mac boot camp

Sometimes you want to quickly run a Windows program, without restarting your Mac. Sometimes you need access to all your Mac’s computing power for a Windows program or game. All of this makes it hard to decide whether you should dual boot with Boot Camp or use a virtual machine.
有时您想快速运行Windows程序,而无需重新启动Mac。 有时,您需要访问Windows程序或游戏的所有Mac计算能力。 所有这些使您难以决定是应该使用Boot Camp进行双重引导还是使用虚拟机。
It turns out you don’t have to decide: if you have Boot Camp installed, you can run your Windows partition as a virtual machine in Parallels Desktop. It’s the best of both worlds. (The only downside: you have to pay $80 for the full version of Parallels. But we think it’s well worth it.)
事实证明,您不必决定:如果安装了Boot Camp,则可以在Parallels Desktop中将Windows分区作为虚拟机运行。 这是两全其美。 (唯一的缺点是,您必须为完整版的Parallels支付80美元。但是, 我们认为这是非常值得的 。)
We’ve shown you how to install Windows on a Mac with Boot Camp, and how to run Windows on your Mac with Parallels. Combining the two gives you an amazing amount of flexibility, and it’s not hard to get started.
我们已经向您展示了如何在具有Boot Camp的Mac上安装Windows ,以及如何在具有Parallels的Mac上运行Windows 。 将两者结合在一起,可以为您带来惊人的灵活性,而且入门也不难。
Open Parallels and click the “+” button to create a new virtual machine.
打开Parallels,然后单击“ +”按钮创建一个新的虚拟机。

You’ll be presented with four primary options for creating a new virtual machine; choose “Use Windows from Boot Camp.”
将为您提供创建新虚拟机的四个主要选项。 选择“从Boot Camp使用Windows”。

After this you will be warned that Windows may ask for re-activation inside the virtual machine. Check to box to say you want to continue, then click “Continue.”
此后,将警告您Windows可能要求在虚拟机内部重新**。 选中复选框以说您要继续,然后单击“继续”。

You will be asked where you virtual machine should be located. Note that this is basically just a configuration file: there is no virtual hard drive, because Parallels will use your entire Boot Camp partition instead. Configure things as you like, then click “Continue.”
系统将询问您虚拟机应位于何处。 请注意,这基本上只是一个配置文件:没有虚拟硬盘驱动器,因为Parallels将使用整个Boot Camp分区。 随意配置,然后单击“继续”。

Parallels will get to work setting up your Boot camp partition to run as a virtual machine. At some point you’ll be asked to log into your Windows account, after which Parallels will automatically install Parallels Tools .
Parallels将开始设置您的Boot Camp分区以作为虚拟机运行。 在某些时候,系统会要求您登录Windows帐户,然后Parallels将自动安装Parallels Tools。

(Note that Parallels Tools will only run while you’re running Windows inside Parallels—you won’t see it when you boot into Windows directly.)
(请注意,Parallels Tools仅在您在Parallels中运行Windows时才能运行-直接引导至Windows时看不到它。)
Eventually you’ll be told that the everything is properly configured.

You can now use your new virtual machine! Your new virtual machine uses your Boot Camp partition, meaning anything you do in the virtual machine will be waiting for you when you log into Windows directly using Boot Camp.
现在,您可以使用新的虚拟机了! 新的虚拟机使用您的Boot Camp分区,这意味着当您直接使用Boot Camp登录Windows时,您在虚拟机中所做的任何事情都会等待您。
For example: you could install Steam and download a bunch of games while running macOS, then reboot your Mac into Windows later and play them. Or you could do a bunch of processor-intensive work in CAD while running Windows directly, then quickly access the results from macOS via Parallels if you need to.
例如:您可以在运行macOS的同时安装Steam并下载一些游戏,然后稍后将Mac重新引导到Windows并进行播放。 或者,您可以在直接运行Windows时在CAD中进行大量处理器密集型工作,然后根据需要通过Parallels从macOS快速访问结果。

Every feature of Parallels is supported here. You can use Coherence Mode to run Windows and Mac App side by side, for example, or use the Shared Folders feature to access your macOS files using Windows applications.
此处支持Parallels的所有功能。 例如,您可以使用Coherence Mode并排运行Windows和Mac App ,或者使用Windows应用程序使用“共享文件夹”功能访问macOS文件。
There’s only one downside, and that has to do with activation. Windows and Microsoft Office are activated specifically to one piece of hardware, and they will see the virtual machine as a different computer entirely. The result: you may have to re-activate Windows and Office from time to time. It’s annoying, and there’s no real way around it, but it’s a small price to pay for the convenience of this setup.
只有一个缺点,那就是与**有关。 Windows和Microsoft Office是专门针对一种硬件**的,它们会将虚拟机完全视为另一台计算机。 结果:您可能不得不不时重新**Windows和Office。 这很烦人,没有解决的办法,但是为方便设置而付出的代价很小。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/315083/how-to-run-your-macs-boot-camp-partition-as-a-virtual-machine/
mac boot camp