C typedef:参数类型不完整

时间:2021-07-17 22:21:18

GCC 3.4.5 (MinGW version) produces a warning: parameter has incomplete type for line 2 of the following C code:

GCC 3.4.5(MinGW版本)生成警告:参数具有以下C代码的第2行的不完整类型:

struct s;
typedef void (* func_t)(struct s _this);
struct s { func_t method; int dummy_member; };

Is there a way to fix this (or at least hide the warning) without changing the method argument's signature to (struct s *)?

有没有办法解决这个问题(或至少隐藏警告)而不将方法参数的签名更改为(struct s *)?

As to why something like this would be useful: I'm currently tinkering with an object-oriented framework; 'method' is an entry in a dispatch table and because of the particular design of the framework, it makes sense to pass '_this' by value and not by reference (as it is usually done)...

注意:至于为什么这样的东西会有用:我正在修补面向对象的框架; 'method'是调度表中的一个条目,由于框架的特殊设计,通过值传递'_this'而不是通过引用传递(通常是这样)...

5 个解决方案



You can't quite do this easily - according to the C99 standard, Section, paragraph 4:


After adjustment, the parameters in a parameter type list in a function declarator that is part of a definition of that function shall not have incomplete type.


Your options are, therefore, to have the function take a pointer to the structure, or to take a pointer to a function of a slightly different type, such as a function taking unspecified parameters:


typedef void (* func_t)(struct s*);  // Pointer to struct
typedef void (* func_t)(void *);     // Eww - this is inferior to above option in every way
typedef void (* func_t)();           // Unspecified parameters



Switching to GCC 4 seems like it should work. MinGW version 4.3.0: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435&package_id=241304&release_id=596917

切换到GCC 4似乎应该可行。 MinGW版本4.3.0:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id = 2435&package_id = 241304&release_id = 596917



Hiding warnings is generally pretty easy - just look at the help for your particular compiler.

隐藏警告通常非常简单 - 只需查看特定编译器的帮助。


Note that suppressing warnings is generally not something I would advocate.




The warning seems to be a bug with the current MinGW version of gcc. Contrary to what Adam said, it is valid C99 - section, paragraph 12 explicitly allows this:

该警告似乎是当前MinGW版本的gcc的一个错误。与亚当所说的相反,它是有效的C99 - 第6.7.5.3节,第12段明确允许:

If the function declarator is not part of a definition of that function, parameters may have incomplete type and may use the [*] notation in their sequences of declarator specifiers to specify variable length array types.


There seems to be no way to instruct (this version of) gcc to not print this warning - at least I could not find a switch which worked - so I'm just ignoring it for now.

似乎没有办法指示(这个版本的)gcc不打印这个警告 - 至少我找不到一个工作的开关 - 所以我现在只是忽略它。



You want to call it with a function pointer. Why not use a void pointer instead?


typedef void (*func_t)(void*);

You MIGHT be able to pass a loosely-typed function pointer as well; I don't have a compiler on hand.


typedef void (*func_t)(void (*)());



You can't quite do this easily - according to the C99 standard, Section, paragraph 4:


After adjustment, the parameters in a parameter type list in a function declarator that is part of a definition of that function shall not have incomplete type.


Your options are, therefore, to have the function take a pointer to the structure, or to take a pointer to a function of a slightly different type, such as a function taking unspecified parameters:


typedef void (* func_t)(struct s*);  // Pointer to struct
typedef void (* func_t)(void *);     // Eww - this is inferior to above option in every way
typedef void (* func_t)();           // Unspecified parameters



Switching to GCC 4 seems like it should work. MinGW version 4.3.0: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435&package_id=241304&release_id=596917

切换到GCC 4似乎应该可行。 MinGW版本4.3.0:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id = 2435&package_id = 241304&release_id = 596917



Hiding warnings is generally pretty easy - just look at the help for your particular compiler.

隐藏警告通常非常简单 - 只需查看特定编译器的帮助。


Note that suppressing warnings is generally not something I would advocate.




The warning seems to be a bug with the current MinGW version of gcc. Contrary to what Adam said, it is valid C99 - section, paragraph 12 explicitly allows this:

该警告似乎是当前MinGW版本的gcc的一个错误。与亚当所说的相反,它是有效的C99 - 第6.7.5.3节,第12段明确允许:

If the function declarator is not part of a definition of that function, parameters may have incomplete type and may use the [*] notation in their sequences of declarator specifiers to specify variable length array types.


There seems to be no way to instruct (this version of) gcc to not print this warning - at least I could not find a switch which worked - so I'm just ignoring it for now.

似乎没有办法指示(这个版本的)gcc不打印这个警告 - 至少我找不到一个工作的开关 - 所以我现在只是忽略它。



You want to call it with a function pointer. Why not use a void pointer instead?


typedef void (*func_t)(void*);

You MIGHT be able to pass a loosely-typed function pointer as well; I don't have a compiler on hand.


typedef void (*func_t)(void (*)());