Office 2013 allows you to add useful apps directly to Word, Excel, etc.. By apps, generally we mean research resources such as dictionaries for defining terms or accessing sites such as Wikipedia directly within Office programs to confirm facts.
Office 2013允许您将有用的应用程序直接添加到Word,Excel等。通过应用程序,通常我们指的是研究资源,例如用于定义术语的词典,或直接在Office程序中访问站点(如Wikipedia)以确认事实。
As an example, we will add WordCalc, which is a mathematical expression solver, to Word. To add an app to Word, click the Insert tab.
作为示例,我们将向数学中添加数学表达式求解器WordCalc。 要将应用程序添加到Word,请单击“插入”选项卡。

In the Apps section of the Insert tab, click the Apps for Office button and select See All from the drop-down menu.
在“插入”选项卡的“应用程序”部分中,单击“ Apps for Office”按钮,然后从下拉菜单中选择“查看全部”。

The Apps for Office dialog box displays. Click the Find more apps at the Office Store link at the bottom of the dialog box.
显示Apps for Office对话框。 单击对话框底部的“在Office Store中查找更多应用”链接。

Your default browser opens to the Office Store page, displaying available apps you can add to Office programs, some free, some not free. We clicked on the free program WordCalc.
您的默认浏览器将打开“ Office Store”页面,其中显示可以添加到Office程序的可用应用程序,其中一些是免费的,有些不是免费的。 我们点击了免费程序WordCalc。

On the WordCalc page, click the Add button to add it to Word.

You may have to log in to your Microsoft account, if you are not already logged in.

On the Confirm page, click Continue to add the app to Word.

A web page displays with instructions on what to do inside the Office program to access the app you just added to it. We will go through these steps below.
将显示一个网页,其中包含有关如何在Office程序中执行操作以访问刚刚添加到其中的应用程序的说明。 我们将在下面执行这些步骤。

Click the Apps for Office button in the Apps section on the Insert tab again to open the Apps for Office dialog box. Select the app you just added and click Insert.
再次单击“插入”选项卡上“应用程序”部分中“ Apps for Office”按钮,以打开“ Apps for Office”对话框。 选择刚添加的应用程序,然后单击插入。

A pane opens on the right side of the screen for the app. To use WordCalc, enter an expression in the edit box (or you can enter it in Word). For example, we chose to get the average of two numbers, 4 and 15.
该应用程序在屏幕的右侧打开一个窗格。 若要使用WordCalc,请在编辑框中输入一个表达式(或者您可以在Word中输入它)。 例如,我们选择获取两个数字的平均值,即4和15。

Press Enter to see the result displayed in the box below the edit box.

To close the app, click the X button to the right of the app title.

You can easily go back to the Office Store and add more apps to Word and other programs in the Microsoft Office 2013 suite. Remember, to use the app, you must insert it from the Apps for Office dialog box.
您可以轻松返回Office商店,并将更多应用程序添加到Word和Microsoft Office 2013套件中的其他程序。 请记住,要使用该应用程序,必须从Apps for Office对话框中将其插入。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/171456/how-to-add-useful-apps-directly-to-word-2013/