梅尔频率倒谱系数(Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients,MFCCs)
1. 倒谱(Cepstral):
2. 梅尔频率:
3. 因此,梅尔频率倒谱(MFC)是基于声音频率的非线性梅尔刻度(mel scale)的对数能量频谱的线性变换。梅尔频率倒谱系数 (MFCCs)就是组成梅尔频率倒谱的系数。
4. matlab代码实现
分享一个 作者为:Kamil Wojcicki写的matlab代码。代码注释非常详细,方便用于学习和使用。
function [ CC, FBE, frames ] = mfcc( speech, fs, Tw, Ts, alpha, window, R, M, N, L )
% MFCC Mel frequency cepstral coefficient feature extraction.
% MFCC(S,FS,TW,TS,ALPHA,WINDOW,R,M,N,L) returns mel frequency
% cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) computed from speech signal given
% in vector S and sampled at FS (Hz). The speech signal is first
% preemphasised using a first order FIR filter with preemphasis
% coefficient ALPHA. The preemphasised speech signal is subjected
% to the short-time Fourier transform analysis with frame durations
% of TW (ms), frame shifts of TS (ms) and analysis window function
% given as a function handle in WINDOW. This is followed by magnitude
% spectrum computation followed by filterbank design with M triangular
% filters uniformly spaced on the mel scale between lower and upper
% frequency limits given in R (Hz). The filterbank is applied to
% the magnitude spectrum values to produce filterbank energies (FBEs)
% (M per frame). Log-compressed FBEs are then decorrelated using the
% discrete cosine transform to produce cepstral coefficients. Final
% step applies sinusoidal lifter to produce liftered MFCCs that
% closely match those produced by HTK [1].
% [CC,FBE,FRAMES]=MFCC(...) also returns FBEs and windowed frames,
% with feature vectors and frames as columns.
% This framework is based on Dan Ellis' rastamat routines [2]. The
% emphasis is placed on closely matching MFCCs produced by HTK [1]
% (refer to p.337 of [1] for HTK's defaults) with simplicity and
% compactness as main considerations, but at a cost of reduced
% flexibility. This routine is meant to be easy to extend, and as
% a starting point for work with cepstral coefficients in MATLAB.
% The triangular filterbank equations are given in [3].
% Inputs
% S is the input speech signal (as vector)
% FS is the sampling frequency (Hz)
% TW is the analysis frame duration (ms)
% TS is the analysis frame shift (ms)
% ALPHA is the preemphasis coefficient
% WINDOW is a analysis window function handle
% R is the frequency range (Hz) for filterbank analysis
% M is the number of filterbank channels
% N is the number of cepstral coefficients
% (including the 0th coefficient)
% L is the liftering parameter
% Outputs
% CC is a matrix of mel frequency cepstral coefficients
% (MFCCs) with feature vectors as columns
% FBE is a matrix of filterbank energies
% with feature vectors as columns
% FRAMES is a matrix of windowed frames
% (one frame per column)
% References
% [1] Young, S., Evermann, G., Gales, M., Hain, T., Kershaw, D.,
% Liu, X., Moore, G., Odell, J., Ollason, D., Povey, D.,
% Valtchev, V., Woodland, P., 2006. The HTK Book (for HTK
% Version 3.4.1). Engineering Department, Cambridge University.
% (see also: http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk)
% [2] Ellis, D., 2005. Reproducing the feature outputs of
% common programs using Matlab and melfcc.m. url:
% http://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/matlab/rastamat/mfccs.html
% [3] Huang, X., Acero, A., Hon, H., 2001. Spoken Language
% Processing: A guide to theory, algorithm, and system
% development. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ,
% USA (pp. 314-315).
% Author: Kamil Wojcicki, September 2011
% Ensure correct number of inputs
if( nargin~= 10 ), help mfcc; return; end;
% Explode samples to the range of 16 bit shorts
if( max(abs(speech))<=1 ), speech = speech * 2^15; end;
Nw = round( 1E-3*Tw*fs ); % frame duration (samples)
Ns = round( 1E-3*Ts*fs ); % frame shift (samples)
nfft = 2^nextpow2( Nw ); % length of FFT analysis
K = nfft/2+1; % length of the unique part of the FFT
% Forward and backward mel frequency warping (see Eq. (5.13) on p.76 of [1])
% Note that base 10 is used in [1], while base e is used here and in HTK code
hz2mel = @( hz )( 1127*log(1+hz/700) ); % Hertz to mel warping function
mel2hz = @( mel )( 700*exp(mel/1127)-700 ); % mel to Hertz warping function
% Type III DCT matrix routine (see Eq. (5.14) on p.77 of [1])
dctm = @( N, M )( sqrt(2.0/M) * cos( repmat([0:N-1].',1,M) ...
.* repmat(pi*([1:M]-0.5)/M,N,1) ) );
% Cepstral lifter routine (see Eq. (5.12) on p.75 of [1])
ceplifter = @( N, L )( 1+0.5*L*sin(pi*[0:N-1]/L) );
% Preemphasis filtering (see Eq. (5.1) on p.73 of [1]) 预加重
speech = filter( [1 -alpha], 1, speech ); % fvtool( [1 -alpha], 1 );
% Framing and windowing (frames as columns) 分帧加窗
frames = vec2frames( speech, Nw, Ns, 'cols', window, false );
% Magnitude spectrum computation (as column vectors) 取频谱幅度值
MAG = abs( fft(frames,nfft,1) );
% Triangular filterbank with uniformly spaced filters on mel scale 三角滤波器组滤波
H = trifbank( M, K, R, fs, hz2mel, mel2hz ); % size of H is M x K
% Filterbank application to unique part of the magnitude spectrum
FBE = H * MAG(1:K,:); % FBE( FBE<1.0 ) = 1.0; % apply mel floor
% DCT matrix computation
DCT = dctm( N, M );
% Conversion of logFBEs to cepstral coefficients through DCT
CC = DCT * log( FBE );
% Cepstral lifter computation
lifter = ceplifter( N, L );
% Cepstral liftering gives liftered cepstral coefficients
CC = diag( lifter ) * CC; % ~ HTK's MFCCs