
Inserting the date and time that automatically updates into a document can be useful. There are many formats for the date and time from which you can choose on the “Date and Time” dialog box, and you can control which formats for each are available.
将自动更新的日期和时间插入文档中可能会很有用。 您可以在“日期和时间”对话框中选择多种日期和时间格式,并且可以控制每种格式可用的格式。
When inserting the date and/or time using the “Date and Time” dialog box, you may have noticed the “Set As Default” button. This button is misleading as to what it actually does. When you select a format in the list on the “Date and Time” dialog box and click the “Set As Default” button, the selected format is used as the formatting switch when pressing “Shift + Alt + D” to insert the “DATE” field into a document.
使用“日期和时间”对话框插入日期和/或时间时 ,您可能已经注意到“设置为默认值”按钮。 此按钮对其实际功能有误导作用。 当您在“日期和时间”对话框的列表中选择一种格式并单击“设为默认值”按钮时,按“ Shift + Alt + D”插入“ DATE”时,所选格式将用作格式设置开关”字段放入文档中。
The “Set As Default” button has nothing to do with which formats for the date and time are available on the “Date and Time” dialog box. You are not setting the default selection for the dialog box when you click that button. When you start Word, the first option in the “Date and Time” dialog box is selected by default. Word remembers what you selected while the program is open, so the next time you open the “Date and Time” dialog box during the same Word session, the option you picked last is selected by default. When you close Word, the next time you open the program, the first option in the list is selected again.
“设置为默认值”按钮与“日期和时间”对话框中可用的日期和时间格式无关。 当您单击该按钮时,您没有设置对话框的默认选择。 启动Word时,默认情况下会选择“日期和时间”对话框中的第一个选项。 Word会记住程序打开时选择的内容,因此,下次在同一Word会话中下次打开“日期和时间”对话框时,默认情况下会选择上次选择的选项。 当您关闭Word时,下次打开程序时,将再次选择列表中的第一个选项。
The top item in the list on the “Date and Time” dialog box reflects the short date setting specified in Window’s regional settings in the “Control Panel.” Therefore, if you want to change the format of the date shown at the top of the list, you need to make a change in the regional settings in Windows. To make this change, press the “Windows key + X” to access the command menu and select “Control Panel.”
“日期和时间”对话框上列表的顶部项目反映了在“控制面板”中Window的区域设置中指定的短日期设置。 因此,如果要更改列表顶部显示的日期格式,则需要在Windows中更改区域设置。 要进行此更改,请按“ Windows键+ X”以访问命令菜单,然后选择“控制面板”。

On the “Control Panel” window, click “Clock, Language, and Region,” if you are viewing by “Category.”

On the “Clock, Language, and Region” screen, click “Change date, time, or number formats” under “Region.”

If you are viewing the options on the “Control Panel” screen by “Large icons” or “Small icons…”

…click the “Region” option in the list of “All Control Panel Items.”

The “Region” dialog box displays. On the “Formats” tab, select an option from the “Short date” drop-down list. This format will be available at the top of the list on the “Date and Time” dialog box.
显示“区域”对话框。 在“格式”选项卡上,从“短日期”下拉列表中选择一个选项。 此格式将在“日期和时间”对话框的列表顶部可用。

To change the format of the first occurrence of the long date format on the “Date and Time” dialog box, select an option from the “Long date” drop-down list.

You can also change the format for the first occurrences of the short and long time options on the “Date and Time” dialog box by selecting an option from the “Short time” drop-down list and one from the “Long time” drop-down list. Click “OK” when you are finished making your selections to save your changes and close the “Region” dialog box.
您还可以通过从“短时间”下拉列表中选择一个选项,并从“长时间”下拉列表中选择一个选项,来更改“日期和时间”对话框中第一次出现的短期和长期选项的格式。下列表。 完成选择后,单击“确定”以保存更改并关闭“区域”对话框。

To close the “Control Panel” click the “X” button in the upper-right corner of the window.
要关闭“控制面板”,请单击窗口右上角的“ X”按钮。

When you insert the date and time in Word, your newly selected date formats are now available at the top of the list on the “Date and Time” dialog box. If you changed the default long and short time formats, those are available where the long and short dates are first listed on the dialog box.
现在,当您在Word中插入日期和时间时, “日期和时间”对话框中列表顶部的新选择的日期格式现在可用。 如果更改了默认的长时和短时格式,则在对话框中首先列出长日期和短日期的地方可用。
NOTE: We used Word 2013 to illustrate this feature.
注意:我们使用Word 2013来说明此功能。

Remember that the “Set As Default” button on the “Date and Time” dialog box sets the default format used when inserting the “DATE” field by pressing “Shift + Alt + D” in a document.
请记住,“日期和时间”对话框上的“设置为默认值”按钮可通过在文档中按“ Shift + Alt + D”来设置插入“日期”字段时使用的默认格式。

If you click the “Set As Default” button on the “Date and Time” dialog box to change the format used when inserting the “DATE” field, you must click “Yes” on the confirmation dialog box to accept the change.

Now, when you press “Shift + Alt + D” to quickly insert a date field, the date format you set as the default in the “Date and Time” dialog box is inserted. Remember, the default set using the “Set as Default” button on the “Date and Time” dialog box is different from the default short and long date and time formats listed in the dialog box, set using the “Control Panel” in Windows.
现在,当您按“ Shift + Alt + D”快速插入日期字段时,将插入在“日期和时间”对话框中设置为默认值的日期格式。 请记住,使用“日期和时间”对话框上的“设置为默认值”按钮的默认设置与使用Windows中的“控制面板”设置的对话框中列出的默认短日期和长日期和时间格式不同。
NOTE: When you change the default long and short date and time formats in Windows, this may also change the way dates display in other programs besides Word.