Games are more fun when played with friends. On the Nintendo Switch, you’ll need to add someone to your friend list before you can play a game with him. Here’s how to send and receive friend invites on the Switch.
与朋友一起玩游戏会更加有趣。 在Nintendo Switch上,您需要将某人添加到您的朋友列表中,然后才能与他玩游戏。 这是在Switch上发送和接收朋友邀请的方法。
如何在Nintendo Switch上添加朋友 (How to Add a Friend on the Nintendo Switch)
There are two ways to add a friend on the Nintendo Switch: send a friend request using someone’s friend code, or accept a friend request sent to you. Additionally, you can search for friends locally using Bluetooth.
在Nintendo Switch上添加朋友有两种方法:使用某人的朋友代码发送朋友请求,或接受发送给您的朋友请求。 此外,您可以使用蓝牙在本地搜索朋友。
Once you’ve added a friend on the Nintendo Switch, both of you must have purchased a Nintendo Online Subscription to play any games online.
在Nintendo Switch上添加朋友后,两个人都必须购买Nintendo在线订购才能在线玩任何游戏。
如何找到您的朋友代码 (How to Find Your Friend Code)
After following the Nintendo Switch setup process, you’ll be assigned a 12-digit friend code automatically. This friend code will start with “SW” and can be viewed on your main profile page or at the bottom-right of the “Add Friend” page.
完成Nintendo Switch设置过程后,系统将自动为您分配12位数字的朋友代码。 此朋友代码将以“ SW”开头,并且可以在您的个人资料主页面或“添加朋友”页面的右下方查看。
The Profile Page is located in the top-left corner of the home screen. Use your left Joy-Con to navigate to your avatar, and then press the physical “A” button on the right Joy-Con.
配置文件页面位于主屏幕的左上角。 使用左侧的Joy-Con导航至头像,然后按右侧的Joy-Con上的物理“ A”按钮。

To add a friend on the Nintendo Switch, you’ll need to share your friend code (or receive another players’ friend code).
要在Nintendo Switch上添加朋友,您需要共享您的朋友代码(或接收其他玩家的朋友代码)。
First, navigate to your Nintendo Switch Profile Page on the Home menu, and then navigate to the “Add Friend” tab.
首先,导航至主菜单上的Nintendo Switch配置文件页面,然后导航至“添加朋友”选项卡。
Your Nintendo Switch Friend Code is located in the bottom-right corner, and it typically starts with “SW,” followed by 12 digits.
您的Nintendo Switch朋友代码位于右下角,通常以“ SW”开头,后跟12位数字。

You can choose to manage any received friend requests, search for local users, use a friend code to send a friend invite, or check on the requests you’ve sent.
接受朋友的请求 (Accept a Friend Request)
Any friend requests you receive will appear in the “Received Friend Request” menu. You can choose to accept or decline these.
您收到的任何好友请求都将显示在“收到的好友请求”菜单中。 您可以选择接受或拒绝这些。

发送朋友请求 (Send a Friend Request)
If you’ve acquired someone’s friend code, you can input the code by selecting “Search with Friend Code” from the “Add Friend” menu.

Type the friend’s 12-digit code, and an outgoing friend request will be sent to that person. Any sent friend requests can be managed by navigating to the “Sent Friend Requests” menu option under “Search with Friend Code.”
输入朋友的12位数字代码,外向好友请求将发送给该人。 通过导航到“搜索朋友代码”下的“已发送朋友请求”菜单选项,可以管理任何已发送的朋友请求。
在本地添加朋友 (Add Friends Locally)
This option will let you exchange friend requests with people in the same room. It doesn’t require an internet connection, as it uses Bluetooth to search for local consoles.
通过此选项,您可以与同一房间的人交换朋友的请求。 它不需要互联网连接,因为它使用蓝牙搜索本地控制台。

To add friends locally, you must be connected to a Wi-Fi network. If the Nintendo Switch console is not connected to the internet, the friend request will be temporarily saved on the console. The friend request will then be sent automatically the next time the console connects to the internet.
要在本地添加朋友,您必须连接到Wi-Fi网络。 如果Nintendo Switch控制台未连接到Internet,则好友请求将被临时保存在控制台上。 然后,下一次控制台连接到Internet时,将自动发送好友请求。
添加您之前玩过的朋友 (Add Friends You’ve Played with Before)

Some online multiplayer games will pair you up with random online players that you can send friend requests to later. From the “Add Friend” submenu, select “Search for Users You Played with,” and then invite someone you recently played with to connect.
某些在线多人游戏会将您与随机的在线玩家配对,您可以稍后向其发送朋友请求。 从“添加朋友”子菜单中,选择“搜索与您玩过的用户”,然后邀请您最近与之玩过的人建立联系。
朋友建议 (Friend Suggestions)
Select the “Friend Suggestions” option to send friend requests to people you’re friends with on Nintendo smart-device apps, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Facebook, or Twitter.
选择“好友建议”选项,以在Nintendo智能设备应用程序,Wii U,Nintendo 3DS,Facebook或Twitter上将好友请求发送给您的好友。

Any social media accounts must be linked before the Nintendo Switch can search for friends. To link a social media account to your Nintendo Account, select an option by clicking the “L” or “R” trigger on your Joy-Cons. Follow the onscreen set-up instructions.
必须先链接任何社交媒体帐户,Nintendo Switch才能搜索朋友。 要将社交媒体帐户链接到您的Nintendo帐户,请通过单击Joy-Cons上的“ L”或“ R”触发器来选择一个选项。 请按照屏幕上的设置说明进行操作。
Nintendo Switch用户设置 (Nintendo Switch User Settings)
If you’d like to reissue a new friend code, manage your blocked-user list, or clear any linked social media accounts, you can do so under the “User Settings” submenu. Select your avatar on the Switch’s home screen to get to this submenu.
如果您想重新发布新的朋友代码,管理被阻止的用户列表或清除任何链接的社交媒体帐户,则可以在“用户设置”子菜单下进行。 在Switch的主屏幕上选择您的头像以进入此子菜单。

This is also where you manage your nickname, icon, account information, and eShop settings.
Once you have some friends added, you can begin connecting in multiplayer games more easily.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664131/how-to-add-friends-on-the-nintendo-switch/