![如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏 如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9waWFuc2hlbi5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzQzMC9kY2JjOTY1ZWMwODQ2ZGI4OWM3MGI1NzBkNzcxNmFmNi5wbmc%3D.png?w=700)
Safari on the Mac features a minimal interface. Although you don’t have a lot of room for customization or theming, you can change the toolbar buttons to suit your productivity style. Here’s how to make the Safari toolbar look and work the way you want it to.
Mac上的Safari具有最小的界面。 尽管您没有太多的自定义或主题空间,但是可以更改工具栏按钮以适合您的工作效率样式。 这是使Safari工具栏外观和工作方式如您所愿的方法。
为什么要自定义Safari工具栏? (Why Should You Customize the Safari Toolbar?)
By default, the Safari toolbar shows all your enabled extension icons along with the URL bar and navigation buttons.
![如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏 如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbWctYmxvZy5jc2RuaW1nLmNuL2ltZ19jb252ZXJ0L2MyMzAwNGJkODRhNjEwYjRlOTNjZTk5ZTMzZGJiZjA1LnBuZw%3D%3D.png?w=700)
If you have a lot of extensions, you might want to hide some from the toolbar. You might also want to disable the Sidebar button or the Share button if you’re going for a cleaner look.
如果您有很多扩展名,则可能要在工具栏中隐藏一些扩展名。 如果您要使外观更整洁,则可能还需要禁用侧边栏按钮或“共享”按钮。
When you go to customize the Safari toolbar, you’ll find a new set of buttons that you can add to the toolbar. Shortcuts such as iCloud Tabs, Top Sites, Home, History, Bookmarks, Zoom, Mail, Print, Web Inspector, and so on.
当您自定义Safari工具栏时,您会发现可以添加到工具栏的一组新按钮。 快捷方式,例如iCloud标签,热门站点,主页,历史记录,书签,缩放,邮件,打印,Web检查器等。
For a pro user who doesn’t like using keyboard shortcuts, fast access to features like Bookmarks and History can be incredibly useful. If you’re a web developer, the same goes for the Web Inspector tool.
对于不喜欢使用键盘快捷键的专业用户来说,快速访问“书签”和“历史记录”等功能可能会非常有用。 如果您是Web开发人员,则Web Inspector工具也是如此。
如何自定义Safari工具栏 (How to Customize the Safari Toolbar)
Now that we’ve answered the why, let’s get to the how. You can customize the Safari toolbar to your liking by first clicking “View” from the menu bar and then selecting “Customize Toolbar.”
现在我们已经回答了为什么,让我们开始。 您可以根据自己的喜好自定义Safari工具栏,方法是先在菜单栏中单击“查看”,然后选择“自定义工具栏”。
![如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏 如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9waWFuc2hlbi5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzc4NC9hNTczYTUzNjY3YTA3OWQ1NGE3NGVhODZjNWZhNTc4OC5wbmc%3D.png?w=700)
This will open a drop-down menu with a visual customization tool for the toolbar. You’ll notice that all the icons in the toolbar start to jiggle, signaling that you can now move them around if you like. If you’ve tried reorganizing your iPhone or iPad home screen, you’ll be familiar with this interface.
这将打开一个下拉菜单,其中包含工具栏的可视化自定义工具。 您会注意到工具栏上的所有图标开始抖动,表明您现在可以随意移动它们。 如果您尝试重新组织iPhone或iPad主屏幕 ,则将熟悉此界面。
![如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏 如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9waWFuc2hlbi5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzMzL2RhMjI2YjIxMjBiNTNiN2M0NmU0YzBlZDJiZTkyYTkxLnBuZw%3D%3D.png?w=700)
In the top part of the customization menu, you’ll see a list of all available buttons. This is where you’ll find new buttons like History or Bookmarks. If you want to add one of these buttons to the toolbar, click on the button, and drag it to the toolbar.
在自定义菜单的顶部,您将看到所有可用按钮的列表。 在这里,您可以找到新按钮,例如“历史记录”或“书签”。 如果要将这些按钮之一添加到工具栏,请单击该按钮,然后将其拖动到工具栏。
![如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏 如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9waWFuc2hlbi5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzY2Mi9kMjE0MWQ5YTJjNjZmNzRiMzg5MjczYzI1OTE4ZWFjNi5wbmc%3D.png?w=700)
If you want to remove a button, click and drag the icon out of the toolbar area.
![如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏 如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9waWFuc2hlbi5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzc5Ni9kMjRmZWZlMzBkNTk3MWQ3NGMwMGVhYTczOTNkYzU1NC5wbmc%3D.png?w=700)
You can also customize the look of your Safari toolbar by adding some empty space. Click on the “Flexible space” button—located in the last row—and drag it into the toolbar.
您还可以通过添加一些空白来自定义Safari工具栏的外观。 单击位于最后一行的“灵活空间”按钮,然后将其拖动到工具栏中。
![如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏 如何在Mac上自定义Safari工具栏](https://image.shishitao.com:8440/aHR0cHM6Ly9waWFuc2hlbi5jb20vaW1hZ2VzLzM4MS8yNzE0ZGIyOGNiNzdlNTlhYTkwNDA0ZjBjZjc0MDY3NS5wbmc%3D.png?w=700)
To remove flexible space, click and drag it out of the toolbar.
Now that you understand how every element works, feel free to play around to get the Safari toolbar to look and feel just the way you like it.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/437051/how-to-customize-the-safari-toolbar-on-your-mac/