如图所示,Adobe Acrobat reader使用一段时间之后,打开一个pdf文档,鼠标指针在空白的地方很奇怪的变成了一个黑方块,非常影响阅读体验:
Adobe 官网给出的解决方案:
Mouse pointer changes into a black box
If your mouse cursor changes into a black box when moved over blank areas in a PDF document, use the solution below as a workaround.
The problem is intermittent in nature, and reported for the May 2016 release of Acrobat Reader DC and Acrobat.
Solution: Remove the icon cache file
Adobe is working to resolve the issue. Meanwhile, follow these steps as a workaround:
1. Open the local appdata folder:
2. Delete the following file in the local appdata folder:
For Acrobat Reader DC: IconCacheRdr.dat
For Acrobat DC: IconCacheAcro.dat
3. Relaunch Acrobat Reader DC or Acrobat DC.
该目录下有 IconCacheRdr.dat文件,删除即可(以及文件名中 带“IconCache的.dat文件”),然后重启Adobe Reader,鼠标指针变回正常状态: