使用JSONP和JQuery调用REST Api

时间:2022-08-22 11:07:37

I have created REST API in MVC4, it is working fine when I compose request from fiddler. But in my application, I need to call through jsonp because it would cross domain request. But when I'm calling this service it gives me error as shown below:

我已经在MVC4中创建了REST API,当我从fiddler中编写请求时,它可以正常工作。但是在我的应用程序中,我需要通过jsonp调用,因为它会跨域请求。但是当我调用这个服务时它会给我错误,如下所示:

Jquery JsonP Call ..

Jquery JsonP叫. .

        type: "POST" ,
        url: "",
        data: { SubDomain: subDomain, ParentDomain: parentDomain, ResellerId: resellerId },
        cache: false,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        success: function (response) {
            if (callback)
        error: function (response) {
            if (callback)

Error: 使用JSONP和JQuery调用REST Api


1 个解决方案



Right now you are not doing JSONP. It's still POST request. To make it JSONP you need simply to add dataType: "jsonp" to you $.ajax() call. You can also remove some other redundancy parameters like content-type and 'callback' param (but that's optional). So, your code should looke like:


    url: "",
    data: { SubDomain: subDomain, ParentDomain: parentDomain, ResellerId: resellerId },
    datatype: "jsonp",
    cache: false,
    success: function (response) { /* ... */ },
    error: function (response) { /* ... */ },

Be also ready, that your request will be transformed to a GET one and will look like /GetDomainAvailability?apikey=key&callback=jquery123&SubDomain=sss&ParentDomain=ppp&ResellerId=123&_=4398572349857

还要做好准备,您的请求将被转换为GET,并且看起来像/GetDomainAvailability?apikey=key&callback=jquery123&SubDomain=sss&ParentDomain= ppresellerid = 123_4398572349857

So, prepare your server-side code for that.




Right now you are not doing JSONP. It's still POST request. To make it JSONP you need simply to add dataType: "jsonp" to you $.ajax() call. You can also remove some other redundancy parameters like content-type and 'callback' param (but that's optional). So, your code should looke like:


    url: "",
    data: { SubDomain: subDomain, ParentDomain: parentDomain, ResellerId: resellerId },
    datatype: "jsonp",
    cache: false,
    success: function (response) { /* ... */ },
    error: function (response) { /* ... */ },

Be also ready, that your request will be transformed to a GET one and will look like /GetDomainAvailability?apikey=key&callback=jquery123&SubDomain=sss&ParentDomain=ppp&ResellerId=123&_=4398572349857

还要做好准备,您的请求将被转换为GET,并且看起来像/GetDomainAvailability?apikey=key&callback=jquery123&SubDomain=sss&ParentDomain= ppresellerid = 123_4398572349857

So, prepare your server-side code for that.
