Walk through any electronics showroom and most TVs you see will be some form of “Ultra HD” 4K. There are plenty of models available, and they’re cheaper than ever. But should you buy one?
走进任何电子产品展示厅,您看到的大多数电视都将是某种形式的“超高清” 4K。 有许多可用的模型,它们比以往便宜。 但是你应该买一个吗?
Well, probably, but don’t hurry yourself.
4K是一种改进,但HDR甚至更好 (4K Is An Improvement, but HDR Is Even Better)

Unlike 3D TVs, curved TVs, and smart TVs, 4K isn’t a gimmick—it offers a clear and obvious benefit over its normal HD counterparts.
与3D电视,曲面电视和智能电视不同 ,4K不是a头-与普通的高清电视相比 ,它具有明显的优势。
A standard full HD TV you’ll buy right now has a resolution of 1080p, or 1920×1080. A 4K TV has a resolution of 3840×2160. It’s named 4K because it has about four times as many pixels as a 1080p TV, and is nearly 4000 pixels wide. The same way smartphones, tablets, and laptops are being made with crisper, higher-resolution screens, TVs are starting to catch up—if you’ve seen an Apple device with a “Retina” display (or a similar offering from other manufacturers), you’ll understand.
您现在购买的标准全高清电视的分辨率为1080p或1920×1080。 4K电视的分辨率为3840×2160。 之所以命名为4K,是因为它的像素约为1080p电视的四倍,并且宽度接近4000像素。 使用更清晰,更高分辨率的屏幕来制造智能手机,平板电脑和笔记本电脑的方法相同,电视也开始迎头赶上-如果您已经看到带有“ Retina”显示屏的Apple设备(或其他制造商的类似产品) ,您会明白的。
However, smartphones, tablets, and laptops benefit more from this because your eyes are closer to the screen. At common TV sizes and viewing distances, the benefit of 4K over traditional HD isn’t quite as extreme as it is on a laptop. In fact, depending on the size of your TV and how far away you sit, you may not notice much of a difference at all. Whether you would notice the extra detail in a 4K TV is beside the point, though. Eventually, all TVs sold will be 4K, and you can upgrade whenever you feel like it.
但是,智能手机,平板电脑和笔记本电脑会从中受益更多,因为您的眼睛更靠近屏幕。 在普通的电视尺寸和观看距离下,4K优于传统高清的优势并没有笔记本电脑那么极端。 实际上,根据电视的大小和坐着的距离,您可能根本不会注意到很多差异。 但是,您是否会注意到4K电视中的额外细节也不重要。 最终,所有出售的电视都将是4K,您可以随时升级。
However, the 4K transition is bringing with it a more important change: HDR. Many (but not all just yet) 4K televisions have some form of high-dynamic range support. HDR allows filmmakers to produce movies with deeper black levels, brighter lights, and richer colors. The 10-bit wide color gamut in HDR10, the most basic HDR spec, can display red, green, and blue light at 1024 different values each, for a possible combination of up to 1.06 billion distinct colors, compared to the typical 16 million colors previous TVs could display.
但是,4K过渡带来了更重要的变化:HDR。 许多(但不是全部)4K电视具有某种形式的高动态范围支持。 HDR使电影制作人可以制作具有更深的黑电平,更明亮的灯光和更丰富的色彩的电影。 最基本的HDR规格HDR10中的10位宽色域可以显示每个具有1024个不同值的红,绿和蓝光,与典型的1600万种颜色相比, 最多可以组合10.6 亿种不同的颜色以前的电视可以显示。
HDR also improves the luminance of your display. No matter how bright an object on screen is supposed to be, your television can only emit so much light to represent that image. A normal HDTV can display colors that are as dim as 0.117 nits (the unit used to measure the intensity of a light), and as light as 100-200 nits. An HDR-capable TV can display colors at least as dim as 0.05 nits, and as bright as 1,100 nits. If you decide to buy a TV that uses Dolby Vision—which is more expensive and doesn’t support as much content—those values get even higher (or lower). The overall result is a richer color palette and a more accurate representation of real-life objects. 4K resolution may give you more detail in a single frame, but HDR makes those details pop. Don’t believe us? Check out the comparison video below, which should give you an idea of the differences:
HDR还可以提高显示器的亮度。 无论屏幕上的物体应该有多亮,您的电视只能发出如此多的光来代表该图像。 普通的HDTV可以显示0.117尼特( 用于测量光线强度的单位 )的暗色,以及100-200尼特的光线。 具有HDR功能的电视可以显示至少0.05尼特的暗色和1,100尼特的明亮色。 如果您决定购买使用杜比视界(Dolby Vision)的电视( 价格昂贵且不支持那么多的内容),则这些价值会更高(或更低)。 总体结果是更丰富的调色板和真实对象的更准确表示。 4K分辨率可以在一帧中为您提供更多细节,但是HDR可以使这些细节流行起来。 不相信我们吗? 请查看下面的比较视频,它应该使您了解不同之处:
Unfortunately, we’re in the middle of a format war over HDR. Dolby Vision offers superior video quality, but it requires special hardware and content producers have to make their content compatible with it from the start. HDR10 doesn’t offer quite as much of an image quality boost, but it’s free for TV manufacturers to support and it’s much easier for content creators to support it. Most 4K TVs that include HDR support the HDR10 format, while only some have chosen to add Dolby Vision. If you’d rather wait for the high-quality Dolby Vision to get cheaper—and see if content producers will even support it—it may be worth waiting. However, if you’re okay with HDR10—which is still a substantial improvement over regular HDTV—then there are already plenty of 4K TVs you may want to buy.
不幸的是,我们正处于HDR格式之战中 。 杜比视界(Dolby Vision)提供卓越的视频质量,但是它需要特殊的硬件,内容制作者必须从一开始就使其内容与之兼容。 HDR10不能提供相当多的图像质量提升,但是电视制造商可以免费获得HDR10的支持,而内容创作者可以更轻松地支持它。 大多数包含HDR的4K电视都支持HDR10格式,而只有少数电视选择添加Dolby Vision。 如果您希望等到高质量的杜比视界(Dolby Vision)变得更便宜时,再看看内容制作者是否会支持它,那就值得等待。 但是,如果您对HDR10没问题(相对于普通HDTV而言仍是一个很大的进步),那么您可能已经要购买很多4K电视了。
Even more unfortunately, HDR can be misleading. Some TVs claim to have HDR, but really “fake” 10-bit color by dithering on an 8-bit screen. Others may have HDR but cheap out on features like local LED dimming that make it good, so the screen flickers or doesn’t get as dim as it should. You can read more about these issues here, but the bottom line is this: if you want HDR that’s actually good, you’ll probably need to spend at least $1000 on a new TV. We recommend reading reviews at Rtings to find out which ones are worth your money.
更不幸的是,HDR可能会产生误导。 一些电视声称具有HDR,但实际上是通过在8位屏幕上抖动来“伪造” 10位颜色。 其他人可能具有HDR,但价格便宜,例如使本地LED变暗的LEDR变好,因此屏幕闪烁或变暗得不如预期。 您可以在此处阅读有关这些问题的更多信息 ,但最重要的是:如果您希望HDR确实不错,那么您可能需要在新电视上花费至少1000美元。 我们建议您在Rtings阅读评论,以找出哪些值得您花钱。
内容在欺骗 (The Content Is Trickling In)

Of course, a 4K TV doesn’t mean much if everything you’re watching is only 1080p. Thankfully, finding 4K content is getting easier than it used to be. Sony and Microsoft both have consoles on the market (or coming soon) that can render games in 4K. Most major blockbuster movies are being released on Ultra HD Blu-rays, and streaming companies like Netflix are releasing more 4K content than ever before. Not all of this content also supports HDR, but a lot of it does. If you want to find content for your shiny new TV, here are your options:
当然,如果您所观看的一切仅为1080p,那么4K电视的意义并不大。 幸运的是,查找4K内容比以前变得容易了。 索尼和微软都在市场上(或即将推出 )拥有可以以4K渲染游戏的控制台。 大多数主要的卖座电影都在超高清蓝光上发行,而像Netflix这样的流媒体公司发行的4K内容比以往任何时候都要多。 并非所有这些内容也都支持HDR,但很多内容都支持。 如果您想为闪亮的新电视查找内容, 则可以选择以下几种 :
Ultra HD Blu-ray: 4K Blu-ray players aren’t dirt cheap just yet, but you can find some models for less than $200. More importantly, consoles like the Xbox One S and Xbox One X also function as 4K Blu-ray players, so you might not need a separate box. Studios like Sony, Warner Bros., Universal, Lionsgate, and Disney are finally releasing many of their movies on 4K discs. Since other methods like streaming can reduce the picture quality of 4K content, this is probably your best bet for getting the most stunning images on your TV for now.
超高清蓝光 :4K蓝光播放器还不便宜,但是您可以找到价格低于200美元的某些型号。 更重要的是,像Xbox One S和Xbox One X这样的控制台也可以用作4K蓝光播放器,因此您可能不需要单独的盒子。 索尼,华纳兄弟,环球影城,狮门影业和迪斯尼等制片厂终于在4K光盘上发行了许多电影。 由于流之类的其他方法可能会降低4K内容的图像质量,因此,这可能是目前在电视上获取最精美图像的最佳选择。
Cable and Other Traditional TV Services: If you want to watch television shows filmed in 4K, you’ll need new hardware from your cable provider. DirecTV offers a 4K set-top box and DISH has their own. Comcast is dragging their feet, but they have a 4K “sampler” app for certain Samsung and LG TVs that you can watch a small amount of content on. So, as long as you have the box and a compatible TV, you’ll be able to watch some shows.
电缆和其他传统电视服务 :如果要观看以4K拍摄的电视节目,则需要电缆提供商提供的新硬件。 DirecTV提供4K机顶盒,而DISH 拥有自己的 机顶盒 。 Comcast正在拖延脚步,但他们为某些三星和LG电视提供了一个4K“采样器”应用程序 ,您可以在其中观看少量内容。 因此,只要您有包装盒和兼容的电视,您就可以观看一些节目。
Netflix, Amazon, and Other Streaming Services: Most new shows that Netflix and Amazon have released over the last year or so are available in 4K (and usually HDR). Netflix charges an extra $2 per month for 4K content, while Amazon will simply stream it whenever it’s available. You’ll still see older content in regular old HD, but if there’s a new show out on of these services, there’s a good bet it’s going to look amazing on your new TV.
Netflix,亚马逊和其他流媒体服务 :Netflix和亚马逊在过去一年左右的时间内发布的大多数新节目均以4K(通常是HDR)提供。 Netflix 每月额外收取2美元的4K内容费用,而亚马逊会在可用时简单地对其进行流式传输。 您仍然可以在常规的旧高清电视上看到较旧的内容,但是如果这些服务有新的节目播出,那么可以肯定的是,它将在您的新电视上看起来很棒。
Video Game Consoles: Sony’s PlayStation 4 Pro already has a sizable library of games that support 4K and (sometimes) HDR. Microsoft’s Xbox One X can also render games in 4K, and a number of developers have signed on to patch their games to support all that new power. In addition, the Xbox One X (and One S) are able to play Ultra HD Blu-ray discs. Frustratingly, the PS4 Pro does not contain an Ultra HD Blu-ray player, but both consoles can at least render games in crisp detail.
视频游戏机 :索尼的PlayStation 4 Pro已经拥有可支持4K和(有时)HDR 的大型游戏库 。 微软的Xbox One X也可以4K渲染游戏,许多开发者已经签约对其游戏进行修补,以支持所有这些新功能 。 此外,Xbox One X(和One S)还可以播放Ultra HD Blu-ray光盘。 无奈的是,在PS4 Pro 不包含超高清蓝光播放器,但两个控制台至少可以呈现清晰的细节游戏。
PC Gaming on Your TV: You can connect a PC to your TV, so if you have a powerful enough gaming rig, you could play PC games in 4K on your TV. This could end up costing hundreds of dollars and be far more expensive than buying a 4K console, but if you’re willing to shell out the cash, you can get some seriously great-looking games.
电视上的PC游戏 :您可以将PC连接到电视 ,因此,如果您有足够强大的游戏平台,则可以在电视上以4K播放PC游戏 。 这最终可能要花费数百美元,并且比购买4K控制台要昂贵得多,但是如果您愿意掏腰包,您可以购买一些外观精美的游戏 。
Home Movies: Most new smartphones can shoot 4K video, which is pretty crazy when you think about it. Of course, unless you’re Christopher Nolan, you’re probably not going to make your own content that looks as good as a blockbuster movie or a AAA game, but you can get some incredibly detailed footage of your baby’s first steps to embarrass them with later.
家庭电影 :大多数新的智能手机都可以拍摄4K视频,考虑到这一点,这是相当疯狂的。 当然,除非您是克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan),否则您可能不会制作出像大片或AAA游戏一样出色的内容,但是您可以得到一些令人难以置信的婴儿第一步的详细镜头,使他们感到尴尬与以后。
It’s taken a few years, but 4K content is finally starting to arrive in a big way. If there’s a new movie or video game coming out, there’s a good chance that it’s available in 4K in some form or another. There are plenty of examples of awesome-looking content beyond nature documentaries (which are always the first to get the fun new cameras, naturally). Not everything is released in 4K just yet, and some of the hardware you need is still a little expensive, but the market for Ultra HD content is more vibrant than ever.
花费了几年时间,但是4K内容终于开始以很大的方式出现。 如果有新的电影或视频游戏问世,则很有可能以某种形式在4K中可用。 除了自然纪录片外,还有很多令人惊叹的内容示例(自然而然,它们总是率先获得有趣的新相机)。 并不是所有的内容都以4K发行,并且您所需的某些硬件仍然有点贵,但是Ultra HD内容市场比以往任何时候都更加活跃。
事情看起来不错,但可以等待 (Things Look Good, But It’s Okay to Wait)
At this point, if you want to buy a 4K TV, you’re probably getting in at a good time. Most 4K TVs are going to support at least the basic HDR10 standard, which will give you a much better picture than you’re used to. Many models are coming down in price, too. You won’t necessarily need to spend a fortune to get the best TV you want.
在这一点上,如果您想购买4K电视,那么您可能会进入一个好时机。 大多数4K电视将至少支持基本HDR10标准,这将为您提供比以往更好的图像。 许多型号的价格也在下降。 您不一定需要花费大笔金钱才能获得想要的最好的电视。
That being said, if you still have a regular old 1080p television, you’re not going to miss out by sticking with your existing set until it breaks down or you find a good deal. All those movies and games you could watch today will look just as good whenever you upgrade, and there will probably be a lot more of them. As much as a tricked out 4K HDR setup can look awesome (and I love mine), it’s not something that you just have to experience right now—especially if you’re the kind of person who will want to re-buy when the format war moves the goalposts again. Save up, do everything you can to make your current TV look great, and buy whenever you’re ready.
话虽这么说,如果您仍然有一台普通的老式1080p电视,那么您会坚持使用现有电视机,直到它坏掉或找到很多东西时,都不会错过。 升级后,您今天可以观看的所有电影和游戏看起来都一样好,而且可能还会有更多。 就算是骗人的4K HDR设置看起来也很棒(我爱我的),这不是您现在就必须体验的东西,特别是如果您是那种想要在购买格式时重新购买的人战争再次移动了球门柱。 存钱, 尽一切可能使当前的电视看起来很棒 ,并随时准备购买。
Image Credit: TRauMa at Wikimedia Commons, Karlis Dambrans on Flickr, Karlis Dambrans on Flickr, Alan Light on Flickr
图片来源: Wikimedia Commons 上的 TRauMa,Flickr 上的 Karlis Dambrans,Flickr 上的 Karlis Dambrans,Flickr上的 Alan Light
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/206662/should-you-get-an-ultra-hd-4k-tv/