
Chromebooks can now download and install Android apps from Google Play, and it works pretty well. But not every Android app is available in Google Play. Some apps are available from outside Google Play as APK files, and you can install them on your Chromebook with a bit of extra work.
Chromebook现在可以从Google Play下载并安装Android应用,并且效果很好。 但并非所有Android应用程序都可以在Google Play中使用。 某些应用程序可以从Google Play外部以APK文件的形式获得,您可以进行一些额外的工作即可将它们安装在Chromebook上。
This will only work if your Chromebook has Google Play and Android app support. At the time of this writing, that means you need an ASUS Chromebook Flip on the dev channel, with Android apps enabled.
仅当您的Chromebook具有Google Play和Android应用支持时,此功能才有效。 在撰写本文时,这意味着您需要在dev通道上启用ASUS Chromebook Flip并启用Android应用。
第一步:将Chromebook置于开发人员模式 (Step One: Put Your Chromebook Into Developer Mode)
If you’re used to Android, you know that you need to enable the “Unknown Sources” option to install apps that aren’t available in Google Play. However, this option is hidden and not normally available on Chrome OS.
如果您习惯使用Android,则需要启用“未知来源”选项来安装Google Play中不可用的应用。 但是,此选项是隐藏的,通常在Chrome操作系统上不可用。
To access this option, you’ll need to put your Chromebook into developer mode (which is different than being on Chrome’s dev channel–you need to do both to sideload Android APKs). This is the same switch you need to flip if you wanted to install a more traditional Linux desktop–like Ubuntu–alongside Chrome OS. Follow our guide to putting your Chromebook into developer mode to disable OS verification.
要访问此选项,您需要将Chromebook置于开发人员模式(与在Chrome的开发人员频道上不同–您必须同时进行这两项工作才能加载Android APK)。 如果要安装更传统Linux桌面(如Ubuntu)以及Chrome OS,则需要翻转此开关。 请按照我们的指南将您的Chromebook置于开发人员模式以禁用操作系统验证。
Note that this will wipe your Chromebook’s storage, so you’ll have to set it up from scratch afterwards. However, practically everything on Chrome OS is synced online anyway, so that shouldn’t take too long.
请注意,这将清除您的Chromebook的存储空间,因此您之后必须重新设置它。 但是,实际上,无论如何,Chrome OS上的所有内容都是在线同步的,因此不必花太长时间。
Developer mode also means you’ll see a scary warning screen every time you boot, and you’ll have to press Ctrl+D to skip it. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any getting around this limitation. Perhaps Google will lift this limit in the future and allow sideloading APKs without disabling the OS verification feature.
开发人员模式还意味着您每次启动时都会看到一个可怕的警告屏幕,并且必须按Ctrl + D跳过它。 不幸的是,似乎没有任何限制可以解决。 也许Google将来会取消此限制,并允许在不禁用OS验证功能的情况下侧载APK。

第二步:启用未知源 (Step Two: Enable Unknown Sources)
You’ll now need to enable apps from “Unknown Sources” on the Android settings screen on your Chromebook. To access it, open the Chrome OS settings screen and click the “App Settings” link under Android Apps.
现在,您需要在Chromebook的Android设置屏幕上启用来自“未知来源”的应用。 要访问它,请打开Chrome操作系统设置屏幕,然后点击Android Apps下的“应用设置”链接。

Android’s Settings screen will open in a window on your Chromebook. Click or tap the “Security” option.
Android的“设置”屏幕将在Chromebook的一个窗口中打开。 单击或点击“安全性”选项。

Enable the “Unknown Sources” option under Device Administration. You’ll see a warning telling you to be careful about what you download and install.
启用“设备管理”下的“未知来源”选项。 您会看到一条警告,告诉您对下载和安装的内容要小心。
If you don’t see the Unknown Sources option here, your Chromebook isn’t in developer mode. This option only appears here when your Chromebook is in developer mode, so try going through Step One again.
如果您在此处看不到“未知来源”选项,则表明您的Chromebook不在开发人员模式下。 仅当您的Chromebook处于开发人员模式时,此选项才会显示在此处,因此请尝试再次执行第一步。

第三步:安装APK文件 (Step Three: Install the APK File)
Now you can install an app from an APK file. First, download the APK file to your Chromebook and save it in your Downloads folder.
现在,您可以通过APK文件安装应用。 首先,将APK文件下载到Chromebook并将其保存在“下载”文件夹中。
You might expect that you can simply double-click or load an APK file from Chrome’s Files application, but that doesn’t work. You’ll just see an error messaging saying “This file type is not supported.”
您可能希望可以仅从Chrome的“文件”应用程序中双击或加载APK文件,但这是行不通的。 您只会看到一条错误消息,提示“不支持此文件类型。”

You’ll need an Android file management app to install APKs. Launch Google Play and install a file management app. We like Solid Explorer, but there are many other options. (For some reason, Android’s built-in file manager app won’t let you open and install APK files.)
您需要一个Android文件管理应用来安装APK。 启动Google Play并安装文件管理应用。 我们喜欢Solid Explorer ,但还有许多其他选择。 (由于某些原因, Android的内置文件管理器应用程序不允许您打开和安装APK文件。)
Launch the file manager app you downloaded, enter your “Download” folder, and open the APK file. Select the “Package Installer” app and you’ll be prompted to install the APK, just as you would on a Chromebook.
启动下载的文件管理器应用程序,进入“下载”文件夹,然后打开APK文件。 选择“ Package Installer”应用,系统会提示您安装APK,就像在Chromebook上一样。

Apps you install from APK files will work just like an Android app you download from Google Play, gaining their own windows, launcher shortcuts, and taskbar icons.
您通过APK文件安装的应用程序将像您从Google Play下载的Android应用程序一样工作,它们具有自己的窗口,启动器快捷方式和任务栏图标。

As on an actual Android smartphone or tablet, you should be careful which apps you sideload in APK form. There are malicious apps out there, and sideloading a pirated app or game is a common way to get Android malware. Only download and install apps from sources you trust.
与在实际的Android智能手机或平板电脑上一样,您应注意以APK形式分载哪些应用。 那里有恶意应用程序,并且将盗版应用程序或游戏侧面加载是获取Android恶意软件的常见方法。 仅从您信任的来源下载和安装应用。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/260075/how-to-sideload-an-android-app-from-an-apk-on-a-chromebook/