
时间:2021-08-31 00:34:33

I am currently trying to powershell script that will allow users to input a list of servers that will be added a collection and then parsed into XML. I've never tried to loop in Powershell, the ISE doesn't have an immediate window, so I can't see if my array is actually being built. Can anyone validate that this code will work?


$Reponse = 'Y'
$ServerName = $Null
$ServerList = $Null
$WriteOutList = $Null

    $ServerName = Read-Host 'Please type a server name you like to minitor. Please use the server FQDN'
    $Response = Read-Host 'Would you like to add additional servers to this list? (y/n)'
    $Serverlist = @($ServerName += $ServerName)
Until ($Response -eq 'n')

1 个解决方案


Regarding the array is not storing string values is because the syntax is incorrect. To add new strings in an array use the += operator after the string you want to insert.

关于数组不存储字符串值是因为语法不正确。要在数组中添加新字符串,请在要插入的字符串后面使用+ =运算符。

  1. Declare the empty array with "$Serverlist = @()" (declaring is not required when not running scripts in strict mode)
  2. 使用“$ Serverlist = @()”声明空数组(在严格模式下不运行脚本时不需要声明)

  3. Add new strings to the array using the "+=" operator
  4. 使用“+ =”运算符向数组添加新字符串

  5. Ouput the array using the "Write-Output" cmdlet
  6. 使用“Write-Output”cmdlet输出数组

As Is

$Reponse = 'Y'
$ServerName = $Null
$ServerList = $Null
$WriteOutList = $Null

    $ServerName = Read-Host 'Please type a server name you like to minitor. Please use the server FQDN'
    $Response = Read-Host 'Would you like to add additional servers to this list? (y/n)'
    $Serverlist = @($ServerName += $ServerName)
Until ($Response -eq 'n')

To Be

$Reponse = 'Y'
$ServerName = $Null
$Serverlist = @()
$WriteOutList = $Null

    $ServerName = Read-Host 'Please type a server name you like to minitor. Please use the server FQDN'
    $Response = Read-Host 'Would you like to add additional servers to this list? (y/n)'
    $Serverlist += $ServerName
Until ($Response -eq 'n')

Write-Output $Serverlist

Regarding your script, I cannot help wonder why you want to have user input? The whole point of Powershell is to automate as much as possible. I would recommend to use import-csv cmdlet and refere to a file which contains all your server names.

关于你的脚本,我不禁想知道为什么你想要用户输入? Powershell的重点是尽可能自动化。我建议使用import-csv cmdlet并引用包含所有服务器名称的文件。

Importing using Import-CSV


$ComputerNames = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\serverlist.csv' -Header 'Computer'
Write-Output $ComputerNames

Note: It will import using PSCustomObject and not an Array


CSV File Example



Note: Just type all the servers in notepad ending with a carriage return after the server name.


Finally check out this cheat sheet from PowershellMagazine. It contains useful commands, operators, arrays, ... This helped me also allot during the first days of powershell scripting.


Url: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/1/2/2122F0B9-0EE6-4E6D-BFD6-F9DCD27C07F9/WS12_QuickRef_Download_Files/PowerShell_LangRef_v3.pdf


Regarding the array is not storing string values is because the syntax is incorrect. To add new strings in an array use the += operator after the string you want to insert.

关于数组不存储字符串值是因为语法不正确。要在数组中添加新字符串,请在要插入的字符串后面使用+ =运算符。

  1. Declare the empty array with "$Serverlist = @()" (declaring is not required when not running scripts in strict mode)
  2. 使用“$ Serverlist = @()”声明空数组(在严格模式下不运行脚本时不需要声明)

  3. Add new strings to the array using the "+=" operator
  4. 使用“+ =”运算符向数组添加新字符串

  5. Ouput the array using the "Write-Output" cmdlet
  6. 使用“Write-Output”cmdlet输出数组

As Is

$Reponse = 'Y'
$ServerName = $Null
$ServerList = $Null
$WriteOutList = $Null

    $ServerName = Read-Host 'Please type a server name you like to minitor. Please use the server FQDN'
    $Response = Read-Host 'Would you like to add additional servers to this list? (y/n)'
    $Serverlist = @($ServerName += $ServerName)
Until ($Response -eq 'n')

To Be

$Reponse = 'Y'
$ServerName = $Null
$Serverlist = @()
$WriteOutList = $Null

    $ServerName = Read-Host 'Please type a server name you like to minitor. Please use the server FQDN'
    $Response = Read-Host 'Would you like to add additional servers to this list? (y/n)'
    $Serverlist += $ServerName
Until ($Response -eq 'n')

Write-Output $Serverlist

Regarding your script, I cannot help wonder why you want to have user input? The whole point of Powershell is to automate as much as possible. I would recommend to use import-csv cmdlet and refere to a file which contains all your server names.

关于你的脚本,我不禁想知道为什么你想要用户输入? Powershell的重点是尽可能自动化。我建议使用import-csv cmdlet并引用包含所有服务器名称的文件。

Importing using Import-CSV


$ComputerNames = Import-Csv -Path 'C:\serverlist.csv' -Header 'Computer'
Write-Output $ComputerNames

Note: It will import using PSCustomObject and not an Array


CSV File Example



Note: Just type all the servers in notepad ending with a carriage return after the server name.


Finally check out this cheat sheet from PowershellMagazine. It contains useful commands, operators, arrays, ... This helped me also allot during the first days of powershell scripting.


Url: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/1/2/2122F0B9-0EE6-4E6D-BFD6-F9DCD27C07F9/WS12_QuickRef_Download_Files/PowerShell_LangRef_v3.pdf