华为中心AP 配置入侵防御实验

时间:2024-03-20 07:31:30
  • 配置WLAN基本业务,具体配置步骤请参照配置敏捷分布式WLAN组网示例
  • 使能安全引擎。

    <span style="background-color:#dddddd">[AP] <strong>defence engine enable</strong>
  • 创建入侵防御模板“profile_ips_pc”,保护内网用户。

    <span style="background-color:#dddddd">[AP] <strong>profile type ips name profile_ips_pc</strong>
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc] <strong>description profile for intranet users</strong>
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc] <strong>collect-attack-evidence enable</strong>
    Warning: Succeeded in configuring attack evidence collection for the IPS functio
    n. The function is used for fault locating. This function may deteriorate system
     performance. Exercise caution before using the function.                       
    Attack evidences can be collected only when a log storage device with sufficient
     storage space is available.                                                    
    After all required attack evidences are collected, disable the function.        
    Our company alone is unable to transfer or process the communication contents or
     personal data.  You are advised to enable the related functions based on the ap
    plicable laws and regulations in terms of purpose and scope of usage. When the c
    ommunication contents or personal data are being transferred or processed,  you 
    are obliged to take considerable measures to ensure that these contents are full
    y protected. Continue? [Y/N]: <strong>y</strong> 
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc] <strong>signature-set name filter1</strong>
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc-sigset-filter1] <strong>target client</strong>
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc-sigset-filter1] <strong>severity high</strong>
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc-sigset-filter1] <strong>protocol HTTP</strong>
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc-sigset-filter1] <strong>quit</strong>
    [AP-profile-ips-profile_ips_pc] <strong>quit</strong>
  • 提交配置。

    <span style="background-color:#dddddd">[AP] <strong>engine configuration commit</strong>
  • 创建攻击防御模板“defence_1”,引用入侵防御模板“profile_ips_pc”。

    <span style="background-color:#dddddd">[AP] <strong>defence-profile name defence_1</strong>
    [AP-defence-profile-defence_1] <strong>profile type ips profile_ips_pc</strong>
    [AP-defence-profile-defence_1] <strong>quit</strong>
  • 在VAP模板上引用攻击防御模板“defence_1”。

    <span style="background-color:#dddddd">[AP] <strong>wlan</strong>
    [AP-wlan-view] <strong>vap-profile name wlan-vap</strong>
    [AP-wlan-vap-prof-wlan-vap] <strong>defence-profile defence_1</strong>
    [AP-wlan-vap-prof-wlan-vap] <strong>quit</strong>
  • 验证配置结果。

    在中心AP上执行命令display profile type ips name profile_ips_pc,查看入侵防御配置文件的配置信息。

    <span style="background-color:#dddddd">[AP-wlan-view] <strong>display profile type ips name profile_ips_pc</strong>
       IPS Profile Configurations:                                                    
     Name                              : profile_ips_pc                             
     Description                       : profile for intranet users                 
     Referenced                        : 1                                          
     State                             : committed                                  
     AttackEvidenceCollection          : enable                                     
     SignatureSet                      : filter1                                    
       Target                          : client                                     
       Severity                        : high                                       
       OS                              : N/A                                        
       Protocol                        : HTTP                                       
       Category                        : N/A                                        
       Action                          : default                                    
       Application                     : N/A                                        
     ID       Action                                        Name                    
     DNS Protocol Check:                                                            
     HTTP Protocol Check:                                                  
     ----------------------------------------------------------------------    </span>