
时间:2021-10-30 19:35:35

虽然这些都是在帮助上找到的(如help num2hex),但有些人不懂MATLAB会有这些功能,而不懂得充分利用,所以贴出来共享,对于用FPGA做数字信号处理非常有效!


 BIN2NUM Binary string to numeric array conversion
    X = BIN2NUM(Q,B) converts binary string B to numeric matrix X.  The
    attributes of the number are specified by quantizer object Q.  If B is a
    cell array containing binary strings, then X will be a cell array of the
    same dimension containing numeric matrices.  The fixed-point binary
    representation is two's complement.  The floating-point binary
    representation is IEEE style.
    If there are fewer binary digits than are necessary to represent the number,
    then fixed-point zero-pads on the left, and floating-point zero-pads on the
    [X1,X2,...] = BIN2NUM(Q,B1,B2,...) converts binary strings B1, B2,... to
    numeric matrices X1, X2, ....
    BIN2NUM and NUM2BIN are inverses of each other, except that NUM2BIN
    always returns a column.
    For example, all of the 3-bit fixed-point two's-complement numbers in
    fractional form are given by:
      q = quantizer([3 2]);
      b = ['011  111'
           '010  110'
           '001  101'
           '000  100'];
      x = bin2num(q,b)

x =

    0.7500   -0.2500
    0.5000   -0.5000
    0.2500   -0.7500
         0   -1.0000


 NUM2BIN Number to binary string
    B = NUM2BIN(Q,X) converts numeric matrix X to binary string B.  The
    attributes of the number are specified by quantizer object Q.  If X
    is a cell array containing numeric matrices, then B will be a cell
    array of the same dimension containing binary strings.  The
    fixed-point binary representation is two's complement.  The
    floating-point binary representation is IEEE style.
    [B1,B2,...] = NUM2BIN(Q,X1,X2,...) converts numeric matrices X1, X2,
    ... to binary strings B1, B2, ....
    NUM2BIN and BIN2NUM are inverses of each other, except that NUM2BIN
    always returns a column.
    For example, all of the 3-bit fixed-point two's complement numbers in
    fractional form are given by:
      q = quantizer([3 2]);
      x = [0.75   -0.25
           0.50   -0.50
           0.25   -0.75
           0      -1   ];
      b = num2bin(q,x)

b =



HEX2BIN Convert hexadecimal strings to binary strings
    B = HEX2BIN(Q,H) converts hexadecimal strings vectorized in a column H to
    binary strings B.  The wordlength is derived from quantizer Q.  This is a
    private function that is used by NUM2BIN.
      q = quantizer('fixed',[8 7]);
      h = ['ff'; 'fe'];
      b = hex2bin(q,h)

b =



 NUM2HEX Number to hexadecimal string
    H = NUM2HEX(Q,X) converts numeric matrix X to hexadecimal string H.
    The attributes of the number are specified by Quantizer object Q.
    If X is a cell array containing numeric matrices, then H will be a
    cell array of the same dimension containing hexadecimal strings.
    The fixed-point hexadecimal representation is two's complement.  The
    floating-point hexadecimal representation is IEEE style.
    [H1,H2,...] = NUM2HEX(Q,X1,X2,...) converts numeric matrices X1, X2,
    ... to hexadecimal strings H1, H2, ....
    NUM2HEX and HEX2NUM are inverses of each other, except that NUM2HEX
    always returns a column.
    For example, all of the 4-bit fixed-point two's complement numbers in
    fractional form are given by:
      q = quantizer([4 3]);
      x = [0.875    0.375   -0.125   -0.625
           0.750    0.250   -0.250   -0.750
           0.625    0.125   -0.375   -0.875
           0.500        0   -0.500   -1.000];
      h = num2hex(q,x)

h =



 HEX2NUM Hexadecimal string to numeric array conversion
    X = HEX2NUM(Q,H) converts hexadecimal string H to numeric matrix X.
    The attributes of the number are specified by quantizer object Q.
    If H is a cell array containing hexadecimal strings, then X will be
    a cell array of the same dimension containing numeric matrices.
    The fixed-point hexadecimal representation is two's complement.  The
    floating-point hexadecimal representation is IEEE style.
    If there are fewer hex digits than are necessary to represent the
    number, then fixed-point zero-pads on the left, and floating-point
    zero-pads on the right.
    [X1,X2,...] = HEX2NUM(Q,H1,H2,...) converts hexadecimal strings H1,
    H2, ... to numeric matrices X1, X2, ....
    HEX2NUM and NUM2HEX are inverses of each other, except that NUM2HEX
    always returns a column.
    For example, all of the 4-bit fixed-point two's complement numbers in
    fractional form are given by:
      q = quantizer([4 3]);
      h = ['7  3  F  B'
           '6  2  E  A'
           '5  1  D  9'
           '4  0  C  8'];
      x = hex2num(q,h)

x =

    0.8750    0.3750   -0.1250   -0.6250
    0.7500    0.2500   -0.2500   -0.7500
    0.6250    0.1250   -0.3750   -0.8750
    0.5000         0   -0.5000   -1.0000


 HEX2NUM Convert IEEE hexadecimal string to double precision number.
    HEX2NUM(S), where S is a 16 character string containing
    a hexadecimal number, returns the IEEE double precision
    floating point number it represents.  Fewer than 16
    characters are padded on the right with zeros.
    If S is a character array, each row is interpreted as a double
    precision number.
    NaNs, infinities and denorms are handled correctly.
        hex2num('400921fb54442d18') returns Pi.
        hex2num('bff') returns -1.


 NUM2HEX Convert singles and doubles to IEEE hexadecimal strings.
    If X is a single or double precision array with n elements,
    NUM2HEX(X) is an n-by-8 or n-by-16 char array of the hexadecimal
    floating point representation.  The same representation is printed
    with FORMAT HEX.
       num2hex([1 0 0.1 -pi Inf NaN]) is
       num2hex(single([1 0 0.1 -pi Inf NaN])) is


 DEC2HEX Convert decimal integer to hexadecimal string.
    DEC2HEX(D) returns a 2-D string array where each row is the
    hexadecimal representation of each decimal integer in D.
    D must contain non-negative integers smaller than 2^52.
    DEC2HEX(D,N) produces a 2-D string array where each
    row contains an N digit hexadecimal number.
        dec2hex(2748) returns 'ABC'.


 HEX2DEC Convert hexadecimal string to decimal integer.
    D = HEX2DEC(H) interprets the hexadecimal string H and returns in D the
    equivalent decimal number. 
    If H is a character array or cell array of strings, each row is interpreted
    as a hexadecimal string.
        hex2dec('12B') and hex2dec('12b') both return 299


 BIN2DEC Convert binary string to decimal integer.
    X = BIN2DEC(B) interprets the binary string B and returns in X the
    equivalent decimal number. 
    If B is a character array, or a cell array of strings, each row is
    interpreted as a binary string.
    Embedded, significant spaces are removed. Leading spaces are converted to
        bin2dec('010111') returns 23
        bin2dec('010 111') also returns 23
        bin2dec(' 010111') also returns 23


 DEC2BIN Convert decimal integer to a binary string.
    DEC2BIN(D) returns the binary representation of D as a string.
    D must be a non-negative integer smaller than 2^52.
    DEC2BIN(D,N) produces a binary representation with at least
    N bits.
       dec2bin(23) returns '10111'
