TV app. The Google Play Movies & TV app has been renamed to Google TV. It’s still the place to rent and purchase movies and TV shows in Google’s ecosystem, but now it also includes your streaming services and Watchlist. Search for anything and Google TV will tell you where it can be watched.
是的,还有一个Google TV应用程序。 Google Play影视应用已重命名为Google TV 。 它仍然是在Google生态系统中出租和购买电影和电视节目的地方,但现在它还包括您的流媒体服务和监视列表。 搜索任何内容,Google TV会告诉您可以在哪里观看。
The important thing to know is Google TV is still Android TV. It may look very different, but at the core they are the same. The Home screen is where most of the changes lie, and older devices will eventually get the same experience.
要知道的重要一点是Google TV仍然是Android TV。 看起来可能有很大的不同,但从本质上讲它们是相同的。 主屏幕是大多数更改的地方,而较旧的设备最终将获得相同的体验。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/693826/whats-the-difference-between-google-tv-and-android-tv/