Microsoft Office applications have a built-in Safe Mode feature. This helps when you can’t use Office normally. Perhaps Word crashes every time you open it, or maybe Excel crashes when you open a single file. You can start the application in Safe Mode and there’s a good chance it will work normally.
Microsoft Office应用程序具有内置的安全模式功能。 当您无法正常使用Office时,这会有所帮助。 Word可能在每次打开时崩溃,或者Excel在您打开单个文件时崩溃。 您可以在安全模式下启动该应用程序,很有可能它将正常运行。
什么是办公室安全模式? (What Is Office Safe Mode?)
When you start an Office application in Safe Mode, it will load without any add-ins or extensions, and without toolbar or command bar customizations. Any recovered documents that would normally be opened automatically will not open. AutoCorrect and various other features won’t work, and preferences can’t be saved.
当您在安全模式下启动Office应用程序时,它将在没有任何加载项或扩展名,没有工具栏或命令栏自定义的情况下加载。 通常会自动打开的所有已恢复文档将不会打开。 自动更正和其他各种功能将不起作用,并且无法保存首选项。
If Office is crashing every time you open it, it’s probably the result of a buggy add-on—but it may also be the result of an issue with your customizations. Safe Mode loads without all these features that can cause you trouble.
如果Office每次打开时都崩溃,则可能是附加项有问题的结果,但也可能是自定义项存在问题的结果。 安全模式加载时没有所有这些可能引起麻烦的功能。
This is different from Windows Safe Mode. In Windows Safe Mode, your whole Windows operating system is restarted without third-party drivers and other startup software that can cause problems. This is a similar idea, but for Office apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint only.
这不同于Windows安全模式 。 在Windows安全模式下,您的整个Windows操作系统将在没有第三方驱动程序和其他可能导致问题的启动软件的情况下重新启动。 这是一个类似的想法,但仅适用于Office应用程序,例如Word,Excel和PowerPoint。
使用键盘快捷键启动安全模式 (Launch Safe Mode with a Keyboard Shortcut)
To open any Office application in Safe Mode, press the Ctrl key and hold it down while you launch the program’s shortcut.
For example, to launch Word in Safe Mode, you’ll need to locate the Word shortcut in your Start menu, on your taskbar, or on your desktop. Press and hold the Ctrl key and either single-click it (if it’s in your Start menu or on your taskbar) or double-click it (if it’s on your desktop).
例如,要在安全模式下启动Word,您需要在“开始”菜单,任务栏或桌面上找到Word快捷方式。 按住Ctrl键,然后单击它(如果在“开始”菜单中或在任务栏上),或者双击它(如果在桌面上)。

You’ll see a message saying “You’re holding down the CTRL key. Do you want to start [Application] in Safe Mode?”.
您会看到一条消息,说“您按住CTRL键。 您要在安全模式下启动[应用程序]吗?”。
You can release the Ctrl key when this message box appears. Click “OK” to launch the application in Safe Mode.
当出现此消息框时,您可以释放Ctrl键。 单击“确定”以安全模式启动该应用程序。

使用命令参数启动安全模式 (Launch Safe Mode with a Command Argument)
You can also launch Office applications in Safe Mode by launching them with the /safe
For example, you can do this from the Run dialog. Press Windows+R to open it, and then type one of the following commands:
例如,您可以从“运行”对话框中执行此操作。 按Windows + R将其打开,然后键入以下命令之一:
winword /safe
词 :
winword /safe
excel /safe
Excel :
excel /safe
powerpnt /safe
PowerPoint :
powerpnt /safe
outlook /safe
展望 :
outlook /safe
mspub /safe
发布者 :
mspub /safe
visio /safe
Visio : Visio
visio /safe
Press Enter or click “OK” and the application will launch in Safe Mode.

If you need to open an Office application in Safe Mode regularly, you could make a new desktop shortcut to the Office application and add /safe
to the end of the Target box on its Shortcut pane. That shortcut would then always launch the application in Safe Mode.
。 然后,该快捷方式将始终以安全模式启动该应用程序。

如何离开安全模式 (How to Leave Safe Mode)
To leave Safe Mode, you will need to close the Office application and launch it normally.
If Office loads fine in Safe Mode but crashes in normal mode, the problem is likely a buggy add-in. You can view these by selecting File > Options > Add-ins in Office 2016. You may need to uninstall, reinstall, or update one or more add-ins of Office keeps crashing.
如果Office在安全模式下可以正常加载,但在正常模式下崩溃,则可能是外接程序有问题。 您可以通过在Office 2016中选择“文件”>“选项”>“加载项”来查看这些内容。您可能需要卸载,重新安装或更新Office的一个或多个加载项不断崩溃。
If Office still crashes in Safe Mode, its files may be corrupted. You may want to uninstall and reinstall Office on your computer.
如果Office仍在安全模式下崩溃,则其文件可能已损坏。 您可能要在计算机上卸载并重新安装Office。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/322260/how-to-open-word-excel-or-powerpoint-in-safe-mode/