
时间:2021-08-31 00:34:45

I have an issue regarding the dtype of the returned numpy array of a vectorized function. My function returns a number, eventually a fraction. Strangely the position of the fraction seems to influence the returned dtype. I want the type always to be object if the function returns a fraction.


import numpy as np
from fractions import Fraction

foo = lambda x: Fraction(1, 3) if x < 0.5 else 1
foo_vectorized = np.vectorize(foo)

foo_vectorized([1, 0.3]) # returns array([1, 0])
foo_vectorized([0.3, 1]) # returns array([Fraction(1, 3), 1], dtype=object)

Is this a bug or is it expected to work like this? I use numpy 1.9.2 on Enthought Canopy Python 2.7.6.

这是一个错误还是预计会像这样工作?我在Enthought Canopy Python 2.7.6上使用了numpy 1.9.2。

Thanks for any explanation!


2 个解决方案


That is exactly as the documentation states:


"The output type is determined by evaluating the first element of the input, unless it is specified."


You can specify the desired output type via the otypes arg, e.g.:

您可以通过otypes arg指定所需的输出类型,例如:

 np.vectorize(foo, otypes=[np.object])


This forces the return value to be an object:


foo_vectorized = np.vectorize(foo, otypes=[object])


That is exactly as the documentation states:


"The output type is determined by evaluating the first element of the input, unless it is specified."


You can specify the desired output type via the otypes arg, e.g.:

您可以通过otypes arg指定所需的输出类型,例如:

 np.vectorize(foo, otypes=[np.object])


This forces the return value to be an object:


foo_vectorized = np.vectorize(foo, otypes=[object])