
Spotify offers two tiers: a free, ad-supported plan and a $9.99 per month Premium plan. But what are the differences between the two and is it worth upgrading? Let’s find out.
Spotify提供两个等级:免费的广告支持计划和每月9.99美元的高级计划。 但是两者之间有什么区别,值得升级吗? 让我们找出答案。
Spotify的免费套餐带来的好处 (What You Get With Spotify’s Free Tier)
Spotify’s free tier isn’t really free; it’s ad-supported. Companies are paying Spotify to make you listen to ads every few tracks. Spotify makes less money per-play from ads than they do from Premium subscribers, so to encourage people to upgrade, the free tier is limited in certain ways.
Spotify的免费套餐并非真正免费。 它是广告支持的。 公司会向Spotify支付费用,以使您每隔几条就可以收听广告。 Spotify从广告中获得的每次播放收益比从Premium订户中获得的收益少,因此,为了鼓励人们进行升级,免费套餐在某些方面受到限制。
When using the desktop or web app with a free account, you can listen to any song, album, or playlist at any time in any order. The only limit is that every couple of tracks, you’ll hear an ad. It’s the mobile app, however, where the limits really hit you.
将桌面或Web应用程序与免费帐户一起使用时,您可以随时以任何顺序收听任何歌曲,专辑或播放列表。 唯一的限制是,每两首曲目,您都会听到一个广告。 但是,这是移动应用程序,真正使您受限制的地方。
When using the mobile app with a free account, you can listen to any songs in any order with unlimited track skips as long as it appears on one of the 15 personalized playlists chosen for you by Spotify’s machine learning algorithms. These playlists include things like:
当使用带有免费帐户的移动应用程序时,只要它出现在Spotify机器学习算法为您选择的15个个性化播放列表之一中,您就可以无限制地以任意顺序收听任何歌曲,而曲目跳动不受限制。 这些播放列表包括:
- Discover Weekly (a weekly selection of tracks Spotify thinks you’ll like). 每周发现(Spotify认为您喜欢的每周曲目)。
- Daily Mix (a mix of your favorite tracks and ones you haven’t heard that Spotify thinks you’ll like). 每日混音(混合您最喜欢的曲目和您从未听说过的Spotify认为自己喜欢的曲目)。
- Release Radar (new tracks from artists you listen to or Spotify thinks you’ll like). 释放Radar(您听过的艺术家或Spotify认为喜欢的艺术家的新曲目)。
- Spotify’s curated playlists like RapCaviar (the hottest rap and hip hop tracks) and Ultimate Indie (the best new and upcoming indie tracks). Spotify精心策划的播放列表,例如RapCaviar(最热门的说唱和嘻哈曲目)和Ultimate Indie(最好的新发行和即将发行的独立曲目)。
In total, you’ll have about 750 tracks to choose from, although the exact tracks available change from day to day and week to week.

Outside of the 15 personalized playlists chosen by Spotify, you can only listen to playlists, albums, or artists on shuffle. You can’t select a specific track to play and you are also limited to skipping six tracks per hour.
在Spotify选择的15个个性化播放列表之外,您只能收听随机播放的播放列表,专辑或艺术家。 您无法选择要播放的特定曲目,而且每小时只能跳过六个曲目。
Spotify Premium带来的好处 (What You Get With Spotify Premium)
Spotify Premium costs $9.99 a month and for that, you get an entirely ad free experience. You can listen to as much music as you want and you’ll never get interrupted by an ad.
Spotify Premium每月收费9.99美元,为此,您将获得完全无广告的体验。 您可以听尽可能多的音乐,并且永远不会被广告打扰。
You can also listen to any track, album, artist, or playlist you like at any time in any order with unlimited skips. Basically, you can listen to whatever music you want without any limitations in either the desktop or mobile apps.
您还可以随时以任意顺序无限制地跳过任何喜欢的曲目,专辑,艺术家或播放列表。 基本上,您可以在台式机或移动应用中不受任何限制地聆听所需的任何音乐。
One of the best features of the premium account is that you can download tracks for offline listening in both the mobile and desktop apps. This is great if you want to save on mobile data or don’t always have your laptop or phone connected to the internet while you work. It turns Spotify into an offline music service rather than an online music streaming service.
高级帐户的最佳功能之一是,您可以在移动和桌面应用程序中下载曲目以进行离线收听。 如果您想保存移动数据,或者在工作时不总是将笔记本电脑或手机连接到互联网,那么这非常好。 它将Spotify变成了离线音乐服务,而不是在线音乐流服务。
You also get the ability to listen to higher quality audio streams. On the free plan, tracks are streamed at 96kbps on mobile and 160kbps on your computer—a small, but noticeable drop in quality compared to a CD. With Premium, you can listen to tracks at up to 320kbps which is, for most people, completely indistinguishable from CD quality audio.
您还可以收听更高质量的音频流。 在免费计划中,曲目在移动设备上的传输速率为96kbps,在计算机上的传输速率为160kbps,与CD相比,它的质量下降幅度很小,但值得注意。 使用Premium,您可以以高达320kbps的速度收听曲目,对于大多数人来说,这与CD品质的音频完全没有区别。
值得升级吗? (Is It Worth the Upgrade?)

Up until recently, Spotify Premium offered a significantly better mobile experience than the free tier because you couldn’t listen to any track you want from the 15 personalized playlists; you were totally limited to shuffle. Now though, things are a bit more interesting.
直到最近,Spotify Premium还提供了比免费套餐更好的移动体验,因为您无法从15个个性化播放列表中收听所需的任何曲目。 你完全只能洗牌。 现在,事情变得更有趣了。
Spotify’s recommendation engine is pretty awesome and the more you listen, the better it gets. I regularly use Spotify’s playlists when I don’t want to think too much about what I listen to because they’re so well matched to my tastes. It is definitely possible to get by with the 750 or so constantly changing songs and be happy.
Spotify的推荐引擎非常棒,您听的越多,获得的效果就越好。 当我不想过多考虑听的内容时,我会定期使用Spotify的播放列表,因为它们与我的品味非常匹配。 通过750左右的不断变化的歌曲来获得快乐绝对是可能的。
On the other hand, the extra features are pretty great. Offline listening is hard to beat if you’re on a limited data plan or have spotty coverage. And the ads can be very annoying. Upgrading also might not cost as much as you think. A regular account is $9.99 per month, but students can get it (and Hulu) for $4.99 per month.
另一方面,额外的功能也很棒。 如果您的数据计划有限或报道参差不齐,那么离线收听就很难被击败。 而且广告可能非常烦人。 升级的费用可能也没有您想象的那么高。 普通帐户每月需要9.99美元,但学生可以每月4.99美元获得(和Hulu) 。
There’s also a great family plan that costs $14.99 per month for up to five people. Even if you only have two people using Spotify, you save money with the family plan. And with a family of four or five, it’s a no-brainer.
还有一个很棒的家庭计划,每月收费14.99美元,最多可容纳5人。 即使只有两个人使用Spotify,您也可以通过家庭计划省钱。 一家四口或五口,这简直就是天才。
Personally, I’ve been a Premium subscriber for a long time and that’s not going to change in a hurry. However, Spotify’s free tier has never been more compelling. It’s really up to you whether the extra features are worth the cost of upgrading.
就我个人而言,我已经是高级订户很长一段时间了,这不会急于改变。 但是,Spotify的免费套餐从未如此引人注目。 额外的功能是否值得升级成本完全取决于您。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/350288/spotify-free-vs-premium-is-it-worth-upgrading/