大年三十的时候,mongodb的CTO兼联合创始人Eliot Horowitz就发文给大家介绍了mongodb4.0的事务特性,让我们一起看一下吧!
MongoDB 4.0 will add support for multi-documenttransactions, making it the only database to combine the speed, flexibility,and power of the document model with ACID data integrity guarantees. Throughsnapshot isolation, transactions provide a globally consistent view of data,and enforce all-or-nothing execution to maintain data integrity.
Transactions in MongoDB will feel just liketransactions developers are familiar with from relational databases. They willbe multi-statement, with similar syntax (e.g. start_transaction andcommit_transaction), making them familiar to anyone with prior transactionexperience. The changes to MongoDB that enable multi-document transactions willnot impact performance for workloads that do not require them. In MongoDB 4.0,which will be released this summer*, transactions will work across a singlereplica set, and MongoDB 4.2* will support transactions across a shardeddeployment.
Because documents can bring together relateddata that would otherwise be modeled across separate parent-child tables in arelational schema, MongoDB’s atomic single-document operations already providetransaction semantics that meet the data integrity needs of the majority ofapplications. But multi-document transactions will make it easier than ever fordevelopers to address a complete range of use-cases, while for many, simplyknowing that they are available will provide critical peace of mind. WithMongoDB 4.0, you’ll be able to rely on transactional integrity, regardless ofhow you model your data.
The imminent arrival of transactions is theculmination of a multi-year engineering effort, beginning over 3 years ago withthe integration of the WiredTiger storage engine. We’ve laid the groundwork inalmost every part of the server – from the storage layer itself, to thereplication consensus protocol, to the sharding architecture. We’ve built outfine-grained consistency and durability guarantees, introduced a global logicalclock, refactored cluster metadata management, and more. We’ve also exposed allof these enhancements through APIs that are fully consumable by our drivers.We’re now about 85% of the way through the backlog of features that enabletransactions, as this diagram summarizes: