软件架构师 学习路线
This article is a summary of what I'm writing about in my newest project, solidbook.io - The Handbook to Software Design and Architecture with TypeScript. Check it out it you like this post.
本文是我在最新项目solidbook.io(使用TypeScript进行软件设计和架构的手册)中所写内容的摘要。 看看你喜欢这篇文章。
It's crazy to me to consider the fact that Facebook was once an empty text file on someone's computer.
This past year, I've been going hard in software design and architecture, Domain-Driven Design, and writing a book on it, and I wanted to take a moment to try to piece it together into something useful I could share with the community.
在过去的一年中,我一直在努力进行软件设计和体系结构, 领域驱动设计 ,并为此编写一本书 ,我想花一点时间尝试将其组合成一些有用的东西,以便与社区分享。
Here's my roadmap for how to learn software design and architecture.
I've broken it down into two artifacts: the stack and the map.
我将其分解为两个工件: 堆栈和map 。
堆栈 (The Stack)
Similar to the OSI Model in networking, each layer builds on top of the foundation of the previous one.

地图 (The Map)
While I think the stack is good to see the bigger picture of how everything works together, the map is a little bit more detailed (and inspired by the web developer roadmap) and as a result, I think it's more useful.
Here it is below! To fork the repo, read my detailed write-up and download it in high-res, click here.
在这里在下面! 要生成仓库,请阅读我的详细文章并以高分辨率下载,请单击此处 。

阶段1:清除程式码 (Stage 1: Clean code)
The very first step towards creating long-lasting software is figuring out how to write clean code.
创建持久软件的第一步是弄清楚如何编写简洁的代码 。
Clean code is code that is easy to understand and change. At the low-level, this manifests in a few design choices like:
干净的代码是易于理解和更改的代码。 在底层,这体现在一些设计选择中,例如:
- being consistent 保持一致
- preferring meaningful variable, method and class names over writing comments 优先于有意义的变量,方法和类名,而不是编写注释
- ensuring code is indented and spaced properly 确保代码缩进并正确间隔
- ensuring all of the tests can run 确保所有测试都可以运行
- writing pure functions with no side effects 编写没有副作用的纯函数
- not passing null 不传递空
Writing clean code is incredibly important.
Think of it like a game of jenga.
In order to keep the structure of our project stable over time, things like indentation, small classes and methods, and meaningful names, pay off a lot in the long run.
The best resource to learn how to write clean code is Uncle Bob's book, "Clean Code".
学习如何编写干净代码的最佳资源是Bob叔叔的书“ Clean Code ”。
第二阶段:编程范例 (Stage 2: Programming Paradigms)
Now that we're writing readable code that's easy to maintain, it would be a good idea to really understand the 3 major programming paradigms and the way they influence how we write code.
In Uncle Bob's book, "Clean Architecture", he brings attention to the fact that:
在Bob叔叔的书《 Clean Architecture 》中,他注意到以下事实:
- Object-Oriented Programming is the tool best suited for defining how we cross architectural boundaries with polymorhpism and plugins 面向对象编程是最适合定义我们如何利用多态性和插件跨越架构边界的工具
- Functional programming is the tool we use to push data to the boundaries of our applications 函数式编程是我们用来将数据推送到应用程序边界的工具
- and Structured programming is the tool we use to write algorithms 结构化编程是我们用来编写算法的工具
This implies that effective software uses a hybrid all 3 programming paradigms styles at different times.
While you could take a strictly functional or strictly object-oriented approach to writing code, understanding where each excels will improve the quality of your designs.
If all you have is a hammer, everything seems like a nail.
软件架构师 学习路线