
AutoText entries are reusable chunks of text you can insert into documents using just a few keystrokes, saving you a lot of typing. However, you can add keyboard shortcut keys to AutoText entries, making it even faster.
自动图文集词条是可重用的文本块,您只需单击几次键就可以插入文档中,从而节省了很多键入操作。 但是,您可以将键盘快捷键添加到自动图文集条目中,从而使其更快。
Adding a shortcut key to an AutoText entry allows you to insert it without having to type any of the AutoText entry’s name. Simply press the shortcut key, and the large block of text will appear in your document. This may not seem like it would save a lot of time, but if you have a lot of AutoText entries you use regularly, the little bit of time you save inserting each entry can add up.
向自动图文集条目添加快捷键,使您无需输入任何自动图文集条目的名称即可将其插入。 只需按下快捷键,大块文本将出现在您的文档中。 这似乎并不能节省很多时间,但是如果您经常使用许多自动图文集词条,则节省的时间会增加插入每个词条的时间。
If you want to add a shortcut key to a custom AutoText entry you create, first set up your AutoText entry as described in our guide. You can also add shortcut keys to built-in AutoText entries.
如果要向创建的自定义自动图文集条目添加快捷键,请首先按照指南中的说明设置自动图文集条目 。 您还可以将快捷键添加到内置的自动图文集条目中。
For this demonstration, we’ll add a shortcut key to the “Address” AutoText entry we created in the article referenced above. Create a new Word document or open an Existing one and click the “File” tab.
对于此演示,我们将为在上面引用的文章中创建的“地址”自动图文集条目添加快捷键。 创建一个新的Word文档或打开一个现有的文档,然后单击“文件”选项卡。

On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.

The “Word Options” dialog box displays. Click “Customize Ribbon” in the list of items on the left.
显示“ Word选项”对话框。 在左侧的项目列表中单击“自定义功能区”。

In the right pane, below the list of commands, click “Customize” next to “Keyboard shortcuts”.

In the list of “Categories” on the “Customize Keyboard” dialog box, scroll down and select “Building Blocks”.
在“自定义键盘”对话框的“类别”列表中,向下滚动并选择“ Building Blocks”。

All available building blocks display in the “Building Blocks” list on the right. Scroll down, if necessary, and select the AutoText entry to which you want to add a shortcut key. Here, we’ve selected our “Address” AutoText entry.
所有可用的构建基块都显示在右侧的“构建基块”列表中。 如有必要,请向下滚动,然后选择要在其中添加快捷键的“自动图文集”条目。 在这里,我们选择了“地址”自动图文集条目。

Click in the “Press new shortcut key” edit box and then press the shortcut key you want to use. The key combination displays in the edit box. If that key combination is already assigned to another function, that function is listed below the “Current keys” list box, next to “Currently assigned to”. In our example, we tried to assign “Ctrl + Shift + A” to our “Address” AutoText entry, but that key combination is already assigned to “AllCaps”. You can reassign the key combination to your AutoText entry, but we decided not to.
在“按新的快捷键”编辑框中单击,然后按要使用的快捷键。 组合键显示在编辑框中。 如果该组合键已经分配给另一个功能,则该功能将列在“当前键”列表框下方,“当前分配给”旁边。 在我们的示例中,我们尝试将“ Ctrl + Shift + A”分配给“地址”自动图文集条目,但是该组合键已经分配给“ AllCaps”。 您可以将组合键重新分配给“自动图文集”条目,但我们决定不这样做。

Instead, we tried “Alt + Ctrl + A” instead and discovered that key combination is unassigned. To finalize the shortcut key assignment, click “Assign”.
相反,我们尝试使用“ Alt + Ctrl + A”代替,发现未分配键组合。 要完成快捷键分配,请单击“分配”。

The chosen shortcut key is added to the “Current keys” list. You can add multiple shortcut keys to one AutoText entry by repeating this process. When you’re done assigning shortcut keys, click “Close”.
所选的快捷键将添加到“当前键”列表中。 您可以通过重复此过程向一个自动图文集条目添加多个快捷键。 分配快捷键后,单击“关闭”。

You are returned to the “Word Options” dialog box. Click “OK” to close it.
您将返回到“ Word选项”对话框。 单击“确定”将其关闭。

Now we can use “Alt + Ctrl + A” to insert our “Address” AutoText entry into any Word document as we type.
现在,我们可以使用“ Alt + Ctrl + A”将我们的“地址”自动图文集词条插入到键入的任何Word文档中。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/241581/how-to-add-shortcut-keys-to-autotext-entries-in-word/