If you like to have your entire computing experience within your Firefox window, you might be interested in accessing your POP email accounts directly in Firefox. The Simple Mail extension gives you this functionality, and true to the name it’s very simple.
如果您希望在Firefox窗口中拥有完整的计算体验,则可能有兴趣直接在Firefox中访问POP电子邮件帐户。 Simple Mail扩展为您提供了此功能,其名称很简单,很真实。
After installation, you should notice the little mail icon in the status bar, which will highlight and display an unread count if there are new messages, but first you’ll want to right-click it and open the preferences to add your new account.

Here you can add a new account or import from Thunderbird (a feature I did not test)

Left-clicking on the mail icon will open the mail client interface, nothing more than a two-paned display of the messages sitting on your server. You can choose to delete the individual message through the right-click menu.
左键单击邮件图标将打开邮件客户端界面,无非就是两屏显示位于服务器上的邮件。 您可以选择通过右键菜单删除单个消息。

The new or reply options bring up the new email dialog, which is also really simple.

I would personally only use this as a pop mail notifier, as the client interface is just far too simple for any serious usage. There are much better options that you could use:
我个人仅将其用作弹出式邮件通知程序,因为对于任何严重的使用而言,客户端界面都太简单了。 您可以使用更好的选择:
- Forward your POP email directly to Gmail and access it from there. 将您的POP电子邮件直接转发到Gmail并从那里访问它。
- Sign up for Google Apps for your Domain and use Gmail with your own email domain. 为您的域注册Google Apps,然后将Gmail与您自己的电子邮件域一起使用。
- Use Gmail’s Settings\Accounts tab to add in a POP email account that gmail will check for you. 使用Gmail的“设置\帐户”标签添加gmail会为您检查的POP电子邮件帐户。
You can use any of those options in conjunction with the excellent Gmail Manager extension for Firefox.
您可以将这些选项中的任何一个与出色的Firefox Gmail管理器扩展结合使用。
Download Simple Mail Extension from Mozilla Add-ons
从Mozilla附加组件下载Simple Mail Extension