
时间:2021-09-24 19:34:44


1 - Let's say I have about 500 folders of variable size with a total size of 100 GB.

1 - 假设我有大约500个可变大小的文件夹,总大小为100 GB。

2 - I want to distribute these folders automatically in other folders until the size of 700 MB is reached with the best optimization of space.

2 - 我想在其他文件夹中自动分发这些文件夹,直到达到700 MB的大小并获得最佳的空间优化。

Example: In folder "CD--01" I want to have the maximum number of folders possible without passing the limit of 700 MB, and so on in "CD--02", "CD--03"...

示例:在“CD-01”文件夹中,我希望在不通过700 MB限制的情况下获得最大文件夹数,依此类推“CD-02”,“CD-03”......

Is there a tool that allows me to do this "on the fly" or will I have to code one myself?



4 个解决方案


This is a very naive and poorly coded solution, but it works. My bash-fu is not strong, but a shell script seems like the best way to approach this problem.


for i in *
    if [ `du -b -s "$i" | cut -f 1` -gt 700000000 ]
        echo "$i is too big for a single folder, skipping"
    if [ ! -d "CD_$dirnum" ]
        echo "creating directory CD_$dirnum"
        mkdir "CD_$dirnum"
    echo "moving $i to CD_$dirnum"
    mv "$i" "CD_$dirnum"
    if [ `du -b -s "CD_$dirnum" | cut -f 1` -gt 700000000 ]
        echo "CD_$dirnum is too big now"
        mv "CD_$dirnum/$i" .
        let "dirnum += 1"
        if [ ! -d "CD_$dirnum" ]
            echo "creating directory CD_$dirnum"
            mkdir "CD_$dirnum"
        echo "moving $i to CD_$dirnum"
        mv "$i" "CD_$dirnum"


Ultimately you're asking for a solution to the Knapsack Problem, which comes in many forms.


A simple approach would be per the following pseudocode, but this will not produce optimal solutions for all inputs (see the articles above).


while (there are unallocated files) {
    create a new, empty directory
    set remaining space to 700,000,000
    while (the size of the smallest unallocated is at most (<=) the remaining space) {
        copy into the current the largest unallocated file with size at most the remaining space
        subtract that file's size from the remaining space
        remove that file from the set of unallocated files
    burn the current directory

(Of course, this assumes that no single file will be greater than 700MB in size. If that's possible, be sure to remove any such files from the unallocated list, else the above will produce infinitely many empty directories! ;-)



If you're on UNIX (inc Mac OSX) you can script something like

如果您使用的是UNIX(包括Mac OSX),则可以编写类似的脚本

tar cvzf allfolders.tgz ./allfolders
split allfolders.tgz -b 700m

This will create a (compressed) archive of all the folders and then split it into 700M sized chunks. However you'll need to recombine all the pieces then extract again using tar, when you want to reconstitute the original folder set.


If you want to keep them as individual OS folders on the CD, that's fairly difficult (in fact I think it's a kind of knapsack problem, which is NP-hard).



There are tools that will do this - similar to frankodwyer's answer, WinZip will take your 100GB, zip it up and split it into any size 'chunks' you'd like - i.e. ~700MB

有一些工具可以做到这一点 - 类似于frankodwyer的回答,WinZip将把你的100GB,拉链并将其分成你想要的任何大小的“块” - 即〜700MB

Here's the page the WinZip split feature



This is a very naive and poorly coded solution, but it works. My bash-fu is not strong, but a shell script seems like the best way to approach this problem.


for i in *
    if [ `du -b -s "$i" | cut -f 1` -gt 700000000 ]
        echo "$i is too big for a single folder, skipping"
    if [ ! -d "CD_$dirnum" ]
        echo "creating directory CD_$dirnum"
        mkdir "CD_$dirnum"
    echo "moving $i to CD_$dirnum"
    mv "$i" "CD_$dirnum"
    if [ `du -b -s "CD_$dirnum" | cut -f 1` -gt 700000000 ]
        echo "CD_$dirnum is too big now"
        mv "CD_$dirnum/$i" .
        let "dirnum += 1"
        if [ ! -d "CD_$dirnum" ]
            echo "creating directory CD_$dirnum"
            mkdir "CD_$dirnum"
        echo "moving $i to CD_$dirnum"
        mv "$i" "CD_$dirnum"


Ultimately you're asking for a solution to the Knapsack Problem, which comes in many forms.


A simple approach would be per the following pseudocode, but this will not produce optimal solutions for all inputs (see the articles above).


while (there are unallocated files) {
    create a new, empty directory
    set remaining space to 700,000,000
    while (the size of the smallest unallocated is at most (<=) the remaining space) {
        copy into the current the largest unallocated file with size at most the remaining space
        subtract that file's size from the remaining space
        remove that file from the set of unallocated files
    burn the current directory

(Of course, this assumes that no single file will be greater than 700MB in size. If that's possible, be sure to remove any such files from the unallocated list, else the above will produce infinitely many empty directories! ;-)



If you're on UNIX (inc Mac OSX) you can script something like

如果您使用的是UNIX(包括Mac OSX),则可以编写类似的脚本

tar cvzf allfolders.tgz ./allfolders
split allfolders.tgz -b 700m

This will create a (compressed) archive of all the folders and then split it into 700M sized chunks. However you'll need to recombine all the pieces then extract again using tar, when you want to reconstitute the original folder set.


If you want to keep them as individual OS folders on the CD, that's fairly difficult (in fact I think it's a kind of knapsack problem, which is NP-hard).



There are tools that will do this - similar to frankodwyer's answer, WinZip will take your 100GB, zip it up and split it into any size 'chunks' you'd like - i.e. ~700MB

有一些工具可以做到这一点 - 类似于frankodwyer的回答,WinZip将把你的100GB,拉链并将其分成你想要的任何大小的“块” - 即〜700MB

Here's the page the WinZip split feature
