use galaxy应用
Your Samsung Galaxy S20, S20+, or S20 Ultra automatically sorts the app drawer based on the order that the application is installed from the Google Play Store. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to customize the grid so that apps are sorted in alphabetical order.
Samsung Galaxy S20 , S20 +或S20 Ultra会根据从Google Play商店安装应用程序的顺序自动对应用程序抽屉进行排序。 幸运的是,自定义网格相对容易,因此应用程序可以按字母顺序排序。
Open the app drawer by navigating to the Galaxy S20’s home screen and then swiping up from the bottom of the handset’s display.
导航至Galaxy S20的主屏幕 ,然后从手机显示屏的底部向上滑动,以打开应用程序抽屉。
Next, tap on the three-dot Menu icon located in the top-right corner of the interface within the search bar.
From the small menu that appears, select the “Sort” button.
You can now select the “Alphabetical Order” option.
The pop-up menu will now disappear and your Galaxy S20’s app drawer will automatically resort itself to show all installed applications in alphabetical order. Any folders that you have created or that come preinstalled by Samsung will be moved to the front of the list.
现在,弹出菜单将消失,并且Galaxy S20的应用程序抽屉将自动重新使用,以按字母顺序显示所有已安装的应用程序。 您创建或三星预先安装的所有文件夹都将移至列表的最前面。
When you’re ready, you can further customize your smartphone by enabling the 120Hz display, turn on gesture navigation, and learn how to power off or restart your Galaxy S20.
准备就绪后,您可以通过启用120Hz显示屏 ,打开手势导航以及了解如何关闭或重新启动Galaxy S20来进一步自定义智能手机。
use galaxy应用