使用Neo4J和Django创建REST API

时间:2021-08-07 23:31:01

I am trying to create a REST API with Neo4j and Django in the backend.

我正在尝试在后端创建一个带有Neo4j和Django的REST API。

The problem is that even when I have Django models using Neo4Django , I can't use frameworks like Tastypie or Piston that normally serialize models into JSON (or XML).


Sorry if my question is confusing or not clear, I am newbie to webservices.


Thanks for you help


EDIT: So I started with Tastypie and followed the tutorial on this page http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial.html. I am looking for displaying the Neo4j JSON response in the browser, but when I try to access to I get this error instead:

编辑:所以我开始使用Tastypie并按照本页面上的教程http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial.html。我正在寻找在浏览器中显示Neo4j JSON响应,但当我尝试访问http://时,我得到此错误:

{"error_message": "'NoneType' object is not callable", "traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n\n  File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tastypie/resources.py\", line 217, in wrapper\n    response = callback(request, *args, **kwargs)\n\n  File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tastypie/resources.py\", line 459, in dispatch_list\n    return self.dispatch('list', request, **kwargs)\n\n  File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tastypie/resources.py\", line 491, in dispatch\n    response = method(request, **kwargs)\n\n  File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tastypie/resources.py\", line 1298, in get_list\n    base_bundle = self.build_bundle(request=request)\n\n  File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tastypie/resources.py\", line 718, in build_bundle\n    obj = self._meta.object_class()\n\nTypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable\n"}

Here is my code :


api.py file:

class NodeResource (ModelResource): #it doesn't work with Resource neither
    class meta:
        queryset= Node.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'node'

urls.py file:

node_resource= NodeResource()

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^api/', include(node_resource.urls)),

models.py file :


class Node(models.NodeModel):
    p1 = models.StringProperty()
    p2 = models.StringProperty()

4 个解决方案



I would advise steering away from passing Neo4j REST API responses directly through your application. Not only would you not be in control of the structure of these data formats as they evolve and deprecate (which they do) but you would be exposing unnecessary internals of your database layer.

我建议不要直接通过你的应用程序传递Neo4j REST API响应。您不仅可以控制这些数据格式的结构,因为它们不断发展和弃用(他们这样做),但您将暴露数据库层不必要的内部结构。

Besides Neo4Django, you have a couple of other options you might want to consider. Neomodel is another model layer designed for Django and intended to act like the built-in ORM; you also have the option of the raw OGM layer provided by py2neo which may help but isn't Django-specific.

除了Neo4Django之外,您还可以考虑其他几种选择。 Neomodel是另一个为Django设计的模型层,旨在表现得像内置的ORM;你也可以选择py2neo提供的原始OGM层,这可能会有所帮助,但不是Django特有的。

It's worth remembering that Django and its plug-ins have been designed around a traditional RDBMS, not a graph database, so none of these solutions will be perfect. Whatever you choose, you're likely to have to carry out a fair amount of transformation work to create your application's API.




Django-Tastypie allows to create REST APIs with NoSQL databases as well as mentioned in http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/non_orm_data_sources.html.

Django-Tastypie允许使用NoSQL数据库创建REST API,以及http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/non_orm_data_sources.html中提到的。

The principle is to use tastypie.resources.Resource and not tastypie.resources.ModelResource which is SPECIFIC to RDBMS, then main functions must be redefined in order to provide a JSON with the desired parameters.


So I took the example given in the link, modified it and used Neo4j REST Client for Python to get an instance of the db and perform requests, and it worked like a charm.

所以我采用链接中给出的示例,修改它并使用Neo4j REST Client for Python来获取数据库的实例并执行请求,它就像一个魅力。

Thanks for all your responses :)




Thanks to recent contributions, Neo4django now supports Tastypie out of the box! I'd love to know what you think if you try it out.



I've just run through the tastypie tutorial, and posted a gist with the resulting example. I noticed nested resources are a little funny, but otherwise it works great. I'm pretty sure the gents who contributed the patches enabling this support also know how to take care of nested resources- I'll ask them to speak up.

我刚刚完成了tastypie教程,并在结果示例中发布了一个要点。我注意到嵌套资源有点搞笑,但除此之外效果很好。我非常肯定那些提供补丁的人也知道如何处理嵌套资源 - 我会请他们说出来。


As long as relationships are specified in the ModelResource, they work great. If anyone would like to see examples, let me know.




Well my answer was a bit vague so I'm gonna post how a solved the problem with some code:


Assume that I want to create an airport resource with some attributes. I will structure this in 3 different files (for readability reasons).


  • First : airport.py
  • 第一:airport.py

This file will contain all the resource attributes and a constructor too :


from models import *

class Airport(object):

    def __init__ (self, iata, icao, name, asciiName, geonamesId, wikipedia, id, latitude, longitude):
        self.icao = icao
        self.iata = iata
        self.name = name
        self.geonamesId = geonamesId
        self.wikipedia = wikipedia
        self.id = id
        self.latitude = latitude
        self.longitude = longitude
        self.asciiName = asciiName

This file will be used in order to create resources.


  • Then the second file : AirportResource.py: This file will contain the resource attributes and some basic methods depending on which request we want our resource to handle.


    class AirportResource(Resource):
        iata = fields.CharField(attribute='iata')
        icao = fields.CharField(attribute='icao')
        name = fields.CharField(attribute='name')
        asciiName = fields.CharField(attribute='asciiName')
        latitude = fields.FloatField(attribute='latitude')
        longitude = fields.FloatField(attribute='longitude')
        wikipedia= fields.CharField(attribute='wikipedia')
        geonamesId= fields.IntegerField(attribute='geonamesId')
        class Meta:
            resource_name = 'airport'
            object_class = Airport 
            allowed_methods=['get', 'put'] 
            collection_name = 'airports'
            detail_uri_name = 'id'
        def detail_uri_kwargs(self, bundle_or_obj):
            kwargs = {}
            if isinstance(bundle_or_obj, Bundle):
                kwargs['id'] = bundle_or_obj.obj.id
                kwargs['id'] = bundle_or_obj.id
            return kwargs

As mentioned in the docs, if we want to create an API that handle CREATE, GET, PUT, POST and DELETE requests, we must override/implement the following methods :


def obj_get_list(self, bundle, **kwargs) : to GET a list of objects

def obj_get_list(self,bundle,** kwargs):获取对象列表

def obj_get(self, bundle, **kwargs) : to GET an individual object

def obj_get(self,bundle,** kwargs):获取一个单独的对象

def obj_create(self, bundle, **kwargs) to create an object (CREATE method)

def obj_create(self,bundle,** kwargs)创建一个对象(CREATE方法)

def obj_update(self, bundle, **kwargs) to update an object (PUT method)

def obj_update(self,bundle,** kwargs)更新对象(PUT方法)

def obj_delete(self, bundle, **kwargs) to delete an object (DELETE method)

def obj_delete(self,bundle,** kwargs)删除对象(DELETE方法)

(see http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/non_orm_data_sources.html)

Normally, in ModelResource all those methods are defined and implemented, so they can be used directly without any difficulty. But in this case, they should be customized according to what we want to do.


Let's see an example of implementing obj_get_list and obj_get :


For obj_get_list:

In ModelResource, the data is FIRSTLY fetched from the database, then it could be FILTERED according to the filter declared in META class ( see http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/interacting.html). But I didn't wish to implement such behavior (get everything then filter), so I made a query to Neo4j given the query string parameters:


def obj_get_list(self,bundle, **kwargs):
    params= []
    for key in bundle.request.GET.iterkeys():
        if "search" in params :
            query= bundle.request.GET['search']
                results = manager.searchAirport(query) 
                data = createAirportResources(results)
            except Exception as e:
                raise NotFound(e)
                raise BadRequest("Non valid URL")
    return data

and for obj_get:


def obj_get(self, bundle, **kwargs):
    id= kwargs['id'] 
    try :
        airportNode = manager.getAirportNode(id)
        airport = createAirportResources([airportNode])
        return airport[0]
    except Exception as e : 
        raise NotFound(e)

and finally a generic function that takes as parameter a list of nodes and returns a list of Airport objects:


def createAirportResources(nodes):
    data= []
    for node in nodes:
        iata = node.properties['iata']
        icao = node.properties['icao']
        name = node.properties['name']       
        asciiName = node.properties['asciiName']
        geonamesId = node.properties['geonamesId']
        wikipedia = node.properties['wikipedia']
        id = node.id
        latitude = node.properties['latitude']
        longitude = node.properties['longitude']
        airport = Airport(iata, icao, name, asciiName, geonamesId, wikipedia, id, latitude, longitude)
    return data

  • Now the third manager.py : which is in charge of making queries to the database and returning results :
  • 现在是第三个manager.py:负责对数据库进行查询并返回结果:

First of all, I get an instance of the database using neo4j rest client framework :

首先,我使用neo4j rest客户端框架获取数据库的实例:

from neo4jrestclient.client import *
gdb= GraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")

then the function which gets an airport node :


def getAirportNode(id):
    if(getNodeType(id) == type):
        n= gdb.nodes.get(id)
        return n
        raise Exception("This airport doesn't exist in the database")

and the one to perform search (I am using a server plugin, see Neo4j docs for more details):


def searchAirport(query):
    airports= gdb.extensions.Search.search(query=query.strip(), searchType='airports', max=6)
    if len(airports) == 0:
        raise Exception('No airports match your query')
        return results

Hope this will help :)




I would advise steering away from passing Neo4j REST API responses directly through your application. Not only would you not be in control of the structure of these data formats as they evolve and deprecate (which they do) but you would be exposing unnecessary internals of your database layer.

我建议不要直接通过你的应用程序传递Neo4j REST API响应。您不仅可以控制这些数据格式的结构,因为它们不断发展和弃用(他们这样做),但您将暴露数据库层不必要的内部结构。

Besides Neo4Django, you have a couple of other options you might want to consider. Neomodel is another model layer designed for Django and intended to act like the built-in ORM; you also have the option of the raw OGM layer provided by py2neo which may help but isn't Django-specific.

除了Neo4Django之外,您还可以考虑其他几种选择。 Neomodel是另一个为Django设计的模型层,旨在表现得像内置的ORM;你也可以选择py2neo提供的原始OGM层,这可能会有所帮助,但不是Django特有的。

It's worth remembering that Django and its plug-ins have been designed around a traditional RDBMS, not a graph database, so none of these solutions will be perfect. Whatever you choose, you're likely to have to carry out a fair amount of transformation work to create your application's API.




Django-Tastypie allows to create REST APIs with NoSQL databases as well as mentioned in http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/non_orm_data_sources.html.

Django-Tastypie允许使用NoSQL数据库创建REST API,以及http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/non_orm_data_sources.html中提到的。

The principle is to use tastypie.resources.Resource and not tastypie.resources.ModelResource which is SPECIFIC to RDBMS, then main functions must be redefined in order to provide a JSON with the desired parameters.


So I took the example given in the link, modified it and used Neo4j REST Client for Python to get an instance of the db and perform requests, and it worked like a charm.

所以我采用链接中给出的示例,修改它并使用Neo4j REST Client for Python来获取数据库的实例并执行请求,它就像一个魅力。

Thanks for all your responses :)




Thanks to recent contributions, Neo4django now supports Tastypie out of the box! I'd love to know what you think if you try it out.



I've just run through the tastypie tutorial, and posted a gist with the resulting example. I noticed nested resources are a little funny, but otherwise it works great. I'm pretty sure the gents who contributed the patches enabling this support also know how to take care of nested resources- I'll ask them to speak up.

我刚刚完成了tastypie教程,并在结果示例中发布了一个要点。我注意到嵌套资源有点搞笑,但除此之外效果很好。我非常肯定那些提供补丁的人也知道如何处理嵌套资源 - 我会请他们说出来。


As long as relationships are specified in the ModelResource, they work great. If anyone would like to see examples, let me know.




Well my answer was a bit vague so I'm gonna post how a solved the problem with some code:


Assume that I want to create an airport resource with some attributes. I will structure this in 3 different files (for readability reasons).


  • First : airport.py
  • 第一:airport.py

This file will contain all the resource attributes and a constructor too :


from models import *

class Airport(object):

    def __init__ (self, iata, icao, name, asciiName, geonamesId, wikipedia, id, latitude, longitude):
        self.icao = icao
        self.iata = iata
        self.name = name
        self.geonamesId = geonamesId
        self.wikipedia = wikipedia
        self.id = id
        self.latitude = latitude
        self.longitude = longitude
        self.asciiName = asciiName

This file will be used in order to create resources.


  • Then the second file : AirportResource.py: This file will contain the resource attributes and some basic methods depending on which request we want our resource to handle.


    class AirportResource(Resource):
        iata = fields.CharField(attribute='iata')
        icao = fields.CharField(attribute='icao')
        name = fields.CharField(attribute='name')
        asciiName = fields.CharField(attribute='asciiName')
        latitude = fields.FloatField(attribute='latitude')
        longitude = fields.FloatField(attribute='longitude')
        wikipedia= fields.CharField(attribute='wikipedia')
        geonamesId= fields.IntegerField(attribute='geonamesId')
        class Meta:
            resource_name = 'airport'
            object_class = Airport 
            allowed_methods=['get', 'put'] 
            collection_name = 'airports'
            detail_uri_name = 'id'
        def detail_uri_kwargs(self, bundle_or_obj):
            kwargs = {}
            if isinstance(bundle_or_obj, Bundle):
                kwargs['id'] = bundle_or_obj.obj.id
                kwargs['id'] = bundle_or_obj.id
            return kwargs

As mentioned in the docs, if we want to create an API that handle CREATE, GET, PUT, POST and DELETE requests, we must override/implement the following methods :


def obj_get_list(self, bundle, **kwargs) : to GET a list of objects

def obj_get_list(self,bundle,** kwargs):获取对象列表

def obj_get(self, bundle, **kwargs) : to GET an individual object

def obj_get(self,bundle,** kwargs):获取一个单独的对象

def obj_create(self, bundle, **kwargs) to create an object (CREATE method)

def obj_create(self,bundle,** kwargs)创建一个对象(CREATE方法)

def obj_update(self, bundle, **kwargs) to update an object (PUT method)

def obj_update(self,bundle,** kwargs)更新对象(PUT方法)

def obj_delete(self, bundle, **kwargs) to delete an object (DELETE method)

def obj_delete(self,bundle,** kwargs)删除对象(DELETE方法)

(see http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/non_orm_data_sources.html)

Normally, in ModelResource all those methods are defined and implemented, so they can be used directly without any difficulty. But in this case, they should be customized according to what we want to do.


Let's see an example of implementing obj_get_list and obj_get :


For obj_get_list:

In ModelResource, the data is FIRSTLY fetched from the database, then it could be FILTERED according to the filter declared in META class ( see http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/interacting.html). But I didn't wish to implement such behavior (get everything then filter), so I made a query to Neo4j given the query string parameters:


def obj_get_list(self,bundle, **kwargs):
    params= []
    for key in bundle.request.GET.iterkeys():
        if "search" in params :
            query= bundle.request.GET['search']
                results = manager.searchAirport(query) 
                data = createAirportResources(results)
            except Exception as e:
                raise NotFound(e)
                raise BadRequest("Non valid URL")
    return data

and for obj_get:


def obj_get(self, bundle, **kwargs):
    id= kwargs['id'] 
    try :
        airportNode = manager.getAirportNode(id)
        airport = createAirportResources([airportNode])
        return airport[0]
    except Exception as e : 
        raise NotFound(e)

and finally a generic function that takes as parameter a list of nodes and returns a list of Airport objects:


def createAirportResources(nodes):
    data= []
    for node in nodes:
        iata = node.properties['iata']
        icao = node.properties['icao']
        name = node.properties['name']       
        asciiName = node.properties['asciiName']
        geonamesId = node.properties['geonamesId']
        wikipedia = node.properties['wikipedia']
        id = node.id
        latitude = node.properties['latitude']
        longitude = node.properties['longitude']
        airport = Airport(iata, icao, name, asciiName, geonamesId, wikipedia, id, latitude, longitude)
    return data

  • Now the third manager.py : which is in charge of making queries to the database and returning results :
  • 现在是第三个manager.py:负责对数据库进行查询并返回结果:

First of all, I get an instance of the database using neo4j rest client framework :

首先,我使用neo4j rest客户端框架获取数据库的实例:

from neo4jrestclient.client import *
gdb= GraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")

then the function which gets an airport node :


def getAirportNode(id):
    if(getNodeType(id) == type):
        n= gdb.nodes.get(id)
        return n
        raise Exception("This airport doesn't exist in the database")

and the one to perform search (I am using a server plugin, see Neo4j docs for more details):


def searchAirport(query):
    airports= gdb.extensions.Search.search(query=query.strip(), searchType='airports', max=6)
    if len(airports) == 0:
        raise Exception('No airports match your query')
        return results

Hope this will help :)
